Saigons words taken out of context gets net attention/Sai speaks truth & no one cares


May 6, 2012
[ame=]Video: I'm Malcom X.. I'm 2pac: Saigon Addresses Rick Ross & Other Rapper Issues![/ame]

Once the smoke cleared from that whole moment where Saigons words were taken out of context causing an internet frenzy where it was made to seem as if Saigon was taking shots at Ross, I noticed all the naysayers never retracted their words once it was discovered that they were duped. 1) The 1st interview was a snippet to cause controversy courtesy of the website sohh who's website has met a big decline within recent weeks causing them to reach for what every they could out of despiration. 2) Saigon didnt blast Ross as the original interview claimed. Saigon mearly just pointed out the consumers lack of awareness to the product they are buying. he also went in on Diddy when he did this but the original interview never pointed this out. 3) Saigon has pretty much made a career bigging up certain rappers while also pointing out there flaws. I applaud Sai for being one of the few in the game with balls to do so. In the same interview where he spoke on Ross he spoke on the fakeness behind Kim K and kanye...and Kanye is his boy, yet the original title description o9f the editted audio never pointed this out. Saigons twitter explainations was not back tracking, he was just pointing out how the journalist twisted his original statements. Saigon for the past months has been bigging up Ross which has caused some hostility from his followers. The way Saigon talks in the interview in question is the way saigon always talks. Kinda sad how This man has a great message yet because the mass lack the proper understanding to see thru the BS they get blindsided and the message gets lost.


May 6, 2012
I mean when u think about it...This dude Saigon dedicated his first album to being on some "big brother" type sh*t. I remember the only criticism when that album dropped was that it was too preachy. This dude Saigon was visting homeless shelters and has an organization that helps orphaned children who's parents are incarcerated. But wordlstar and non of these websites care about that. But let some video chick put saigons private tweets online and the net jumps on it. Its sad because If Saigon does positive no one cares....but when its anything negative its all over the net. How backwards is that?