Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
Once homer actor dies or quits it’s over
Someone on a social media platform asked how The Simpsons is still on the air. I replied, "I guess there's still a large audience that finds them funny." Personally, after watching a few episodes from the later seasons, I didn't find them all that amusing. The show has drifted away from the sharp wit and authentic storytelling of its golden era (seasons 3-9). These days, people talk more about the couch gags than the actual jokes or writing. The humor feels less clever, the characters have become exaggerated caricatures of themselves, and it just doesn't resonate with me like it used to. In my opinion, they've been coasting on their name and brand alone for the past twenty years.
Always heard the show took a nosedive once Conan O'Brien stopped writing![]()
Bart the General
The Call of the Simpsons
Life on the Fast Lane
The Crepes of Wrath
Treehouse of Horror
Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
Bart Gets Hit by a Car
The War of the Simpsons
Bart the Murderer
Treehouse of Horror II
Homer at the Bat
Dog of Death
Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
Whacking Day
Krusty Gets Kancelled
Homer the Vigilante
Bart Gets Famous
Bart Gets an Elephant
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Itchy & Scratchy Land
Homer the Great
Bart's Comet
Homie the Clown
Radioactive Man
Treehouse of Horror VI
Bart the Fink
Homer the Smithers
The Day the Violence Died
You Only Move Twice
Mountain of Madness
Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment
The Old Man and the Lisa
Homer's Enemy
The Cartridge Family
Bart Carny
King of the Hill
The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace
Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble"
Homer to the Max
Maximum Homerdrive
Monty Can't Buy Me Love
Take My Wife, Sleaze
The Mansion Family
Kill the Alligator and Run
A Tale of Two Springfields
The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
Hungry, Hungry Homer
Simpson Safari
A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
The Lastest Gun in the West
I Am Furious Yellow
The Sweetest Apu
The Frying Game
Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington
Treehouse of Horror XIV
The Regina Monologues
Conan didn't write much for The Simpsons. He was in the writers room, but he stopped after season 5. I think he stopped before his episode from season 5 came out. Marge vs. the Monorail and Homer Goes to College are the two episodes he wrote.
John Swartzwelder is the best writer from The Simpsons. He's written many quality episodes like:
When he fell off, the show fell off as a whole.
Someone on a social media platform asked how The Simpsons is still on the air. I replied, "I guess there's still a large audience that finds them funny." Personally, after watching a few episodes from the later seasons, I didn't find them all that amusing. The show has drifted away from the sharp wit and authentic storytelling of its golden era (seasons 3-9). These days, people talk more about the couch gags than the actual jokes or writing. The humor feels less clever, the characters have become exaggerated caricatures of themselves, and it just doesn't resonate with me like it used to. In my opinion, they've been coasting on their name and brand alone for the past twenty years.