I don't know about your premise that negatives have dominated the conversations. This movie was really made to hook a new generation of youngsters and to get women interested and it certainly did that. Us young twentysomethings to older thirtysomethings grew up with the prequels and were very disappointed so we were always going to be cynical. Outside of certain enclaves online like thecoli, reddit and youtube comments where hardcores argue endlessly about details the general public doesn't care about, people liked the film. Very few people outright dislike this film.
you might be right, i saw a lot of ppl on my fb praise the film and i know they aren't fans like that.
but at the same time i saw the film and a buddy of mine was bored to tears. normal guy, not really much of a geek, likes comic movies though. but he told me he couldn't get into it at all. he hated it.
as for the actual fans of the franchise, i suppose in the annals of history (or at least until ep 8) it will rank below the originals but better than the prequels. a decent, enjoyable throwback but nothing out of this world extraordinary. at worst maybe a cheap knockoff.