just saying...bryan is winning on all levels. YES :smugfavre:
captaincharisma ***** PLATINUM ***** Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 5,405 Reputation 301 Daps 5,029 Reppin NYC Jul 9, 2012 #1 just saying...bryan is winning on all levels. YES
boriquaking In Sauce We Trust! Bushed Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 13,881 Reputation 3,635 Daps 34,681 Reppin Big Gete Star Jul 9, 2012 #2
TreyAce Antichrist of The-Coli Joined May 13, 2012 Messages 1,127 Reputation 20 Daps 637 Jul 9, 2012 #3 Naw nikka he needs to win that title
Bob Loblaw Superstar Joined May 4, 2012 Messages 11,837 Reputation 1,179 Daps 27,848 Jul 9, 2012 #4 He got the one with the vegan ass
LastEmperor2k2 Superstar Hall of Shame Joined May 7, 2012 Messages 24,796 Reputation -4,659 Daps 19,002 Jul 9, 2012 #5 Nah, Bryan winning forever. But yeah, he needs to win that belt. This bullshyt needs a payoff with him getting that ugly piece of tin.
Nah, Bryan winning forever. But yeah, he needs to win that belt. This bullshyt needs a payoff with him getting that ugly piece of tin.