Y’all keep thinking streaming the product and illegal downloads was gone hurt them nikkas
Keep thinking complaining but still watching and investing energy talking about everything they do in and out the ring isn’t going to support them
Keep thinking nikkas like Bryan have integrity and will leave to go to njpw to put in five star matches for big dave and your bearded neck Mafia
Keep thinking shyt sweet cause you smark Vince ain’t missing a check since wcw took that sit down
Like I said before, y’all hate this company so much yet y’all never gone leave them alone and that’s why they don’t have to market shyt but 15 percent of the product to you
Dubai just did stupid numbers that check was good without y’all women’s revolution
Next tv deal will do numbers because stations want that consistent million and that live 3 hour programming no matter how trash it is.
Spoke on a wheel tried to tell you. Enjoy your sippy cups
Alternately, think about the many millions WWE purposely sinks into the performance center & NXT that they’ll never see back solely to cut off any possible competitor. Brock ($5m+ base), Cena, HHH, Taker, Big Show, Kane are all making million downsides and won’t appear on tv for months to play keep away. WWE went and signed AJ Styles who they effectively passed on for over 10 years and has given him a sustained main event push to justify the deal they gave him, just to harm NJPW and set off a raid. Young Bucks are going to get a giant offer beyond our comprehension after All In that they’ll never make back for Vince but just to harm NJPW & ROH. So from studying Vince’s mentality, the recourse for fans are to really support other wrestling companies with your dollars, even if you still watch WWE out of habit.