Why do men care so much on what women find attractive?


Aug 18, 2013
Any breh I know who spend 24/7 day and night thinking about what makes them attractive to women, I already know they not on their purpose

Why should I give a f*ck what a woman thinks is attractive
Dating/Relationship/PUA media making billions off of this

Oh she likes Bad Boys? Who gives a fukk
She like tall guys? Who gives a fukk
She likes short guys? Who gives a fukk
She likes a man in uniform? Who gives a fukk
She likes nerds? Who gives a fukk
She likes guys with beards? Who gives a fukk

Anyone who tries to change themselves match a woman's fluctuating emotions needs to hold that L

Be on your purpose and you will have women on your program who will enjoy being lead by a man who knows himself

That simple :manny:


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
It’s not that men don’t CARE
It’s the fact that men have been sold a trash story since birth
Society predicates manhood as the ability to attract women
It’s a part of the mantra/depiction of what success is
Even women ain’t fukking with you unless you have a decent body count/sex history
They will lie all day, everyday on this topic
But if you where out here dry dikking:francis:
Which leaves a lot of young men in conundrums and quagmires
Yeah, you can be on your purpose, curating experiences and knowledge out the ying yang
That doesn’t stop men from wanting a mate or being desired
So when you see pretty nikka, “bad boy” archetypes getting women with ease while on your purpose
It leads men to frustration because alot of nikkas ma dukes told them the game wrong
So when they finally get a female that they truly think is fukking with them like that
They leave it all out on the table
Not knowing in an ironic twist of fate
It’s counterproductive to keeping a woman
All those lies their mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, “friends” told them come crushing down like Robert Taylor Homes
Thinking just being a good man is enough:francis:
Women are shallow as fukk
Yeah they may fukk on the funny fat nikka(this is from personal experience)
But that doesn’t mean they trying to lead a life with you or be seen with you like that in public
It’s a harsh reality and alot of you COLI nikkas “claim” to never have lived that existence
But that shyt leaves scars on a young nikka
So yeah you can talk all the BIG shyt about not caring but you do
Everyman cares, every creature on this earth cares
Not being desired(which are alot of men’s fates) has long lasting psychological effects on people
Until you’ve walked in those shoes
Taken Ls to get where you are finally comfortable in your skin and can tell honest attraction from bogus bullshyt
Then it’s all talk
These conversations are way too deep for this forum because none of you nikkas have taken an L before right:mjlol:
At the end of my incel babble
Stop lying to yourself
You care because I guarantee you couldn’t live in the shroud of darkness some of us ugly ducklings had to go through
It ain’t for the weak but it does make you stronger as the cliche goes:wow: