Breh a petition like that is dangerous and will in fact back Fire
First off the klan is powerless for the most part and outside of name calling and some random shootings have very little to do with disenfranchising black people subjecting us to inadequate education and monopolizing the resources. These for the most part are just poor white people who rather blame black people for their inability to capitalize on white supremacy than understanding they are just victims of a capitalist society.
Our true enemies are in Washington dc, at city hall, wearing black robes, the police department, those who control media, those who educate our children, etc.
Once you successfully make a non threat like the klan domestic terrorist you open the door for whites to do the same to many grass roots black pan african organizations. And they will get millions of signatures. And none of those black movements have close to the type of violent history the klan has but on this same premises they will eradicate all of them nation of islam, black panthers, etc will all go down in this same manner. I don't want to allow the media to select my enemy and throw the old dumb ass klan out there and some fight over a flag and make that the pinnacle of black liberation. So now we get rid of some flag, we bring down the klan, but guess what, whites will still missing educate our children, will still portray us as thugs thots and buffoons on tv, will still arrest us and fill the privatized prisons up with black people going in on drug charges and driving violations, police will still kill us, they will still be killing young black kids and selling our organs on the black market, and etc. Then on top of that black organizations preaching black unity will now be labeled terrorist and forced to disband. I'm not good with that.
Nothing we need to do with the dumb ass klan. Our wins come with group economics, building businesses and re educating ourselves on our history, not getting some idiot ass white folks to stop calling us nikkas or stop flying a flag. Those are frivolous arguments that keep us powerless, which is what they want anyway.