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These Portraits Were Made by AI: None of These People Exist
All 3 of these people do not exist. These pictures are completely AI generated. And they look damn realistic. Too realistic.
This is some scary shyt.
All 3 of these people do not exist. These pictures are completely AI generated. And they look damn realistic. Too realistic.
Check out these rather ordinary looking portraits. They’re all fake. Not in the sense that they were Photoshopped, but rather they were completely generated by artificial intelligence. That’s right: none of these people actually exist.
NVIDIA researchers have published a new paper on easily customizing the style of realistic faces created by a generative adversarial network (GAN).
The Verge points out that GAN has only existed for about four years. In 2014, a landmark paper introduced the concept, and this is what the AI-generated results looked like at the time:
In less than half a decade, the realism has improved to the point where most people might not be able to tell the portraits are fake, even when examining them up close.
NVIDIA researchers are now able to copy the “styles” of source faces onto destination faces, creating blends that have copied features but which look like entirely new people:
This is some scary shyt.