Ethnic Vagina Finder
The Great Paper Chaser
Iron Man 3 had 38 fresh and 2 rotten.. so I look at one of the guys that gave it a bad review's history and he gives shytty movies great reviews and good movies bad reviews.
I don't know what movie he was watching where he got all of that.It reexamines assumptions of good and evil-morality tale vs, trite entertainment-by confronting the hideous compromises people make with social conventions and their own desperation.
Was it Armond White? I think dude is on a real life trolling mission with the reviews he gives out. This is a bit of the positive review he gave JONAH HEX:
I don't know what movie he was watching where he got all of that.
Was it Armond White? I think dude is on a real life trolling mission with the reviews he gives out. This is a bit of the positive review he gave JONAH HEX:
I don't know what movie he was watching where he got all of that.