In an interview with Title Match Network, Sabu said he had an idea for his final match ever, an FTW Title match with the current champion, AEW’s HOOK. Sabu is himself a former FTW champion during its ECW run.
When asked about Rob Van Dam’s recent appearances there, Sabu said: “I thought it was awesome. I thought it was awesome. Would have been better if he came out with me. He came out, and he had a surprise, and it ended with all of us. I wanted him to win the FTW belt, give it to me, and then in my final match, I lose it back to HOOK. I didn’t say it to nobody, that’s just my thought. I like HOOK, he’s a good guy, a good kid, very respectful. Needs to gain some weight, of course, and experience, but I think he has a good future. It would be my pleasure to help him.“
When asked about Rob Van Dam’s recent appearances there, Sabu said: “I thought it was awesome. I thought it was awesome. Would have been better if he came out with me. He came out, and he had a surprise, and it ended with all of us. I wanted him to win the FTW belt, give it to me, and then in my final match, I lose it back to HOOK. I didn’t say it to nobody, that’s just my thought. I like HOOK, he’s a good guy, a good kid, very respectful. Needs to gain some weight, of course, and experience, but I think he has a good future. It would be my pleasure to help him.“