Can't stand him as is and it's been that way for a while. He is hurting the overall product. But a heel turn or some sought of dramatic change in his character would make him very entertaining again. I have a lot of respect for what he does outside the ring and his passion for the biz
Somewhere between and worthless. He puts on good matches from time to time, but his character and booking make me want throw my laptop out of my apartment window.
I don't think he is that bad. WWE has us a little over saturated with him, but at least he's been out of the title picture for a while. It's long over due for a heel run. At this point he could have flipped back and forth 2 or 3 times. If they are worried about merchandise sales look at the original NWO. Who didn't have one of those shirts???? A heel Cena with a faction would be sick.
I voted for He is by no stretch of the imagination, great, cool and I won't say that he is totally worthless but for someone who has been on top for so long, I have never really been all that impressed with him.
He's a okay wrestler at best, I find his promo ability very hit and miss, with leaning towards the latter. There are other things that are very ehh about him as well but I won't get into that.
Unbearable character and very hit or miss on the mic (has more misses than hits at this point tbh), but he gets a reaction and knows how to work a crowd in his matches, to me that's more than enough to get my respect when he is wrestling. Even though his execution sucks most of time, I could care less about that, more often than not has very entertaining mainevent matches.
I respect the hell out of all the wishes he grants. But I don't really mess with dude as the unbeatable face. That being said its necessary for him to be around. I love watching lil kids cry when he loses. Funniest thing ever.
I think the choices on here for negative are too cut and dry. I think a lot of us don't like him but know he's not worthless.
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