Should their beloved, extra-brown squad of black-n-gold clad Zulus fail to reach the playoffs, how shall the fattest, most slovenly, most inebriated, most racially-comatose gathering of Negro-flavored white buffoons in the entire nation possibly endure? In what location shall they imbibe poisonous liquids and barbeque-sodden foods, if not at Heinz Field or in the adjoining parking lot? How shall their larynx become chapped and raw, if not through the process of producing ear-shattering screams of praise for the darkest squad in NFL history? To what shall they devote the endless, trivial hours of their vacuous lives to supporting, if not a fundamentally anti-white, black supremacist sports corporation owned and operated by the Certified Cultural Marxist Rooney family? While these days may appear to be swathed in darkness for the Terrible Towel-waving members of Zulu Nation, there is solace in the fact that the 2013 season is right around the bend