So my buddys new chick use to have a sugar daddy paying her $5,000 a week

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
I really dont know what to call it, if their seeing each other or what. they just barely met, but the boned her, and she took the morning after pill.

She from the east, she had some sugar daddy out there, who used to give her money. She said she slept with him twice. Dude was going through a separation, but the wife later found out. I dunno. She was talking about her past, and the sugar daddy called her, saying if she came back to town, he would take care of her.

When she moved he cut all bank cards accounts, damn. The sugar daddy also has a job lined up for her through his buddy paying $700 week for a hosting job for a few hours during the week.

He asked them how they met. She was in the casino, she lost her phone and had gotten beaten up by her previous bf, she had a swollen eye, but with shades on, she lost her phone and then he gave two chips. Each chip worth $500 a piece to get a new phone.

Kinda pimpish.

She is liking, but struggling to adjust to her new life. She just got a new job and wants to be indie but needs a support system.

My buddy gave her the feeling like $5,000 a week was nothing to sneeze at.

Should he have stepped to the plate and say he would take care of her? She kinda implied that, but they just met, and she going back there to visit family in a few weeks, who is to know what could happen. He is more interested in her doing for self, than handing her dough.


Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
so u wanna be a pimp?

Is that whats she is getting at? She talked about taking care of friends, how she used to spend a lot of money when she was single, but she needs a dude to hold her down.

$5,000 a week. $20,000 a month, ahem thats her relationship with a generous dude. Too much paper on my buddys mind, what about the girl?

I think she called him to see where things were at.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Her sister also know some rich dudes, and he sister may have spurred the idea. Telling her to live off a few rich dudes while getting back on her feet.

but she did say, when she was waitressing before he new job, she used to work at a gold diggers bar, and she didnt get anyone number, all the athletes were there.

maybe she want a change?


May 2, 2012
Is that whats she is getting at? She talked about taking care of friends, how she used to spend a lot of money when she was single, but she needs a dude to hold her down.

$5,000 a week. $20,000 a month, ahem thats her relationship with a generous dude. Too much paper on my buddys mind, what about the girl?

I think she called him to see where things were at.

sounds like a rich sob looking for play things for him and his boys

i mean once u start hooking no matter how much u make your a hooker for the rest of your life

lets be real, eventually he'll get tired of her and she'll have to start hooking for broke nikkas like on this board:smugdraper: