I never heard about anyone dying from smoking too much weed, yet its illegal. Almost daily ur always hearing about stupid college kids dying from alcohol poising or people dying from D.U.I hit and run car accidents.
Why is marijuana so demonized when its just a sit back and relax plant that never harmed anyone while on the other hand Alcohol is paraded in the public eye as "acceptable" when it causes so much death and destruction?
never made sense to me

legalized weed brehs
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LCkaMnuGMc"]Drugs, Inc. - Marijuana - YouTube[/ame]
Why is marijuana so demonized when its just a sit back and relax plant that never harmed anyone while on the other hand Alcohol is paraded in the public eye as "acceptable" when it causes so much death and destruction?
never made sense to me

legalized weed brehs
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LCkaMnuGMc"]Drugs, Inc. - Marijuana - YouTube[/ame]