Exiled Martian
Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Pics of said teacher Milf in the article below....
Real talk this is so common it shouldnt be illegal nowdays. All the time & money spent on iinvestigating & prosecuting these teacher skets is time & money not spent solving real crimes like burglaries & murders etc.
Question - So is there a tumblr for trend setting teachers like this yet? If not, brb while I get one started ASAP
My reaction to the visuals:
1st pic -
2nd and 3rd -
4th -
Real talk this is so common it shouldnt be illegal nowdays. All the time & money spent on iinvestigating & prosecuting these teacher skets is time & money not spent solving real crimes like burglaries & murders etc.
Question - So is there a tumblr for trend setting teachers like this yet? If not, brb while I get one started ASAP