Well it is wrestling breh, and his character was meant to be a nutcase.
One of the best interview guys ever, no doubt. The RF (I think) shoot he did where he talked about him and Flair's beef, and the interview guy was like "Flair said [ mentions Flair naming Foley on a list of overrated luminaries such as Brutus the Barber Beefcake etc]" and Foley starts giving this pissed off answer and finishes with "but I'll be DAMNED if I'm gonna sit here and let him try to ruin the good name of Brutus the Barber Beefcake". Had me like

the way he (completely on the fly) sold being legit pissed, had the interviewer all uncomfortable and shyt, then just flipped it with a funny line at the end. GOAT level oratory ability.