so, why do whites and non-blacks think they can discuss black issues?

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Saw it on tumblr last night....this white feminist blogger who runs a sex toy shop and has a largely white followership reblogged a series of tweets about hypermasculinity in the black community and how it correlates to colorism. Immediately after i saw it i just went jn her ask and said "dont take this the wrong way but the affairs of black men and black women as a white person is none of your concern. It just reeks of entitlement and is beyond intrusive."

Moments later i noticed the series of tweets she reblogged had been deleted and she covered up with blogging a bunch of pictures of black folks.

Kind of going back to what @malcolmxxx_45 said in his thread...this is what happens when black folks broadcast our issues on ny platform. Not to place the blame on us entirely though...those types would be bored shytless if we didnt give them something to add excitement in their lives.

Just cause y'all listen to hip hop or have your favorite black nfl/nba player doesnt mean you can latch on to shyt like that.


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Because we allow them to.

And depend on them for things we shouldn't need to. Black people as a race were the most self sufficient, but now we aren't.

Note: I didn't write this. Excerpt i saved from a convo elsewhere...


Portugese-African Relations

1452: Pope Nicholas V[1] issues a bull authorizing the King of Portugal to make war on the infidels, to conquer their lands, and enslave their natives. Origins of the Curse of Ham. - Dogs of God 116

1479-1480: The Treaty of Alcacovas is signed between Spain and Portugal ending the War of Succession. It is later strengthened giving Portugal sole rights to "discoveries" made on the African coast. - Dogs of God 120

1481: Pope Sixtus IV gives Portugal's Southern Exploration initiatve his blessing through a papal bull called Aeterni regis. It granted sovereignty over "whatever lands and islands shall be the vicinity of Guinea (Africa)." - Dogs of God 120

1482: Kongolese monarchs begin hearing reports of strange ships off the coast of West Africa. These ships surely belonged to Portugese and Genovese sailors and explorers. This marks Portugals first contact with the Kongo Kingdom. - When We Ruled 344

1485: Portugal returns and the two nations exchange envoys. Portugal leaves 4 Christian missionaries (or Inquisitors) at the Kongo court and 4 Mpinda (Kongolese) nobles return with Diogo Cao to Portugal. - When We Ruled 344

1495: Manuel I comes to the throne in Lisbon, Portugal

1508: First slaves are sent to Manuel I as a payment for the Christianization programs.

1512: Portugeuse Regimento is issued by Manuel I as their Kongo policy. The slave trade begins in earnest. - When We Ruled 345

Commentary: One cannot understand slavery without first understanding the political, social, and extremely religious enviroment of 15th century Portugal during the Inquisition. The slave trade started with Portugal and its relationship with the Kingdom of Kongo. During the 15th century (but not limited to it), there was an obsession in Europe with discovering the fabled Christian kingdom of Prestor John. This gave rise to a multitude of navigators and explorers who were determined to circumnavigate Africa in search of this mythic land. Discovering the land of Prestor John wasn't the sole purpose of Portugese explorers though, it was also economic and religious. Word of West Africa's immense wealth was surely known throughout elite society in Europe (specifically Spain, Portugal, and Genoa) and by the late 15th century there was clearly an intent to acquire this wealth. By 1492, gold from Ghana supplied almost half of Portugal's monetary power. This may explain why Popes Nicholas V and Sixtus IV gave Portugal so much authority, essentially a colonial authority. But I disagree that Kongo (Angola) was a technical colony of Portugal as it is commonly referred to as. I'll comment on this later though. Until Manuel I issues the Regimento, Portugal's experience with the Kingdom of Kongo appears to be simply an exploratory one. Some Kongo nobles were even taken to Portugal and taught the native language and showered with gifts. This appears to have been an early ploy to learn more about the geography of Kongo though. But between 1495 and 1512, several Kongolese royals are lured into converting to Christianity and with the Regimento it is implied that to be a good Christian nation, the Kongolese must take Christian names, Christian attire and allow Portugese ambassadors to "advise" the Kongolese king in "reforming" the Kongo court along Christian lines. To make matters worse, Manuel I said Kongo could pay for these programs by exporting copper, ivory, and slaves. The Kongolese agreed under the assumption that they were getting something beneficial out of the "alliance," on top of that the Regimento also labeled ALL Catholic kings as "brothers." This began the serious infiltration of Kongo by the Portugese and also their search for Africa's wealth through the spies they now had in the Kongolese court perpatrating as missionaries.

1526: Dom Affonso I (Christian King of Kongo) sends over 20 letters to Portuguese king Manuel I[2] and his successor John III[3] complaining that Portuguese traders and priests were causing a havoc in his land. Black women were being raped and assaulted and there were frequent slave raids where even nobles and members of the royal family were being taken. His pleas for help fell on deaf ears. - When We Ruled 350

1551: Slaves make up 1/10th of the population of Lisbon, Portugal...almost 10,000 people. Some were being taken to America by this time as well. - Inquistion: The Reign of Fear 90

1556: Civil war breaks out in Kongo between the slave-trading factions of the south in the province of Ndongo and the forces of the king of Kongo, Diogo I. The Portuguese aided boths sides of the war. Ndongo came out on top and became an indepedent state seperate from the Kingdom of Kongo.

Commentary: The relationship between Portugal and Kongo deteriorates very quickly after the 1520's. Dom Affonso I came into power viewing his kingdoms relationship with Portugal as positive it seems. He used Portuguese mercenaries in helping to quell a rebellion by his own brother (a non-Christian). Over the next few years, Affonso would request from the King of Portugal that Christianity be spread even further by sending more priests (Inquisitors) and technicians to build schools and churches. The Church of the Holy Cross was built in 1517 and the Church of Our Lady of the Victories was built in 1526, the same year he began sending letters for help from the Portuguese monarchs. These massive building projects surely increased the number of Portuguese immigrants by the thousands. The slave trading, which at first was an agreement between the two nations, seems to have been getting out of control of the Kongolese. By the mid-16th century, it seems Portuguese agents had infiltrated every aspect of Kongo society. Religious. Social. Administrative. It likely got so bad that Kongolese nobles may have been threatened that to challenge the spread of Christianity in their land would result in their families being thrown into slavery. That's speculation, but it makes sense as to why Kongo elites may have put up with this corrupt system for so long. By 1556, Portugal essentially controls Ndongo as a vassal state which may have led to the civil war.

1569: The Jaga, a semi-barbarian group, invades Kongo from the East and cause the social fabric of an already strained country to breakdown. - When We Ruled 351

1575: The Portuguese, likely from Kongo, launch a series of wars to capture Ndongo because they thought the new country contained silver mines. The wars would carry on to 1622.

1622: Ann Nzinga[4], the Ndongo royal sister, attends a peace conference with Portugal. Among other things, Nzinga demands that all Ndongo notables return to their former loyalty to Ndongo instead of Portugal. In return she would release Portuguese prisoners of war. The Portuguese agreed and immediatly broke the treaty by invading Kongo.

1623: Ann Nzinga becomes Queen and began making regional alliances to fight the Portuguese. She even made peace with the Jaga.

1624: Ndongo declared a free country

1629: Queen Ann Nzinga's forces and her allies capture Matamba from the Portuguese.

Conclusion: The battles fought between Kongo and Portugal are really telling. The Portuguese were not an invading force by any means. By 1622, when the Portuguese break the peace treaty, they had already been living in Kongo (Angola) for 140 years! Both sides knew each other very well and the Portuguese by no means ran over Ann Nzinga's forces. The Queen's army likely had gunpower weapons as well, so technologically both sides were even. Make no mistake, the Kongolese ran Portugal out of their country...they beat them. This shows a major shortcoming of Portugal, a country that was always a powerful naval Empire, not one with that strong of a land army. They were also still a minority, despite years of intermarriage (through choice or rape). This should not come as a surpirse though, early Portuguese accounts talk of a highly developed Kongo Kingdom. There was a monetary system, Kongo controlled a few vassal states itself, state-constructed roads with tolls, and the original Kongo Kingdom was the size of France and Germany combined! There were many ironsmith's in Kongo long before Portuguese contact who forged knives, weapons, and axes. They manufactured various textiles on par with those from Italy including satins, silks, taffeta, and velvet. The Portuguese didn't really bring anything to the table other than religion and maybe some crops Kongo didn't have access to from America. Other than that, I'd say Portugal's intentions were always malicious and Kongolese monarchs were mostly kept out of the loop it seems and told what they were doing was good. It seems though that many Portuguese got comfortable in Kongo and possibly a little envious. This is important to note when talking about slavery. African kingdoms (I'll talk about Benin next who also had contact with Portugal, but not on the same level as Kongo) did trade slaves to Europeans, but this was done under the powerful and deceitful arm of the Inquisition! That was the whole point of converting the leaders of nations like Kongo and Benin and not so much the people (as I'm sure there was a lot of resistance). It was to lock them into the Inquistional system. Religion was used by Europe as a control mechanism. Portugal basically wrote the book on how to conquer Africa. There's a reason the Scramble didn't occur until the 1880's. It took European powers hundreds of years through cultural (religious) influence and other destablizing measures (such as throwing African economies into depressions and pitting rival groups against each other) to soften Africa up before Europe was able to colonize en masse in the late 19th century! During the time of Kongo/Portugal relations, there were still too many powerful African empires that could hold their own and Europe was no where near as technologically advanced as they were during the late 19th century.

I wrote the above timeline by bringing together dates found in 3 books. Two of them are about the Inquisition and the post-Moor Europe period (Dogs of God by James Reston Jr. and Inquisition: The Reign of Fear by Toby Green). Both are good in their own right, but I wish more time would have been spent on the Moorish presence and influence. No book I've found outperforms The Golden Age of the Moor by Ivan Van Sertima and others in that regard. The world that was forged after the expulsion of the Moors from Granada in 1492 is of extreme importance. It was a very pivotal period in world history, but it escapes most people. Only those that truly study history and cause and effect are going to see this and understand it. I believe racism has it's roots entrenched in the system of the Inquisition and Portugal was a major power! They were the first Europeans to contact the great civilizations in Africa. Kongo, Benin, Swahili states...and they witnessed (and in some cases partook in) the end of Africa's last Golden Age!

1. Pope Nicholas V

2. Manuel I of Portugal

3. John III of Portugal

4. Queen Ann Nzinga

II. I shall speak of what is before me. I will never foretell that which will not come. A strange bird will breed in the Delta marsh and make its nest beside the people of Egypt. For the people will let it approach through lack of action. And afterwards, all good things will pass away.

~The Book of Neferti

I. Lo, what the ancestors foretold has come to pass. The land is full of bands of evil-doers and the plowman goes to plow with his shield. Faces are pale; the bowmen stand ready; wrongdoing is everywhere and there is no man or woman of yesterday. Lo, the women are barren and none conceive, for God does not make children anymore because of the state of the land. There is blood everywhere and no shortage of the dead. Indeed the burial cloth cries out before one approaches it.

~The Book of Ipuwer

Oh it WAS most definitely an invasion brother. They've done it that way before.

When I wrote that I was referring to an invasion force like the Battle of Normandy with thousands of Portugal's soldiers jumping off of ships. I agree that the destabilization of the Kingdom of Kongo was definitely the long term goal, and the Inquisition fostered a colonial and invasional mentality. That was the purpose of the slow mixing with the Kongolese population. But it wasn't a traditional "invasion." Perhaps we could call it cultural invasion though.

Oh I know exactly what you meant. I just think it's important that we learn this lesson of history as it concerns invasion techniques. This wasn't unique or even rare for the europeans. Sending the missionary/ "humanitarian"/ "good will ambassador" first is actually quite traditional with them.

I'd like to add some things on the Portuguese Christianization programs from the words of Dr. Chancellor Williams....

"The Portuguese Christianization of the Kongo created something more than chaos. It was a revolting mess, no matter from what angle it was viewed. To begin with, priests were not only among the leading slave traders, but they also owned slave ships to carry the "black cargoes" to different lands. Priests also had their harems of Black girls, some of them having as many as 20 each! One of the main attractions that drew thousands of white men was their unlimited sexual freedom with all the Black women and girls who were enslaved and helpless in the power of their masters. These "wholesale raids" on Black womanhood continued to swell the mulatto population, the majority of which, as in the case of Egypt and Sudan, became the faithful servants and loyal representatives of the conquering races to which their fathers belonged."

And if you speak to the people who know the history they'll testify that they were molesting the boys too. It's why Ghana even has a sign at the airport warning child molesters to go right back on that plane and exit the country.

I'd like to add some things on the Portuguese Christianization programs from the words of Dr. Chancellor Williams....

"The Portuguese Christianization of the Kongo created something more than chaos. It was a revolting mess, no matter from what angle it was viewed. To begin with, priests were not only among the leading slave traders, but they also owned slave ships to carry the "black cargoes" to different lands. Priests also had their harems of Black girls, some of them having as many as 20 each! One of the main attractions that drew thousands of white men was their unlimited sexual freedom with all the Black women and girls who were enslaved and helpless in the power of their masters. These "wholesale raids" on Black womanhood continued to swell the mulatto population, the majority of which, as in the case of Egypt and Sudan, became the faithful servants and loyal representatives of the conquering races to which their fathers belonged."

And thats how we were gettin sold out thru them muthafukkin mutts
nikkas b thinkin once they put us on tha slave ships tha other africas jus sat up in their beach chairs partyin on some "Im glad we sold them nikkas , I aint like em anyway" type of shyt .

And if you speak to the people who know the history they'll testify that they were molesting the boys too. It's why Ghana even has a sign at the airport warning child molesters to go right back on that plane and exit the country.

I aint kno that about tha sign at tha airport , i aint suprised about them tamahu fukin them boys after all tha portugese were and still is catholic 4 tha most part .

...and millions of American Africans will go to church on Sunday and genuflect to their oppressor's God; the same God employed to subjugate them...

I recently completed an essay examining the complicity of the Dahomey, Asante, and Angolans in selling slaves to the Europeans, why referring to the people of Africa as "Africans" during that time period is erroneous, why African slavery should not be conflated with chattel slavery, the reason it is now conflated, the role of linguistics in black slavery to white masters, and some other shyt...

Stuff is complex...layers upon layers.

Unfortunately, too many have no interest in trying to peel the onion in order to understand their state of being.
Last edited:


Dec 4, 2014
Truth and logic
Because some black people think we need allies, so they allow it. Then the idea gets spread on to the next generation and that generation begins to encourage and uplift others who are "down".

Plus there's also the issue of being too open and all of that.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
why does the coli discuss nothing but whites:merchant:
Question: Are you white? Be honest. I will not judge or hold it against you.

Because this is a so called black website...we discuss black issues...and black culture and black society that has been the result of it being created on the inside of a largely white society.

If it bothers you...dont enter conversations like these.


A genius is the one most like himself
Aug 5, 2013
Because some black people think we need allies, so they allow it. Then the idea gets spread on to the next generation and that generation begins to encourage and uplift others who are "down".

Plus there's also the issue of being too open and all of that.
I've asked this question and never got a straight answer. What is the point of allies if they don't seek to bolster you socially,economically, or politically?

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Question: Are you white? Be honest. I will not judge or hold it against you.

Because this is a so called black website...we discuss black issues...and black culture and black society that has been the result of it being created on the inside of a largely white society.

If it bothers you...dont enter conversations like these.
nope I am not.

are you sure about that cause on any given day in TLR there's 4-5 threads based on whites & white thingsssssssssss

to anyone that arrives late this was originally in tlr :hula:

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
nope I am not.

are you sure about that cause on any given day in TLR there's 4-5 threads based on whites & white thingsssssssssss

to anyone that arrives late this was originally in tlr :hula:
I know. I was a prominent poster on here from the class of 2012 that left and now posts under this handle.

But can go to any white forum where blacks arent even visible or a topic of discusson and they'll be talking about black people for no reason who is more "obsessed"? Lol.

Back on topic...

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
I know. I was a prominent poster on here from the class of 2012 that left and now posts under this handle.

But can go to any white forum where blacks arent even visible or a topic of discusson and they'll be talking about black people for no reason who is more "obsessed"? Lol.

Back on topic...
I only post on the coli, twitter & my facebook with family/friends so I wouldn't know anything about white forums:mjpls:

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
I've asked this question and never got a straight answer. What is the point of allies if they don't seek to bolster you socially,economically, or politically?
We need to get over this idea that we have allies.

We. Do. Not.

We have opportunists that use our issues and our struggle (lgbts, hispanics, asians, indians) to gain leverage for their community and leave us behind. They would sell themselves out to white society to be considered as such in a heartbeat because in the back of their minds, even though they aren't white they are counting their blessings that they arent't black.

All we got is ourselves.

I swear @marcuz said it right. All these people want allies for is for access to their men and women and a chance to enter someone else's house instead of building our own.


Dec 24, 2014
Because some black people think we need allies, so they allow it. Then the idea gets spread on to the next generation and that generation begins to encourage and uplift others who are "down".

Plus there's also the issue of being too open and all of that.

What is the point of allies if they don't seek to bolster you socially,economically, or politically?

We need to get over this idea that we have allies.

We. Do. Not.

We have opportunists that use our issues and our struggle (lgbts, hispanics, asians, indians) to gain leverage for their community and leave us behind. They would sell themselves out to white society to be considered as such in a heartbeat because in the back of their minds, even though they aren't white they are counting their blessings that they arent't black.

All we got is ourselves.

I swear @marcuz said it right. All these people want allies for is for access to their men and women and a chance to enter someone else's house instead of building our own.


Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
I only post on the coli, twitter & my facebook with family/friends so I wouldn't know anything about white forums:mjpls:
I know way too much about the internet breh breh...not to divulge my identity but I'm actually black in real life and not just online. I'll just keep it short, I make my observations and use that to gauge certain situations in real life and on the internet...they are almost never alike but never different either.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
I remember reading an article about a black organization at a college that held a meeting dealing with issues faced by the black student body and white people were furious that they weren't welcomed. Of course arbitrary claims of reverse racisim followed, but many were like why do white people feel so entitled that they had to attend a meeting dealing with issues black students faced.


Dec 24, 2014
And that's how we were gettin sold out thru them muthafukkin mutts nikkas b thinkin once they put us on tha slave ships tha other africas jus sat up in their beach chairs partyin on some "Im glad we sold them nikkas, I ain't like 'em anyway" type of shyt.


What is the point of allies if they don't seek to bolster you socially, economically, or politically?

Centuries of brainwashing will do that to you. Some of our people's wet dream is to have whites express sympathy towards us.