1. Randy Orton beat Rob Van Dam in 12:44. I have to give it a draw on a babyface pop from the crowd. Pretty much down the middle. Orton went over with the RKO. Great back and forth match with Orton controlling a little more of the match. Orton hit the RKO after RVD missed the frog splash. RVD popped up and got hit with a nasty RKO. Very solid match. Orton wants to shake hands after the match but RVD snubs him.
MizTV featuring AJ Lee with Big E. Langston. Dolph Ziggler interrupted the interview. Kaitlyn came out and interrupted as well. Miz booked a SummerSlam match on the fly due to his role as the SummerSlam host - AJ and Big E Langston vs. Ziggler and Kaitlyn. Lee and Langston jumped Ziggler and Kaitlyn. The babyfaces came back and hit each of their finishers, leaving Big E and AJ lying in the ring. When Big E. recovers he beats down the Miz leading to a powerbomb through the announce table. AJ jumps into his arms unexpectedly and kisses him.
2. Fandango (w/Summer Rae) beat Kofi Kingston in 4:44. Kingston received a nice pop. Summer Rae in person will make you reach for your chapstick in your pants regardless of whether you carry chapstick or not. Rae's work as a "manager" is solid. Fandango went over by pinfall with a leg drop off the top rope. Kofi was visibly upset after the loss.
3. Daniel Bryan beat Wade Barrett in 4:08. Barrett is now clean shaven. Bryan reached into his beard and blinded Barrett with a handful of lice then applied the NO/YES Lock. Jason Thurgood Goode came out and looked on from the stage.

4. Kane defeated Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal in a handicap match in 1:36. 3MB got a lot of heat, but it was mostly go away heat in my opinion. Kane chokeslammed Jinder for the win. The Wyatt Family interrupted on the big screen and delivered a promo saying Kane is going to be baptized in the fire from which he came.
5. Christian beat Alberto Del Rio in a non-title match in 18:40. Christian won with a small package. Solid, solid, solid match. 18:40 of solid wrestling. Del Rio jumped Christian, but Christian reversed him into the Unprettier. Christian headed up the ramp afterward, leaving Del Rio in the ring.
Damien Sandow charged the ring with a ref and his briefcase. Before the bell could ring, Cody Rhodes ran down to the ring and climbed up the top rope and hit a flying body press to break up any attempt by Sandow to take Del Rio's title. Ricardo Rodriguez ran out to help Del Rio but instead hits him with a lead pipe. He says he quits. He picks up Sandow's money in the bank briefcase and looks at it with an evil smirk.
Most Heat
Jason Thurgood Goode
Wyatt Promo
RVD snubbing Orton
Biggest Pops
Jason Thurgood Goode
Wade Barrett

Big E beating up the Miz
Sandow, Rhodes and AJ came out to crickets.