It's not bad. Some of the characters are annoying ( Carrie, Miranda), while some are worth rooting for ( Samantha, Charlotte). Here's a description of each person and their plot.
Carrie: Dates a guy, who doesn't want to commit to her ( Big). She then dates Aiden ( Simp), Dated Berger ( too p*ssy to handle her success), dates Alexander petrovsky ( didn't emotionally connect well, slaps her in the end). She is very bad with money ( needed a loan from her friends); she somehow lives in Manhattan, while writing in a low rated newspaper article. Her story is lame and annoying. Least favorite on the show. Oh she dated a 19 year old for a couple of episodes ( He bailed when he got caught with pot).
Charlotte: Probably the best character on the show, because you sympathize with her. She dates a orthopedic surgeon ( he works too much), then she dates Trey Mcdougal, a cardio thoracic surgeon, who has an overbearing mother ( Bonny). Their relationship takes a bad turn when the following happens
1) He suffered from ED ( couldn't get it up)
2) he didn't want kids ( this was the back breaker in the relationship)
She finally meets and marries Harry ( Captain simp). She converts to Judaism, she was an episcopal Christian. They ended up having two kids, Rose and lily ( miracle because she couldn't get pregnant). She's the safe and most leveled headed one. Her story is good. She's also wild sexually sometimes. She admits to eating trey Booty like groceries
Miranda Hobbs: High powered career women, who's very demanding. She dates Skipper ( he was too much of a wimp), then she dated a lawyer who gave her chylmdia

. Then she meets Steve at a bar. They date off and on again, until he develops testicular cancer. She Sympathic to his problems; and ends up having sex with him. His pullout game is weak; and she ends up pregnant. They work it out and move to Brooklyn. She's the clear bread winner in the relationship. She's kinda bytchy; but she tries hard.
Samantha: sexually adventurous; and is. Down for whatever. No limits!! She fell in love with Richard ( Rich real estate magnet). Richard cheats on her multiple times; and she eventually decided enough is enough. She dates a black person as well ( he worked in the movie hip hop industry). Sister doesn't like her; and they break up. Samantha then meets Jared smith ( waiter who she turned into a model). He really loves her; but eventually they become close friends.
Overall it's a good show!!