Simps & Hoes are a match made in heaven


May 14, 2012
Long story short. I met up with some cats I went to HS with. One of my HS homies went to college and completely fell off the map. He came back in town and was with another cat who we used to kick it off and on with but not frequently. So between the both of them hittin up various people through Facebook and not changing their numbers they ended up having a really good reunion. Great turn out actually. Anyway this other cat is getting married soon and his girl was there. She was real friendly and cordial and such. I told my boy a couple times "Damn this dude ended up alright, got his degree, good job, good girl..cant complain about much" my boy would kind of acknowledge. Like he'd acknowledge I spoke but not agree with what I was saying. I chalked it up to being either too much alcohol or him being jealous or something.

We were leaving and I told my boy if I don't see him anytime then good luck and tell ol boy that I hope him and his girl make it through...they are getting married and have been dating for about 5 years.

My homie pulls me aside and says "Man their shyt ain't picture perfect like it Seems" I'm like yea it never is but she's nice, looks good and ain't a bytch and such...He was like nah it ain't that. They are good together. I was like what are they druggies or is he beatin her? He said nah....Basically he met her through Facebook and they chatted on there for a while and started dating. like they talked for 9 months then started kickin it. That seemed to work for about a year and a half but she has a kid and the kid used to be hers. About 2 years ago he gave her an ultimatum like "I love you and want to be with you but I want to have my own family. If you want to make it work with me then you gotta get let your kid live with his dad or something".

The looney bat did it! She gave up her kid who I guess lives with his real dad and she and this cat are living the life like that shyt ain't never happened. My homie said it was weird because for the first time they were e-dating all types of guys would leave messages and shyt on her wall. She was a Internet hoe. But this dude reeled her in.

He got her a job as a legal secretary making 17 an hour but she also goes to court and hands lawyers papers or some shyt and he's doing good. But they are living together like their shyt is Kosher.

My mind was blown. I think I did the Jackie Chan smiley. I've never heard some shyt like that. A hoe/former hoe and a super simp making it work. Is this common?

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Why is this thread worthy? This happens all the time. So the simps snatch up all of the hoes? Shouldn't that be a good thing? They're taken off the market for you so you can meet people that fit you better.