Smackdown Spoilers 5/25/12

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Eve Torres comes out and brags how John Laurinaitis is still in charge. She said that Laurinaitis won't be there tonight, and she's in charge. She said that Sheamus will apologize and she will name his opponent for WWE No Way Out. Alberto Del Rio comes out and says that he wants to be Sheamus' opponent and complains about his other title matches. Randy Orton comes out and says he wants the shot, and then Kane comes out. Kane says he wants a title shot and noted that tonight's episode was #666. Eve makes a three-way match for tonight, with the winner getting the title shot at WWE No Way Out.

WWE Intercontinental champion Christian defeated Hunico with the killswitch. Cody Rhodes came out and said that Christian has ruined the Intercontinental title, and that he'd win it back.

Titus O'Neil and Darren Young defeated The Usos. Heidenreich and Snitsky were ringside to observe. Michael Cole was escorted to the back for the duration of the match.

A vignette aired saying that Sin Cara will return next Friday.

Ryback squashed two jobbers. Ryback hit his finisher on both wrestlers at the same time to get the win.

Santino Marella defeated Ricardo Rodriguez with the cobra.

Sheamus came out and said that it was an accident (bumping into Laurinaitis on RAW), and he shouldn't have to apologize. He then apologizes for Laurinaitis being an ass and makes fun of The Big Show for kissing Laurinaitis' ass. Vickie Guerrero came out, it was hard to hear what she said with all the booing. She then introduced Jack Swagger. Sheamus vs. Swagger is next.

Sheamus defeated Jack Swagger with the Brogue kick.

Damien Sandow defeated Yoshi Tatsu in a quick match. Drew McIntyre was ringside and hit Tatsu with an iron phallus while Sandow distracted the referee.

The Big Show comes out and sits in a chair in the ring. He said that he loves what he does and says that he needs to support his family, and that he felt betrayed by everyone. "You sold out" chants start." Show says that he has no friends, so he made a deal to get his job back and they devised the plan at Over The Limit. He said that the fans never cared about him and he doesn't care about them. He said he realizes that the fans hate him no matter what he does so why not look out for himself. He's loyal to no one but the green.

Kane comes out for his match. Daniel Bryan beats the crap out of him with a chair. Kane is on the ground and referees have to take him off of Kane. A distraught Ezekiel Jackson ambushed Bryan on the ramp and beat him down with the ECW belt. He said that Bryan failed him and the pain has returned. He starts to drag Bryan to the back but is attacked by Kofi Kingston and R Truth. Kingston lays out Jackson and Bryan and then attacks R-Truth. Refs and officials have to pull them apart.

Another Sin Cara vignette aired.

Kane is back on his feet and the triple threat match is next.

Alberto Del Rio defeated Randy Orton and Kane to get a World Heavyweight Championship match at No Way Out. Bryan came out and distracted Kane, which allowed Orton to hit the RKO on Kane. Ezekiel Jackson, Heidenreich and Snitsky, ran down and clocked Bryan with one of the stolen WWE tag titles and dragged him to the back. Del Rio broke up the pin and threw Orton out of the ring and covered Kane for the win. After the match, Sheamus came out and nailed Del Rio with a Brogue kick. Dolph Ziggler and Naomi hit the ring and attacked Orton culminating with Orton having his throat crushed by a steel chair. He was coughing up blood and stretchered out. Sheamus kicked over the stretcher as he walked up the ramp.

That was the end of the show.

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Indiana's Finest
May 3, 2012
because when i was watching bryan vs punk, the only thing that was in my mind was "this needs more kane"

thank you WWE, thank you :wow:


Indiana's Finest
May 3, 2012
that Kane Bryan shyt aint made up tho, its real

how you feel about that kooked?



aka #DiamondNightmare
May 13, 2012
Bronx (Marble Hill), NY
This Kane/ Bryan is RIDICULOUS!!! {Booker T voice}:wtf:
They better not insert Kane in the WWE Title match at NWO. But knowing the "E thats what they gonna do. :beli: