Enzo is done. Neville and Aries are gone. Ratings for 205 Live are in the toilet. Most of the former Cruiserweight champions are coming out to crickets at best, flat out anger from the crowd at worst. The division is a complete joke among fans; so much so, people chanted “205 Live" at Ricochet to taunt him a few weeks ago. They had to add Matt Hardy And Bray Wyatt to their house shows just to sell a few more tickets.
I really don't see what could possibly salvage the division at this point. Only way I see 205 Live lasting the year is if they're really desperate for network content and can't come up with a good replacement.
I really don't see what could possibly salvage the division at this point. Only way I see 205 Live lasting the year is if they're really desperate for network content and can't come up with a good replacement.