Sony Q3 Financials Are Out - IGN
You Sony stans better hope ps4 is a raging success cause if not to the playstation brand.
Who the fukk cares?
Who the fukk cares?
You should, if your planning on buying a ps5. Hell even the ps4 could go the way of the dreamcast if Sony doesn't start making money soon.
Oh and this proves there is no way ps3 caught up to Xbox 360 systems sold.
how? you have to consider what sony has been going thru this past year. changing of the guard, vita hit a brick wall out the gate, massive financial losses, giving away hella games and free ps+ subs...all that its a wonder they managed to profit at all. when they post actual red id worry
keep it in perspective, a decrease in profit still means profit
just less of it. a lot less
Thats not RED?But the company is still not in profit: so far this financial year, the loss stands at 50.9bn yen ($650m). Last financial year the loss was just over 200bn yen at this point, so that shows significant recovery.
i know Sony is posting red as a whole. its known though the gaming division remains profitable.
whats not certain is if they actually lied about outselling xbox. the hard proof isnt there