Sometimes Life Is Difficult

Cole Cash

They took a hammer and sickle to my back
May 1, 2012
Baltimore Maryland
There are times where the neverending downturn takes its toll on you. Different things can tumble on you all at once. What once was isnt anymore. Its more than just a relationship ending or financial downturn. Sometimes you can feel like your family link isnt as strong as it once was. Your friends can no longer afford their feelings and time to tend to your issues. You can only look to yourself. It is difficult, but the change can happen. You can look to god, for some people they look to a hobby or other issues and factors.

One bad idea is to dwell on the past. Sometimes the past isnt even that long ago, maybe 2 years ago maybe 4. Those times have passed and newer times have come. In those new times feelings change, new things are upon us. All of us go through it, there is nothing that can be done. Sometimes the change of the seasons brings change in feelings as well.

Sometimes it might be the cloud of addiction, alchohol, drugs, it can cause a huge grey area. The drink that used to give you a good buzz and take the edge off becomes several drinks that bring you nothing but despair. That line of coke that used to get you partying all night brings you frustration and paranoia now. Those perscriptions you got from your doctor, one pill used to do the trick, but now even 4 or 6 do nothing.

All of these things you experience, finding out an ex has moved on, seeing your economic situation come apart, losing a job, its all relative to the issues we face. It can come in a storm, sometimes the rut lasts for a couple of years. Its all mental, sometimes we justify out frustrations, our saddness, but it can be overcome.

Maybe for me, realizing it can be overcome is the first step to getting to the good place I was. While I wont be specific, there are a couple things im mentioning that i am dealing with this very moment mentioned above (a couple not all). All of these things hurt the same, but were supposed to go through this and seperate ourselves from hardship. You notice those that never go through it, you can never really relate. So at this point all you can do is push foward and believe. Hope is sometimes all you have left. When the money is low, or sometimes in the negative, you hang onto your hope and your dreams and use every resource to try to pull it together and be where you need to be.

You can always come to a place like this, where to be honest, for every 4 posts shytting on you, there will be some that relate to you and give you the advice or even the pep talk you need.

I hope someone reads this and understands that there are others struggling, sometimes horribly but they still congregrate here to help ease the pain of whatever issues are dragging you down. Im glad you guys are here. (no homo)
Jun 2, 2012


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
Man, real talk I think of just ending it daily..

Life as a whole is pointless. You can live all you want and have the best experience but you still die at the end and lose any memory of it as we know it, so what was the point in it? Building a large legacy just to see it slowly being ripped from you is even worse.

Cole Cash

They took a hammer and sickle to my back
May 1, 2012
Baltimore Maryland
Man, real talk I think of just ending it daily..

Life as a whole is pointless. You can live all you want and have the best experience but you still die at the end and lose any memory of it as we know it, so what was the point in it? Building a large legacy just to see it slowly being ripped from you is even worse.

exactly. its one thing to downgrade have setbacks, but to see it all go piece by piece is the worst feeling in the world. However you can always bounce back. I think to my time in the service, i remember how other countries are, how other people lived and remember some people never have a chance. So i just say fukk it and push back harder.

That was kind of the point of this thread, that if you are on your last legs of hope, so are the rest of us, but you aint alone.