Something Men & Women Need to Understand About One Another --DEEP TALK INSIDE


May 10, 2015
Especially the younger men and women here.

Women are emotional creatures by nature. Men are logical creatures by nature.
Therefore we, as men, approach a situation, especially a relationship, logically. Will this woman benefit me? How do I benefit her? Does she compliment my goals? Do I compliment her goals? Is she wife material? Can I see myself with her long term? How is she around my parents? How is she with money? Is she responsible? Etc.

These are some, if not all the questions a man asks himself when considering a SERIOUS partnership.

Now for a woman its is different usually. She has these emotional thoughts. How does he feel about me? How do I make him feel? Do we connect sexually? Is he open to discussing deep feelings? How would his personality affect a marriage or kids? Money? Will the family be taken care of? How is his communication? Does he have a religion? Is he devoted?

Now a woman can also ask herself the same logical questions the man and vice versa but her decisions are made from an emotional standpoint. She handles a problem based on how she feels. He handles a problem based on the best option available.

Now what needs to be understood is that when you plan on marriage, the two parties must become one. That's what a marriage is, unity. Two forming one. Thats why a woman leaves her last name behind and takes on the last name of her husband. This symbolizes unity between the two to become one body, soul & spirit.

The woman has to undergo major transformations in a marriage but so does the man. The man now has to be able to understand a woman's emotional mentality. And the way to do that is to allow his own emotions to be tapped into. In order to understand the wife, the man must also be able to think emotionally. This is a transcendence of man because we are naturally unemotional creatures.

The same for the wife, she must no longer rely only upon her emotional thought processes. She must be able to combine the two - logic and emotion. Same for the man. When the man and woman are both deeply in touch with their emotional side and analytical side - it nurtures the spirit of love between the two parties and that spirit of love breeds such a deep connection of trust and understanding that no force in the earth can fracture its bond.

That's why you can see these marriages that have lasted for 50+ years despite all the trouble they've had. They understand that the unity and legacy of that unity ( be it children, wealth or power ) is far greater than any thing that will try to break up the relationship. Being able to emotionally and logically decipher a problem and overcome it is one of the greatest tools a husband and wife can wield.

The woman is a nurturer. If a marriage is nurtured correctly it will die. The man is a provider. If needs aren't being fulfilled, the marriage will die. These two - nurture & provision - work together. It's important for each party to know their role.

It's a team; a partnership. You bring something to the table and so does she. You two learn how to play off of one another and learn each others strengths and weaknesses. You learn how to be in their head and vice versa like physics.
Last edited:
Sep 7, 2015
Very interesting:jbhmm: but



Aug 29, 2013
Now for a woman its is different usually. She has these emotional thoughts. How does he feel about me? How do I make him feel? Do we connect sexually? Is he open to discussing deep feelings? How would his personality affect a marriage or kids? How is his communication? Does he have a religion? Is he devoted?

How you managed to avoid any mention of money or finances here is mind boggling.



All Star
Jun 5, 2012
Especially the younger men and women here.

Women are emotional creatures by nature. Men are logical creatures by nature.
Therefore we, as men, approach a situation, especially a relationship, logically. Will this woman benefit me? How do I benefit her? Does she compliment my goals? Do I compliment her goals? Is she wife material? Can I see myself with her long term? How is she around my parents? How is she with money? Is she responsible? Etc.

These are some, if not all the questions a man asks himself when considering a SERIOUS partnership.

Now for a woman its is different usually. She has these emotional thoughts. How does he feel about me? How do I make him feel? Do we connect sexually? Is he open to discussing deep feelings? How would his personality affect a marriage or kids? Money? Will the family be taken care of? How is his communication? Does he have a religion? Is he devoted?

Now a woman can also ask herself the same logical questions the man and vice versa but her decisions are made from an emotional standpoint. She handles a problem based on how she feels. He handles a problem based on the best option available.

Now what needs to be understood is that when you plan on marriage, the two parties must become one. That's what a marriage is, unity. Two forming one. Thats why a woman leaves her last name behind and takes on the last name of her husband. This symbolizes unity between the two to become one body, soul & spirit.

The woman has to undergo major transformations in a marriage but so does the man. The man now has to be able to understand a woman's emotional mentality. And the way to do that is to allow his own emotions to be tapped into. In order to understand the wife, the man must also be able to think emotionally. This is a transcendence of man because we are naturally unemotional creatures.

The same for the wife, she must no longer rely only upon her emotional thought processes. She must be able to combine the two - logic and emotion. Same for the man. When the man and woman are both deeply in touch with their emotional side and analytical side - it nurtures the spirit of love between the two parties and that spirit of love breeds such a deep connection of trust and understanding that no force in the earth can fracture its bond.

That's why you can see these marriages that have lasted for 50+ years despite all the trouble they've had. They understand that the unity and legacy of that unity ( be it children, wealth or power ) is far greater than any thing that will try to break up the relationship. Being able to emotionally and logically decipher a problem and overcome it is one of the greatest tools a husband and wife can wield.

The woman is a nurturer. If a marriage is nurtured correctly it will die. The man is a provider. If needs aren't being fulfilled, the marriage will die. These two - nurture & provision - work together. It's important for each party to know their role.

It's a team; a partnership. You bring something to the table and so does she. You two learn how to play off of one another and learn each others strengths and weaknesses. You learn how to be in their head and vice versa like physics.
You better shut up talking the truth people don't want the truth they just want pleasure


All Star
Mar 7, 2014
Now a woman can also ask herself the same logical questions the man and vice versa but her decisions are made from an emotional standpoint. She handles a problem based on how she feels. He handles a problem based on the best option available.

That's something that has put me off a guy. He came across like he'd done his calculations and saw me as his best option. He was good on paper but that's why he didn't make the cut for me.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
why do these preacher types spend all their effort on relationship talk from an almost pseudo-intellectual, specious angle, and yet nothing about the actual nature of theology (which is clearly childish irrational bullshyt)? :jbhmm:

Its like they are trying to pretend to have an authority on a pop-culture topic with the credibility of being a preacher (which is utterly useless in reality). :troll:

I see what you're doing @Preacher you're trying to impress hoes with this relationship talk. :leostare:

You're testing out your talking points on the Coli. :mjpls:

I've seen your type before. :usure: ...a lot of talking points :sas1: nothing of substance :sas2: and light on solutions :ufdup: