So this is the REAL REASON why Richard Nixon got ran up out of the White House.

Oct 22, 2017
probably because of the epa and a host of other initiatives that would place him firmly in the democratic camp if he ran for office today. he wasn’t a friend of black people, but he also wasn’t the far right reactionary that the current republican base demands.


Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012

Nah this ain't it.

If we want to talk about an authoritarian government(Israel) that makes sense. But if we are talking about "Jewish lobbying" then we are getting down the rabbit hole of "X ethnic group is pulling the strings" which then leads to "we need to eliminate X group so they can't do that any more"

And just like that you've justified ethnic cleansing because any members of that group are a threat and could potentially be affiliated with whomever is the author of your misery. Therefore even if you morally don't like it, eliminating every single one of them even children is justifiable. It's a similar rhetoric that the extremists in Israel are pushing. All western nations are secretly being controlled by Arabs so eliminating the Arabs and their children before they've even done anything is justifiable as a form of self defense. It's the playbook they've been using ever since Israel was established and people need to be smarter than to fall for that shyt over and over again.

The problem is the fact that anyone with sufficient money can take over the American government. It took a while, but Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, Microsoft, monsanto, pepsico, GSK, Apple, Meta, JP Morgan, and Blackstone and vanguard are now in control. Their interests are what motivates all foreign and domestic policy and if there is any sort of government legislation that will get in the way of them being able to guarantee positive returns on their quarterly meetings then guess what? That legislation will go away. Also fun fact the last two companies I mentioned?

They're planning on owning EVERYTHING they possibly can.

Nixon established the EPA. Whose bottom line is hurt by a government agency putting limits on buying land and exploiting it? Nixons economic policies weren't popular amongst the people with a lot of money, nor were his foreign policy ideas(ending the Korean war for example)

People want simple answers to complicated questions because thinking is unpleasant, hard, and can make you feel powerless when you actually see the ways in which the people with power(managers and investors) are actually using their power to enact policies that benefit them at the detriment of other people. They're perfectly fine to let people die--even let humanity go extinct if it means they get to live like royalty until the bitter end. Hell I wouldn't even be surprised if they had access to suicide pills so they kill themselves and have control at the end instead of getting the kind of ending they deserve.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Nah this ain't it.

If we want to talk about an authoritarian government(Israel) that makes sense. But if we are talking about "Jewish lobbying" then we are getting down the rabbit hole of "X ethnic group is pulling the strings" which then leads to "we need to eliminate X group so they can't do that any more"

And just like that you've justified ethnic cleansing because any members of that group are a threat and could potentially be affiliated with whomever is the author of your misery. Therefore even if you morally don't like it, eliminating every single one of them even children is justifiable. It's a similar rhetoric that the extremists in Israel are pushing. All western nations are secretly being controlled by Arabs so eliminating the Arabs and their children before they've even done anything is justifiable as a form of self defense. It's the playbook they've been using ever since Israel was established and people need to be smarter than to fall for that shyt over and over again.

The problem is the fact that anyone with sufficient money can take over the American government. It took a while, but Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, Microsoft, monsanto, pepsico, GSK, Apple, Meta, JP Morgan, and Blackstone and vanguard are now in control. Their interests are what motivates all foreign and domestic policy and if there is any sort of government legislation that will get in the way of them being able to guarantee positive returns on their quarterly meetings then guess what? That legislation will go away. Also fun fact the last two companies I mentioned?

They're planning on owning EVERYTHING they possibly can.

Nixon established the EPA. Whose bottom line is hurt by a government agency putting limits on buying land and exploiting it? Nixons economic policies weren't popular amongst the people with a lot of money, nor were his foreign policy ideas(ending the Korean war for example)

People want simple answers to complicated questions because thinking is unpleasant, hard, and can make you feel powerless when you actually see the ways in which the people with power(managers and investors) are actually using their power to enact policies that benefit them at the detriment of other people. They're perfectly fine to let people die--even let humanity go extinct if it means they get to live like royalty until the bitter end. Hell I wouldn't even be surprised if they had access to suicide pills so they kill themselves and have control at the end instead of getting the kind of ending they deserve.
The current chairman of Black Rock is Jewish :mjlol:

And every major business has Jewish executives or Jewish ties/relationships.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy, to be useful, must be impartial, else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people to surrender their interests.
- George Washington, Farewell Address (1796)

President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
Nah this ain't it.

If we want to talk about an authoritarian government(Israel) that makes sense. But if we are talking about "Jewish lobbying" then we are getting down the rabbit hole of "X ethnic group is pulling the strings" which then leads to "we need to eliminate X group so they can't do that any more"

And just like that you've justified ethnic cleansing because any members of that group are a threat and could potentially be affiliated with whomever is the author of your misery. Therefore even if you morally don't like it, eliminating every single one of them even children is justifiable. It's a similar rhetoric that the extremists in Israel are pushing. All western nations are secretly being controlled by Arabs so eliminating the Arabs and their children before they've even done anything is justifiable as a form of self defense. It's the playbook they've been using ever since Israel was established and people need to be smarter than to fall for that shyt over and over again.

The problem is the fact that anyone with sufficient money can take over the American government. It took a while, but Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, Microsoft, monsanto, pepsico, GSK, Apple, Meta, JP Morgan, and Blackstone and vanguard are now in control. Their interests are what motivates all foreign and domestic policy and if there is any sort of government legislation that will get in the way of them being able to guarantee positive returns on their quarterly meetings then guess what? That legislation will go away. Also fun fact the last two companies I mentioned?

They're planning on owning EVERYTHING they possibly can.

Nixon established the EPA. Whose bottom line is hurt by a government agency putting limits on buying land and exploiting it? Nixons economic policies weren't popular amongst the people with a lot of money, nor were his foreign policy ideas(ending the Korean war for example)

People want simple answers to complicated questions because thinking is unpleasant, hard, and can make you feel powerless when you actually see the ways in which the people with power(managers and investors) are actually using their power to enact policies that benefit them at the detriment of other people. They're perfectly fine to let people die--even let humanity go extinct if it means they get to live like royalty until the bitter end. Hell I wouldn't even be surprised if they had access to suicide pills so they kill themselves and have control at the end instead of getting the kind of ending they deserve.
would rep!

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
I think Nixon resigned because of Watergate. Not because he and Henry Kissinger weren’t nice enough to Israel.

In fact, America’s aid to Israel during the Yom Kippur War prevented an Egyptian victory.

Too bad!

President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
- George Washington, Farewell Address (1796)

seems like everyone saw the writing on the wall. from monarchies to capitalist oligarchs operating with the powers of old-world royals. shyt is disgusting and people don't even realize it's only going to get worse for everyone.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
I think Nixon resigned because of Watergate. Not because he and Henry Kissinger weren’t nice enough to Israel.

In fact, America’s aid to Israel during the Yom Kippur War prevented an Egyptian victory.

Too bad!

However, the Israel lobby in 2023 is too powerful and threatens to undermine America’s global empire - as Israel is making an enemy of every single Muslim on Earth (1.5 billion people).
