So are we ever going to see a movie based off Brian Nichols?

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Hall released one cuff and turned Nichols around to unhook the remaining cuff, which was dangling from his wrist. Nichols brutally attacked the deputy, pushing her into another open cell. The video surveillance camera recorded as he overpowered the deputy hitting her so hard in the face her feet left the ground. He emerged from the cell with her gun belt which included her radio and weapon magazines. Nichols retrieved her keys from the floor and locked Hall in the cell. Nichols entered another cell and changed into his street clothes and was seen about 4½ minutes later leaving the holding cell area. He used the keys to open a lock box where he armed himself with her Beretta .40 cal. semi-automatic pistol.[7] Deputy Hall sustained significant brain injury, facial fractures and a large laceration to her forehead. After the attack, her condition was reported as critical, but she survived. Her injuries were so severe that doctors at Grady Memorial Hospital initially believed that she had sustained a gunshot wound to the face.[8]

Nichols then crossed over to the old courthouse via a skybridge, where he entered the chambers of Judge Rowland Barnes. He encountered case managers Susan Christy and Gina Clarke Thomas along with attorney David Allman. Nichols made them all sit on the floor and held them at gunpoint while inquiring as to where Judge Barnes was. Sgt. Grantley White, the court bailiff, entered the chambers and was also met by an armed Nichols. Sgt. White tried to disarm Nichols but failed. Nichols continued to point the gun at him and stated "Don’t do nothing Sarge. I’ve got nothing to lose".[9] He was held at gunpoint and Nichols also disarmed him. Nichols forced Sgt. White to handcuff Christy, Thomas and Allman but not before Sgt. White was able to push an emergency button in the chambers. When Nichols heard court security trying to contact Sgt. White he responded to dispatch on the radio trying to dispel the alarm. That alerted other deputies because they heard someone using White's radio number but they did not recognize the voice. Nichols handcuffed White and forced him into a bathroom and exited the chambers.

Nichols entered courtroom 8-F from a door behind the judge's bench. He found Barnes in the courtroom presiding over motions in a civil trial. He shot him at close range in the back of the head. Witnesses said the judge never knew Nichols was behind him. Nichols scanned the prosecution table apparently in search of the Assistant District Attorneys that were prosecuting and when he saw they were not in the court room he lowered the gun and shot Julie Brandau, the court reporter, in the head. Sgt. White was able to get out of the restroom and access his radio where he put in the first radio transmission letting responding officers know there had been "shots fired" and he also gave a description of the armed Nichols. Nichols then walked down from the bench and checked a side room where witnesses were held before trial began, apparently seeking his rape victim, but she was late that day and the room was empty.

Nichols exited the courtroom and ran into an emergency stairwell where he was seen by Sgt. Hoyt Teasley. He pursued Nichols and the two ran down seven flights of stairs and out of the old courthouse via an emergency exit onto Martin Luther King Drive. When Nichols exited the building he sounded a door alarm. He fired several gun shots in the air creating a chaotic situation on the crowded street. He started across Martin Luther King when the door alarm sounded again as Teasley exited the building. Nichols pointed one of the guns at Teasley and fired 2 shots before Teasley could draw his own gun. Teasley fell to the ground and Nichols fled. Barnes and Brandau died at the scene and Teasley was pronounced dead on arrival due to bleeding from a single gunshot wound to his abdomen.

Nichols ran into the underground parking garage across from the courthouse. During his escape Nichols carjacked at least five vehicles. He first took a 2002 Mazda Tribute from Deputy Solicitor General Duane Cooper, who was entering the parking garage. Nichols reportedly walked up to Cooper, pointed a gun at him, and said "Give it up, mother….” Cooper exited the car and Nichols got in, backed out, and sped away in the vehicle down Martin Luther King Blvd.

Brian Nichols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just wow. Not condoning criminal behaviour but holy shyt. This shyt is like something straight out of a action movie.