st0rmfr0nt Is Going Broke


Apr 30, 2012


st0rmfr0nt, the Internet’s Oldest White Supremacist Site, Says It’s Going Broke
The hate forum is making less than $2,000 a month, and insiders claim its main founder just retired. It’s the latest blow to white supremacists online.
04.10.18 5:03 AM ET

One of the internet’s oldest white supremacist websites is on the brink of financial ruin, its owners say. has been an internet hate hub since it launched in 1996. Its owner, former Ku Klux Klan leader Don Black, said last week that donations had plummeted and that the site was scaling back operations. But longtime st0rmfr0nt posters suggested Black’s wife had been paying the bills, and that she was finally checking out.

“Our contributions have once again totaled less than $2,000, which is not enough to cover our basic server and radio bills, and this month we no longer have enough personal money to make up the difference,” Black wrote last week in a post first spotted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The plunge in donations follows a decline in web traffic to the site. Though popular with an older generation of KKK members and white supremacists, st0rmfr0nt’s outdated design has fallen out of favor with younger neo-Nazis who tend toward sites like the right-wing Twitter clone Gab, and semi-private messaging platforms like Discord.

So far in 2018, st0rmfr0nt has fallen more than 5,000 places in the global ranking of most-viewed websites, according to web traffic tracker Alexa.

Black described a plan to shutter the site’s primary server and only allow paying members to access the forum.

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But some st0rmfr0nt users claimed the cutoff came after Black’s wife Chloe stopped paying the website’s bills.

“Don Black’s wife, Chloe, had been working full time past retirement age to help support this site,” one st0rmfr0nt user claimed, with others also claiming Chloe had kept the hate site’s lights on.

“All of the years that Don posted how much was needed to run this site and all the months that SF didn’t receive enough donations. That difference was made up from Chloe Black's income. She is now recently retired and deserves to spend her time with her grandbabies. This situation combined with litigation from when SF was shut down last August, Don has more bills and less revenue to run the site.”

Chloe Black, who could not be reached for comment on Monday, has a long history of involvement in the white supremacist movement. Chloe was previously married to former KKK leader David Duke, whom she met at a White Youth Alliance college gathering in the 1970s, and later divorced him to marry Black, another former KKK leader and neo-Nazi who was convicted in 1981 of attempting an armed overthrow of the predominantly black island nation of Dominica.

While Chloe has previously distanced herself from st0rmfr0nt in written statements, watchers of the site have long speculated that she might be partially bankrolling the project.

“But Don Black — who lives and operates st0rmfr0nt out of a house owned entirely by Chloe and valued at about half a million dollars — is apparently unemployed, although he claims to do some Internet consulting work,” the SPLC wrote in 2008, when it was revealed that Chloe had been doing public relations work, including for a school that focused on black and Latino children.

“The website is believed to be at least partly supported by the salary that [Chloe’s former employer] Florida Crystals pays Chloe Black.”

st0rmfr0nt also took a hit after a deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August. After a man affiliated with a white supremacist group killed a counterprotester with a car, activists pressured web services to stop doing business with racist sites like st0rmfr0nt. The site’s web registrar booted it offline in late August, although it re-emerged with a new registrar in October.

Black isn’t just paying st0rmfr0nt’s expenses. A search of web domains registered under his email address reveals he’s squatting on a number of web addresses, at unknown cost to him. Among those addresses is,, a few URLs with variations on “white nationalism,” and The Martin Luther King-related addresses used to host racist content, but now appear defunct after a Daily Beast report earlier this year. redirects to st0rmfr0nt’s dating page.

Black is also squatting on, the name of his son who famously disavowed his family’s racist views after President Donald Trump’s election, and now speaks against white supremacy. From 2010 until 2013, Derek and his father ran “The Derek Black Show,” a radio program Black paid $600 per week to broadcast on AM radio.

The radio program, alone, cost Black thousands of dollars each month, on top of the costs of running st0rmfr0nt. Five years later, according to Black’s plea for donations, the white supremacist site doesn’t even generate enough to fund the old radio show.

King of Creampies

Hop in. You coming too!
Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt
Well since Don Black's own son who he was trying to groom to take over st0rmfr0nt totally denounced the entire White Nationalist scene...

Take the Money and Run: How Don Black’s Son Escaped the White Supremacist Movement He was Born to Inherit

Very very they walk away from each other in this shyt eh?

You would think these WS would make sure that site never would run out of funds, members or attention but...:blessed:

So I am going to make sure I get that 5 dollar box before that Seattle traffic hits and a few of those Popeye's apple pies.:ohlawd:


Back on hiatus
Oct 19, 2017
Well since Don Black's own son who he was trying to groom to take over st0rmfr0nt totally denounced the entire White Nationalist scene...

Take the Money and Run: How Don Black’s Son Escaped the White Supremacist Movement He was Born to Inherit

Very very they walk away from each other in this shyt eh?

You would think these WS would make sure that site never would run out of funds, members or attention but...:blessed:

So I am going to make sure I get that 5 dollar box before that Seattle traffic hits and a few of those Popeye's apple pies.:ohlawd:

Where bruh?? :ohhh:
Oct 22, 2017
American Nazism is in full bloom, A neo-fascist is our President, and the Supreme Court just affirmed that it is OK for police to gun us down with impunity. The changes st0rmfr0nt sought to bring about in our country are now beginning to materialize. What use are they now when their views are slowly being embraced by the public? :francis: