Sperminator wilding in his new reality show homie spawned 52 kids and more counting...


May 13, 2012

lol @ him getting sued for child support LMAO and him fukking these girls lmao ...some of woman have pure self hatred

He is getting sued for child support by 5 of these ladies

December 5, 2019 | 9:05am | Updated

Starbucks bathrooms are the Sperminator's go-to location

Lesbian couples are thrilled to meet the Sperminator

Sperminator's salary halved by child support, summer camp and more

Chaos as two women divide one sample in a public restroom
When it comes to making babies, Ari Nagel — a k a “The Sperminator” — has the Midas touch.

The Post broke the now-44-year-old’s story on Father’s Day 2016. Back then, the Brooklynite had sired a mere 22 children. Today, he’s fathered 49 by sperm donation and three with his estranged wife: His oldest is 16 years old, the youngest is 3 months, and there are another 15 babies on the way in locations ranging from Great Neck, New York, to Ghana in West Africa.

“It started with one and at this point now it’s me not being very good at saying no,” Nagel says in The Post’s new six-part web series, “The Sperminator.”

The City University of New York math professor even gets flown around the world by wannabe moms — typically single women and lesbian couples.

“I had a woman from Fiji contact me this month. She wanted to fly me to Fiji,” he says in one of the episodes.

Nagel claims he has “super sperm” with a count of 85 million per milliliter. (The Mayo Clinic says normal sperm density ranges from 15 million to greater than 200 million sperm per milliliter.) But his main appeal is that he has never charged a woman for his donations, enabling them to avoid sperm bank costs, which can run into the thousands of dollars, as well as all the associated red tape.

In 2016, The Post reported: About half the time, he provides his seed the old-fashioned way. Sometimes, a lesbian looking to conceive will have her partner in the bed for moral support while she and Nagel engage in intercourse. “She’s never slept with a guy before, so the partner’s in bed, holding her hand,” Nagel said.

But now, he says, he rarely has sex with the women anymore.

Instead, he will meet them in public places, pleasure himself in a bathroom at, say, a Starbucks or Target, and hand off the sperm in a menstrual Softcup.

“This isn’t time-consuming, and I’m doing it anyway,” he told The Post in 2016. The ovulating woman then inserts the flexible cup into her vagina in a public women’s bathroom.

As Nagel says in an episode of “The Sperminator”: “Obviously, Wi-Fi helps so I can have my porn.”

And while some people might be weirded out by this unconventional conception, the moms say they don’t care.

“I firmly believe that none of us have a right to judge where someone conceives or [by] what means. It doesn’t matter to me,” mom Tiffany says in a “Sperminator” episode. She and her partner, Yvonne, spent close to $25,000 at sperm banks trying to conceive before she finally got pregnant by Nagel.

‘I have lawyers telling me to stop — that I’m putting myself at risk.’

Meanwhile, as Nagel says while pointing to a Softcup, “It allows her to get pregnant for less than a dollar.”

He’s met all but seven of the children he’s fathered and, in some cases, has become a regular at their birthday parties and school events. He’s even been in the delivery room for a handful of births.

And, as the show reveals, some of the women have become a support system for each other.

On “The Sperminator,” Leigh — mom to Elijah, Nagel’s 15th child — invites several fellow Nagel moms and spawn to her son’s fourth birthday party.

“I do consider all these women family,” she says.

Nagel, seen holding court with his moms and kids, reveals that “some of the women [present] are ovulating, so I’ll provide a sample and they can split it amongst themselves.”

Still, Nagel insists he will never say no to a woman desperate to have a child. He’s received requests from as far away as Turkey, Nigeria, South Africa, Thailand, Israel and China.

Once, the Sperminator was summoned to Vietnam. “This crippled woman’s story really hit home,” he said of a 30-something left in a wheelchair after a debilitating motorcycle accident.

“She said, ‘It’s all I ever wanted.’ You just have a vibe that she’d be an amazing mom,” he told The Post in 2017. The woman now has 2-year-old twins and has asked Nagel to be the godfather.

Giving women hope — and in many cases, a baby — has been his greatest joy.

“Creating a life and saving a life are my proudest moments. I donated my bone marrow twice and I never got to meet the recipients,” he previously told The Post. “[Fathering children] is a lot more fulfilling. It’s an honor to be chosen.”

He’s joked that he’d like to pass the baton one day to his now 16-year-old son, one of three he has with his estranged wife.

“He’ll take over,” Nagel jokingly told The Post, adding that the son will need his own nickname. “[He] can be the Ejaculator.”

And 2020 is going to be a busy year. In addition to the three babies due in the next two months, there are women pregnant by him in Kentucky, Pittsburgh, Mexico and Thailand.

As he says in his show: “Certainly, if I were doing something wrong it wouldn’t feel so right.”


High Value Poster
Jul 18, 2018
How many of those "black" women are immigrants?:sas2:



Jul 1, 2012
Dam he fukked his wife and kids with her over. Ain’t nobody getting shyt for inheritance. Unless the moms were smart of enough to obtain separate life insurance policies on his head.