:snoop: i need a work out regimen


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
im disappointed i even have to come here, cuz im private, and i oppose working out, lmao

but i need to go from



Vertically jump a height of 15 inches, Agility Run in 20.7 seconds, 29 Sit-ups in one minute, 15 push ups (no time limit), 300 meter sprint in 80 seconds, 1.5 mile run in 20 minutes 6 seconds.

in a month

now i have done a little bit of working out here and there, mostly running. i really am concerned about my vertical jump height as i am only about a foot, the pushups, and definitely the sprint

i run on the treadmill but i dont feel comfortable sprinting on that because i take longer strides, and i def need help getting me up to 300 meters (300 meters!?!!!!) cuz i can only do about 125/130 and thats in 30 seconds.

basically, im a lazy ass who has no endurance/stamina, although i think it wont take long for me to get there because i went from taking 3 hours total to go a distance of 3 miles in one hour actual time TO taking 24-25 minutes to run a mile and a half straight with no breaks. yeah its pathetic, but the progress to me is :blessed:

but i also went from doing my mile and a half run twice a day to not in a week.

i was told to build my push up number up to do as many push ups as i can, break for 30 seconds, do that number, break, do it again. and do those several times a day, so i got that.

any exercises i can do for an hour straight that'll get me a little pass the point i need to be? a hour is what the lazy ass in me wants, but i'll do what it takes :to:

also, i am using some nike supreme grecos :laugh: are those good enough or should i bite the bullet and get me some running shoes that may never be used again?

preciate yall help guys


you the best


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
oh yeah, i didnt even realize that probably mattered
preciate it, handshake
May 2, 2012
im disappointed i even have to come here, cuz im private, and i oppose working out, lmao

but i need to go from



in a month

now i have done a little bit of working out here and there, mostly running. i really am concerned about my vertical jump height as i am only about a foot, the pushups, and definitely the sprint

i run on the treadmill but i dont feel comfortable sprinting on that because i take longer strides, and i def need help getting me up to 300 meters (300 meters!?!!!!) cuz i can only do about 125/130 and thats in 30 seconds.

basically, im a lazy ass who has no endurance/stamina, although i think it wont take long for me to get there because i went from taking 3 hours total to go a distance of 3 miles in one hour actual time TO taking 24-25 minutes to run a mile and a half straight with no breaks. yeah its pathetic, but the progress to me is :blessed:

but i also went from doing my mile and a half run twice a day to not in a week.

i was told to build my push up number up to do as many push ups as i can, break for 30 seconds, do that number, break, do it again. and do those several times a day, so i got that.

any exercises i can do for an hour straight that'll get me a little pass the point i need to be? a hour is what the lazy ass in me wants, but i'll do what it takes :to:

also, i am using some nike supreme grecos :laugh: are those good enough or should i bite the bullet and get me some running shoes that may never be used again?

preciate yall help guys


you the best

I'll leave somebody else to dispense advice but I'm curious as to what you're training for?


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
I'll leave somebody else to dispense advice but I'm curious as to what you're training for?

an opportunity

if it is to be, i'll come in this thread with all my thanks and put it out there

but ... you can actually find it :manny:


Old Master
May 11, 2012
For the record performance improvement in such a short time frame is above my head from an experience and research aspect. That said:

A month :lupe:

I would start off by getting real baseline results on each part of the test so you know where you truly need to improve. From there I would drill each one as much as possible/you can handle. Make sure the traning is structured so you can really measure improvement. I don't know that drilling the vertical jump in such a short time frame is going to yield the results you need but you need to make the movement second nature.

Once you have a baseline I would set a day towards the end of each week to see where you are. This is basically a combine so you need to be specific to the test. If you had more time resistance training and cardio would be the route but I doubt there is enough time.

Just sellout for the month diet and rest wise and do your best :manny:


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
For the record performance improvement in such a short time frame is above my head from an experience and research aspect. That said:

A month :lupe:

I would start off by getting real baseline results on each part of the test so you know where you truly need to improve. From there I would drill each one as much as possible/you can handle. Make sure the traning is structured so you can really measure improvement. I don't know that drilling the vertical jump in such a short time frame is going to yield the results you need but you need to make the movement second nature.

Once you have a baseline I would set a day towards the end of each week to see where you are. This is basically a combine so you need to be specific to the test. If you had more time resistance training and cardio would be the route but I doubt there is enough time.

Just sellout for the month diet and rest wise and do your best :manny:

preciate it. handshake. im planning on going into my previous routine a week from now (so i would do the baseline a week from now (although technically thats not a baseline)), while i keep building upon what i did the day before. monday i did push ups, squats, sit ups. yesterday i did a 2 mile walk in 40 minutes and jumped rope for about 15 minutes. today i plan on doing both, but doing speed 3 for 45 minutes and speed 4 for 15. im also gonna start biking. im tryna keep this as quiet as possible, few people know im working out. im weird as fukk i know. but my friend (who's in the military and now more health conscious) also suggested that i get together with a friend who does work out so they can show me correct forms, help me reach my goal and bully me into keep going

she also gave me tips for pushups (do those elevated ones where my feet are on a couch, cuz if i can do those, i can do the regular ones no problem) to run with my knees high and run for my life ( :laugh: ) . she also suggested i go to the gym. she likes planet fitness cuz seeing people not do shyt is motivating to her. while i would like to be intimidated and around greatness to perform better.

i've also learned a lot of things like not to do the same thing everyday but switch it up, to hydrate a lot BEFORE i work out (you can tell im an amateur), and to take as few, in frequency and time, breaks as possible. and to do stuff like burpees. i also found a site, but now i cant find it for shyt. i just dont have a regimen. but i'll just keep building off what i did the day before and switch it up. but i've been doing cardio one day and ?noncardio? whenever i felt up to it. i'll be doing both the same days, though probably hours apart

thanks so much for your help guys. the responses have been overwhelming


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
again @The ADD thanks a lot you the best



i let the coli down. most importantly, im still in my shytty city

i passed everything. my jump was 16 inches on the first try, and i know i coulda got higher. push ups and sit ups, no problem. did my il agility run in 20.09 seconds :laugh: but i was really lolly gagging with that shyt. finished my sprint in under 70 seconds, so i was very happy about that.....

then came the 6 laps i needed to do around the field.

first i should add, i was drinking not even 8 hours before, and got no sleep. so i was already dehydrated when i woke up and nauseous, so i had gatorade for the dehydration from drinking and staying hydrated for the day (i didnt pee that much :laugh: ) so dehydration was not my problem because i was not thirsty throughout the day, i just drank to stay hydrated. my problem was mind over matter. when i was out in that heat, as opposed to running on the treadmill with fans on me, i couldnt psych myself to finish. then i heard we might have to go to academy and im like "im not tryna be a fukking cop, whats going on!?" my first lap i finished in 3 minutes. then second lap 7:20. then thirds 11:35. then i was just like fukk it, im already at my halfway point and gotta finish it in less than half the time

i completed 5 laps out of the 6 in the time given. instead of walking at my 3 speed, i was walking at like a 2 speed. instead of running at 5 for at least 45 seconds every minute, i ran at 5 like once, maybe twice each lap. it was really pathetic. it really was mind over matter because there was this little white girl that was like "come on" and then i'd go as far as i could. after the test as time passed i felt worse and worse by not giving my all, but its in the past now. but there is a possibility they're giving the test again in the winter time so

just to give yall an update. thanks for getting me this far

long story short : passed everything but my laziness couldnt get me to run 1.5 miles. i aint shyt


Old Master
May 11, 2012
again @The ADD thanks a lot you the best



i let the coli down. most importantly, im still in my shytty city

i passed everything. my jump was 16 inches on the first try, and i know i coulda got higher. push ups and sit ups, no problem. did my il agility run in 20.09 seconds :laugh: but i was really lolly gagging with that shyt. finished my sprint in under 70 seconds, so i was very happy about that.....

then came the 6 laps i needed to do around the field.

first i should add, i was drinking not even 8 hours before, and got no sleep. so i was already dehydrated when i woke up and nauseous, so i had gatorade for the dehydration from drinking and staying hydrated for the day (i didnt pee that much :laugh: ) so dehydration was not my problem because i was not thirsty throughout the day, i just drank to stay hydrated. my problem was mind over matter. when i was out in that heat, as opposed to running on the treadmill with fans on me, i couldnt psych myself to finish. then i heard we might have to go to academy and im like "im not tryna be a fukking cop, whats going on!?" my first lap i finished in 3 minutes. then second lap 7:20. then thirds 11:35. then i was just like fukk it, im already at my halfway point and gotta finish it in less than half the time

i completed 5 laps out of the 6 in the time given. instead of walking at my 3 speed, i was walking at like a 2 speed. instead of running at 5 for at least 45 seconds every minute, i ran at 5 like once, maybe twice each lap. it was really pathetic. it really was mind over matter because there was this little white girl that was like "come on" and then i'd go as far as i could. after the test as time passed i felt worse and worse by not giving my all, but its in the past now. but there is a possibility they're giving the test again in the winter time so

just to give yall an update. thanks for getting me this far

long story short : passed everything but my laziness couldnt get me to run 1.5 miles. i aint shyt
Damn, I figured out what it was for a while back.

You got a lot done that you didn't think you could in a month, hell I wasn't sure. Stay on point between now and the next test and if shouldn't be a problem. Just don't let up. You could really make gains by then.