- Randy Orton opened the show, to the surprise of no one. And, of course, he gets a ton of heel heat for having screwed over Daniel Bryan. He claims he didn't know about Triple H's plan to turn on Bryan at SummerSlam, and that he doesn't need any help. Bryan comes out and thanks Cena for the opportunity at Summerlam (
) and rips into Orton saying that while he had to scratch and claw his way to the top Orton has had everything given to him without him deserving it half the time. He says Orton was an automatic piss break from '02-'04 and has always needed HHH's help to achieve any sort of success. Bryan wonders if it's a mentor relationship or something entirely different. An RKO attempt was countered into a dropkick before Orton bailed while Bryan led the "Yes" chants with the crowd eating it up.
- In a backstage segment, Wade Barrett asked Vickie Guerrero for a match with Bryan and she gave it to him ... in a STEEL CAGE!
- Curtis Axel def. Cody Rhodes in a match that saw Rhodes have the upper hand for much of it but Paul Heyman cause enough of a distraction to allow Axel to pick up the victory.
After, Heyman cut a promo on CM Punk that somehow led to Axel challenging Punk to a match on Raw next week for the Intercontinental championship.
- Dolph Ziggler def. Big E. Langston after the Zig Zag despite interference from AJ Lee. After the match Langston brutalized Ziggler throwing him into the steel steps, the barricade and powerbombing him through a table. Referees and trainers tried to get Langston off of Ziggler but they were attacked to the point of being too frightened to intervene. Langston dragged Ziggler to the top of the stage and gave him the Big Ending on the steel. He then picked him up and powerbombed him off the stage. AJ Lee looked concerned but then tried to kiss Langston who could be heard saying you're like a brother to me.
Call me crazy, and maybe even a turncoat, but I'm to the point that I would rather see Langston getting pushed than Ziggler.
- Alberto Del Rio def. Christian in yet another good long match between the two. We're on the Del Rio revenge tour, as he gets all his wins back from Christian. Like a good soldier, though, Christian gave an assist to Rob Van Dam, helping him set up a Five-Star Frog Splash. So ADR vs. RVD is your next world heavyweight title feud.
- Big Show & Mark Henry def. 3MB in a squash match before The Shield show up on the titantron to call them out. Looks like that feud is going ahead as planned. Mark Henry says the Shield is old news and no one gives a damn about them, come out and just get your ass kicked already. Big Show says the Bossman died almost ten years ago, time to kill the tribute team.
- Darren Young def. Antonio Cesaro despite Jack Swagger interfering in the match. I'll continue to harp on the Real Americans for being the least successful tag team in history when it comes to singles encounters with one partner trying to help the other win. They fail every time. It's almost their gimmick at this point. Jason Thurgood Goode comes out to save the day beating down Young saying that he's going to get a good old fashioned "bashing." Real classy WWE. Goode chokes out Young with a rainbow bandana then applies the c00n Trap submission. While Young is incapacitated Colter screams in his face there's no room in his America for people like Young and Obama needs to stop tap dancing for them. They aren't heroes but scientific abominations and anomalies. The heat for this segment was nuclear.
Get rid of Swagger and Cesaro; Zeb and Jason Thurgood Goode are where it's at.
- Daniel Bryan def. Wade Barrett in the main event steel cage match. You probably don't need to be told that this was a squash match and beyond that, Bryan once again used the flying knee for his finisher. I like it. The post-match angle saw Randy Orton come out from under the ring, apparently after hanging with Hornswoggle for a while, to lay Bryan out with an RKO. Once again Jason Thurgood Goode came out and watched Bryan lie helpless in the ring. This time he came from the stage to the ramp and just stared a hole through Bryan. Orton looked a nit unnerved.

- In a backstage segment, Wade Barrett asked Vickie Guerrero for a match with Bryan and she gave it to him ... in a STEEL CAGE!
- Curtis Axel def. Cody Rhodes in a match that saw Rhodes have the upper hand for much of it but Paul Heyman cause enough of a distraction to allow Axel to pick up the victory.

- Dolph Ziggler def. Big E. Langston after the Zig Zag despite interference from AJ Lee. After the match Langston brutalized Ziggler throwing him into the steel steps, the barricade and powerbombing him through a table. Referees and trainers tried to get Langston off of Ziggler but they were attacked to the point of being too frightened to intervene. Langston dragged Ziggler to the top of the stage and gave him the Big Ending on the steel. He then picked him up and powerbombed him off the stage. AJ Lee looked concerned but then tried to kiss Langston who could be heard saying you're like a brother to me.

- Alberto Del Rio def. Christian in yet another good long match between the two. We're on the Del Rio revenge tour, as he gets all his wins back from Christian. Like a good soldier, though, Christian gave an assist to Rob Van Dam, helping him set up a Five-Star Frog Splash. So ADR vs. RVD is your next world heavyweight title feud.
- Big Show & Mark Henry def. 3MB in a squash match before The Shield show up on the titantron to call them out. Looks like that feud is going ahead as planned. Mark Henry says the Shield is old news and no one gives a damn about them, come out and just get your ass kicked already. Big Show says the Bossman died almost ten years ago, time to kill the tribute team.

- Darren Young def. Antonio Cesaro despite Jack Swagger interfering in the match. I'll continue to harp on the Real Americans for being the least successful tag team in history when it comes to singles encounters with one partner trying to help the other win. They fail every time. It's almost their gimmick at this point. Jason Thurgood Goode comes out to save the day beating down Young saying that he's going to get a good old fashioned "bashing." Real classy WWE. Goode chokes out Young with a rainbow bandana then applies the c00n Trap submission. While Young is incapacitated Colter screams in his face there's no room in his America for people like Young and Obama needs to stop tap dancing for them. They aren't heroes but scientific abominations and anomalies. The heat for this segment was nuclear.

- Daniel Bryan def. Wade Barrett in the main event steel cage match. You probably don't need to be told that this was a squash match and beyond that, Bryan once again used the flying knee for his finisher. I like it. The post-match angle saw Randy Orton come out from under the ring, apparently after hanging with Hornswoggle for a while, to lay Bryan out with an RKO. Once again Jason Thurgood Goode came out and watched Bryan lie helpless in the ring. This time he came from the stage to the ramp and just stared a hole through Bryan. Orton looked a nit unnerved.