Spite Wall built near Morgan State U. comes down after 80 years/ *gun violence will lead to building of wall around campus

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Morgan State U. demolishes historical ‘spite wall’ built to segregate campus from the city​

April 12, 2023

A wall built decades ago to separate Black students from the area’s white community was torn down on April 11, 2023 at Morgan State University. (Paul Newson/The Baltimore Banner)

To most Baltimore residents, the red brick wall that bordered the old Northwood Plaza shopping center and extended partway up Hillen Road was just that — a wall. An old, crumbling wall, covered in graffiti, that has deteriorated over the years and has become an eyesore in the northeast Baltimore community. But for Morgan State University, the wall was a painful reminder of the hate against Black people that’s all too familiar for historically Black colleges.
As of Tuesday morning, the wall — which became known as the “spite wall” — that was built on hate and oppression was reduced to rubble, symbolizing that Morgan is moving forward, as president David Wilson put it.

“Hate comes tumbling down,” Wilson said as he watched an excavator demolish the remnants of the wall. For Wilson, who has been university president for 13 years, the wall coming down is Morgan’s way of revisiting a not-so-glorious history.

A wall built decades ago to separate Black students from the area’s white community was torn down on April 11, 2023 at Morgan State University. (Paul Newson/The Baltimore Banner)

“Morgan is an institution that is not afraid to dig into the past and to unearth those things that are unpleasant and to make sure that they are never forgotten,” Wilson said.
More than 80 years ago, the spite wall was built by white residents to keep the Black students attending what was then Morgan State College out of the white neighborhood and shopping center directly across the street, Wilson said. It was one part of the resistance against Morgan, as Baltimore adopted racial covenants throughout the city.

According to Morgan State historian and alumnus Edwin Johnson, the institution has been in a number of locations, including 44 East Saratoga St. in downtown Baltimore, where it was a part of a thriving Black community in the late 1800s known as Gallows Hill. However, everything in the area was razed after being declared a “slum” by then-Mayor James Preston, with the exception of Mercy Hospital.

Afro-American archive photo of the building of the “spite wall” in 1942. (Morgan State University)

Morgan branched out to other locations before finally purchasing property in 1917 in Lauraville, which was part of Baltimore County at the time.
The new site for the college, at the corner of Hillen and Grindon (now Cold Spring Lane), came with some challenges.

“We spent six to nine months in court trying to fight off the surrounding neighborhood associations who were trying to get us evicted from the site because this was a white Christian community who didn’t want Blacks here,” Johnson said. “We were simply unwanted.”
In 1919, the college completed construction on Carnegie Hall, its first building at the Hillen Road location. Morgan College became a public, state school in 1939, at a time when Maryland would not allow Black students to go to white institutions.
As the years went on, Morgan continued to build and expand the campus, including into parts of the Northwood Plaza shopping center, where over 70 years ago Morgan State students held protests for integration of the complex during the Civil Rights Movement.

Morgan State University president, David Kwabena Wilson, talks to sophomore Chinomso Nnaka (left), and junior Tia Jackson (right), about the history of the “spite wall” being demolished behind him

Wilson’s hope is that students will understand the significance of that history.
“I think our students will know when they come on to these grounds, that they are walking onto hallowed grounds. These same grounds are the grounds students like them protested on,” Wilson said. “Our students will understand they come from a long line of students who said, ‘No, we are not going to become second class to anybody.’”
The spite wall coming down is part of that expansion and marks a turning point for the neighboring community and Morgan State, according to Bridgette Neal, president of the Hillen Road Improvement Association.
Neal said she considers Morgan a community partner and is happy to see the spite wall come down.
“We are definitely excited and finally glad to see this wall come down. It’s held us apart from each other for years, unnecessarily, so we are glad to see our homes be embraced by Morgan State,” Neal said.
Wilson said the university has made a pledge that a portion of the spite wall remain on Hillen Road. He said he has asked the School of Architecture and Planning to make sure that it is preserved and never forgotten.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Morgan State University plans to build a wall around campus after shooting during homecoming week

Oct 10, 2023

Morgan State University President David Wilson speaks at a news conference after a shooting on campus

BALTIMORE (AP) — In the wake of a shooting that left five people injured during homecoming festivities, Morgan State University leaders announced Tuesday they plan to build a wall around most of the northeast Baltimore campus and station security personnel at entrances and exits.
The wall would extend existing barriers by about 8,000 feet (2,400 meters) to encircle 90% of campus and effectively “eliminate unfettered access,” university President David Wilson said during a campus town hall.

“We’re doing this, let me be clear, not to keep out our neighbors and our community writ large; we are doing it to keep out the bad actors,” Wilson told an auditorium filled with students, faculty and staff of the historically Black university.

After the shooting the night of Oct. 3 following a coronation ceremony for this year’s Mister and Miss Morgan State, university leaders canceled classes and homecoming activities for the remainder of the week. They’re now grappling with how to keep students safe as gun violence becomes an ever-growing threat in American schools.
During Tuesday’s town hall, Wilson and others faced a litany of questions from students and staff demanding to know what more could have been done to prevent the shooting. Students were walking from an auditorium to the campus student center, where a coronation ball was scheduled to start, when the gunfire erupted.
The campus was placed on lockdown and students were told to shelter in place because police initially thought there was an active shooter threat. No arrests have been made, but Baltimore police have released surveillance images of persons of interest and asked the public for help identifying them. Police said they believe the violence stemmed from a dispute and involved two shooters.
They said the five victims, including four Morgan State students, likely were not intended targets. All the victims were released from local hospitals last week.
University officials said significant security upgrades were underway before the shooting, but they’re now moving forward with more urgency. In addition to the wall, other potential upgrades include installing more metal detectors in campus buildings, exploring weapons detection technology, increasing police patrols and building additional security guard booths. Wilson said the anticipated total cost is more than $22 million.


Mar 11, 2022
I don’t mean to laugh but these being back to back posts a few months apart is hilarious