legal cord cutters who want a solid amount of content would pay
- 8.99 for netflix
- 9.99 for hulu plus
- 10.99 for showtime
- 14.99 for HBO
- 2 of the following [for year round sports]:
- 251 for NFL Sunday ticket, $130 for, 189 for nba league pass
- lets assume you get sunday ticket and, thats 31.75 a month
- Internet: 59.99 we'll say
that is $136.71
its no longer a deal unless you're streaming heavy and for those of us with girls / family / kids that
bootleg look is not hot when them streams drop [AND THEY DO]
EDIT: and before you say i'm a moron, i only pay for cable, netflix, and use a shared PW for the other stuff...