"If he considers Texas Roadhouse “fine dining”, he’s of low caliber and not used to shyt. Either that or he’s trying to play you."
If he buys that thin ass generic aluminum foil that you have to triple wrap, he’s probably of low caliber. Also, that watery ass Ajax dish detergent."
A man who doesn’t know anything about fixing things. Rather it be a car or things around the house."
"A man that doesn’t tip or only leaves “a couple dollas” (and if he says it that way he definitely doesn’t get a second date from ME), no matter how large the bill is. "
"A man that unplugs everything connected to an outlet each night. (I don’t care if he calls himself saving money or being frugal, it’s a turn off and don’t call me again.) "
"A man who never fills up his gas tank. (Aye uhhh let me get $15 on pump fo’ lookin’ asses.) Ugh"
"Makes his groceries at Walmart. "
If he doesn’t own at least one bottle of decent cologne and is living high off those sample vials you get from the mall."
"Chooses to watch basic non cable channels when you invite him over. You know like channel 5 or the 700 club"
- If his choice of drink is E&J"
Signs that he’s of low caliber
@Nicole0416 @CinnaSlim @dora_da_destroyer @Booksnrain @Killmonger
Yall ladies agree?