I didn't hear anything about Black on white crime, but he's the Devil nonetheless.
I didn't hear him mention black on white crime...
The action is indefensible imo
Anyways @
So the police are just shooting unarmed black men in Florida? This must be the start of something new.
when did he bring up black on white crime?
I want my 3 minutes back
smh, CNN edited the racial rhetoric, but CNN did the segment live, the host did bring up race and the sheriff did bring up black on white crime, here is the transcript.
CUOMO: Right. What we're leaving out here though, Sheriff, is what could the 60-year-old unarmed man have done that would make the officers feel they needed to shoot with him 15 times.
MORGAN: He did not comply is the bottom line. The witness statements go as such. When they first directed the individual to exit the car he first stuck one hand, his left hand out the driver's window and then retrieved his hand. It looked as though he was going into the consol area of the car. He opened the door. Put one leg and one arm outside the door, lunged back again inside the car as the deputies were telling him to step out of the car, let us see your hands.
When he got out of the car, he made a lunging movement out of the car. When he spun around his hands were not up. He raised one hand, which had a metallic object in it, and it was at that point that the officers began to fire.
CUOMO: Even if everything you are saying or that your officers are saying is true, 15 times at a 60-year-old unarmed man? Why?
MORGAN: Well, again, Chris, we didn't know that he was unarmed, number one. He had an object in his hand, which led the officers to believe that he had some sort of weapon and that also is standard protocol. When an officer employs deadly force training tells you to continue to fire because you made the decision at that point that your life or the life of someone else is in danger. That is not out of the ordinary.
CUOMO: The officers involved -- yes, go ahead.
MORGAN: Chris, I might also point out that just less than five days prior to that people are making comments about the officers training. They had just completed a routine thing, our active shooter program, which is an interactive program. It's a computer driven where you role play and officers are trained to diffuse situations. That was just five days prior to this case. CUOMO: But Sheriff, doesn't something about this situation give you pause for concern when your officers wind up shooting at a guy 15 times? It is like the only thing in his favor was that your sheriffs were bad shots. Otherwise, it seems like it is all he had going for him and you seem completely unmoved by the circumstances. It is very troubling.
MORGAN: Well, again, Chris, we are always -- I described this to a lot of folks as a tragedy. Anytime an officer has to deploy the use of deadly force in any situation is a tragedy. It's a tragedy anytime someone is hit by any rounds. Again, the number of rounds is not out of the ordinary. I think it's only out of the ordinary of those folks who were not engaged in law enforcement. This is all too common occurrences.
We live in a very violent society. We have the third highest rate of incarceration out of 67 counties and the eighth highest crime rate for a county that again is not the largest county in Florida. So our officers are responding to very dangerous situations. This was 2:30 in the morning. Again, we had a subject who was not compliant. Again, I'm not really sure how the officers could have reacted differently in this situation.
CUOMO: I got you. That is a very strong move, your handling it over to the state authorities so they can have an independent eye on it. I have to give you one more chance at this. People look at this situation and the report was wrong t. It was not a burglary. This is the man's house. He was unarmed. You say that your deputies say he didn't comply. Another witness says he did comply. He says he complied. We don't know what happened although it is unreasonable to assume a man would not comply while on his own property doing something wrong.
Do you understand why it gives people concerns about what happens when white police officers encounter black men down in your county?
MORGAN: Now we are injecting race into the situation, which compounds the situation. Again, the eyewitness you are referring to. He was one of the neighbors of Mr. Middleton. His statement has changed. We got a sworn statement from this individual. The statement that we received from him said from his vantage point, he could hear the officers directing Nr. Middleton. He confirmed basically all the things our officers said. He wasn't belligerent. We have a variance there. Are we concerned? That is a little bit of a ridiculous statement if I may say so. Anytime a citizen is harmed we are concerned. In this case when you inject race into it, it is inflammatory.
CUOMO: Well, I want to give you a chance to respond to it because it is not me introducing you to what people's concerns are about this situation. That's why I'm putting it out there. This is the way it sizes up to people. That is why I appreciate you coming on to explain it from your perspective.
MORGAN: Can I put this somewhat in balance?
CUOMO: Sure. MORGAN: Here is why we are concerned about this as a community and as a nation. Approximately four months ago in Escambia County, there were
two black males and a black female who bludgeoned a white female to death with a hammer and a crow bar. There was no public outrage. There was no uprising in this. Approximately a month and a half ago, a black male shot a white male unarmed on Pensacola Beach, you know, in the face and in the chest.
There was no public outcry to this. So again now that law enforcement is involved in this I am very concerned about this from a race relations perspective as much as anything because what it tells me is we haven't bridged the gap as much as I thought we had.
CUOMO: I think it is a great point to make, Sheriff. I appreciate you making it on our show. I appreciate you taking the opportunity. Thanks for being with us today.
MORGAN: Yes, sir.