
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
That Time Donald Trump Tried To Hang With Tony Yayo and a Bunch of Drug Dealers

That Time Donald Trump Tried To Hang With Tony Yayo and a Bunch of Drug Dealers
Another DJ Whoo Kid exclusive

Ealier this week the notorious DJ Whoo Kid stopped by MASS APPEAL HQ for a very rare interview. The legendary mixtape master chopped it up with us about the making of his landmark tape 50 Cent is the Future, which will soon mark its 15-year anniversary. The conversation was everything we hoped it would be, and more. Much more. So much more that we had to break you off with a little preview to hold you down till next week.

Let’s go back to a time when 50 Cent was on his way to becoming the realest and biggest rap star on the planet, with fans from Muammar Gaddafi to… Donald Trump. Who, it turns out, is actually a clone! But let Whoo Kid tell it…

DJ WHOO KID: I used to take movies and sample all the best gun sounds and remix them into the mixtapes, instead of using the cheesy generic shyt. When you went to the show, it was like you were in a movie. The whole movement was kind of like an action movie. I wanted to protect 50’s image by making the tapes gangster too.

That’s the only reason I was cool with [Muammar] Gadaffi. Cause Gadaffi and his sons had all the G-Unit mixtapes. He was like, “Yo, I like 50 Cent, but I like the fact that you mixed it in a gangster way.” When I was hanging with him, he was like, “Yo, my man—gunshots, killing.” I’m talking to a so-called terrorist, but he was my homeboy. We did a lot of events with him. But imagine like, Gadaffi fukking telling you… I don’t know man. It gets really too crazy sometimes.

It gets to the point where Donald Trump’s son, who was so young at that time, he was a super G-Unit fan. Like, beyond a fan. Trump Jr. was so fukked to the point where he talked to Donald Trump about 50 all the time.

When I was got hired to do Shade 45, they gave me Saturdays. That’s the only place you could find me or hear me or catch me. So Trump Jr. was addicted to the show. He used to tell Donald Trump so much about the show, where Donald Trump was like, “Yo, alright!” He was on The Apprentice at that time. And he was like, “I’m gonna go up there!”

Donald Trump came, not only because he was a fan of 50, but he wanted to look cool in front of his son. Like, “Yo, I can go on that show and be cool and hang out.”

So I was doing “Drug Dealer Weekend.” Like, I had ecstasy dealers, I had like, all kinds of dumb shyt. But they didn’t say their real names. They came up here—it was like a tutorial to tell you: “Yo, these are the drugs we sell, and this is what can happen if you do it. We don’t know what’s in ecstasy. Don’t do it. Weed can be addictive. Yeah, it’s cool with Snoop, but—don’t do it.” Everything ended with “Don’t do it!”

But my boy was downstairs, like, “Yo, there’s a Donald Trump downstairs for you.”

I was like, “What? What are you talking about?” So I’m doing my show live. I’m like, “What the fukk are you talkin’ about?”

“Yeah, Donald Trump is downstairs. He’s with some guy who say he know you and he just came up here.”

I’m like, “Well… I’m doing, like, a Drug Dealer Weekend.” [Laughs] So I’m like, “Yo, fukk that.” This is the only time I could have him, and I couldn’t tell the drug dealers to leave. So I had security bring him up, and Donald Trump comes in.

You could tell this is the scenario of a white guy uncomfortable with nikkas everywhere. And this white guy, who is super-rich, is not leaving. Because it’s uncomfortable for him to leave. He’s like, “You know what? I’m gonna knock this out. fukk it.”

But he doesn’t know that this is Drug Dealer Weekend. This is like, Tony Yayo is up there, this drug dealer from Connecticut, and Donald Trump and this other weed dealer. We’re all partying for like an hour. I never told Trump that it was Drug Dealer Weekend. He hung out and 50 Cent called in to keep him comfortable.

How am I supposed to know, from a mixtape guy, that I’m gonna have the future dikkhead president of America?

And yes, Whoo Kid blessed us with the exclusive video. (Full audio here.)
Smell the money!

“I think we have officially concluded on MASS APPEAL that Trump is a goddamn clone! He looks exactly the same as he did 10 years ago.”

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DJ Whoo Kid Donald Trump



Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
That Time Donald Trump Tried To Hang With Tony Yayo and a Bunch of Drug Dealers

That Time Donald Trump Tried To Hang With Tony Yayo and a Bunch of Drug Dealers
Another DJ Whoo Kid exclusive

Ealier this week the notorious DJ Whoo Kid stopped by MASS APPEAL HQ for a very rare interview. The legendary mixtape master chopped it up with us about the making of his landmark tape 50 Cent is the Future, which will soon mark its 15-year anniversary. The conversation was everything we hoped it would be, and more. Much more. So much more that we had to break you off with a little preview to hold you down till next week.

Let’s go back to a time when 50 Cent was on his way to becoming the realest and biggest rap star on the planet, with fans from Muammar Gaddafi to… Donald Trump. Who, it turns out, is actually a clone! But let Whoo Kid tell it…

DJ WHOO KID: I used to take movies and sample all the best gun sounds and remix them into the mixtapes, instead of using the cheesy generic shyt. When you went to the show, it was like you were in a movie. The whole movement was kind of like an action movie. I wanted to protect 50’s image by making the tapes gangster too.

That’s the only reason I was cool with [Muammar] Gadaffi. Cause Gadaffi and his sons had all the G-Unit mixtapes. He was like, “Yo, I like 50 Cent, but I like the fact that you mixed it in a gangster way.” When I was hanging with him, he was like, “Yo, my man—gunshots, killing.” I’m talking to a so-called terrorist, but he was my homeboy. We did a lot of events with him. But imagine like, Gadaffi fukking telling you… I don’t know man. It gets really too crazy sometimes.

It gets to the point where Donald Trump’s son, who was so young at that time, he was a super G-Unit fan. Like, beyond a fan. Trump Jr. was so fukked to the point where he talked to Donald Trump about 50 all the time.

When I was got hired to do Shade 45, they gave me Saturdays. That’s the only place you could find me or hear me or catch me. So Trump Jr. was addicted to the show. He used to tell Donald Trump so much about the show, where Donald Trump was like, “Yo, alright!” He was on The Apprentice at that time. And he was like, “I’m gonna go up there!”

Donald Trump came, not only because he was a fan of 50, but he wanted to look cool in front of his son. Like, “Yo, I can go on that show and be cool and hang out.”

So I was doing “Drug Dealer Weekend.” Like, I had ecstasy dealers, I had like, all kinds of dumb shyt. But they didn’t say their real names. They came up here—it was like a tutorial to tell you: “Yo, these are the drugs we sell, and this is what can happen if you do it. We don’t know what’s in ecstasy. Don’t do it. Weed can be addictive. Yeah, it’s cool with Snoop, but—don’t do it.” Everything ended with “Don’t do it!”

But my boy was downstairs, like, “Yo, there’s a Donald Trump downstairs for you.”

I was like, “What? What are you talking about?” So I’m doing my show live. I’m like, “What the fukk are you talkin’ about?”

“Yeah, Donald Trump is downstairs. He’s with some guy who say he know you and he just came up here.”

I’m like, “Well… I’m doing, like, a Drug Dealer Weekend.” [Laughs] So I’m like, “Yo, fukk that.” This is the only time I could have him, and I couldn’t tell the drug dealers to leave. So I had security bring him up, and Donald Trump comes in.

You could tell this is the scenario of a white guy uncomfortable with nikkas everywhere. And this white guy, who is super-rich, is not leaving. Because it’s uncomfortable for him to leave. He’s like, “You know what? I’m gonna knock this out. fukk it.”

But he doesn’t know that this is Drug Dealer Weekend. This is like, Tony Yayo is up there, this drug dealer from Connecticut, and Donald Trump and this other weed dealer. We’re all partying for like an hour. I never told Trump that it was Drug Dealer Weekend. He hung out and 50 Cent called in to keep him comfortable.

How am I supposed to know, from a mixtape guy, that I’m gonna have the future dikkhead president of America?

And yes, Whoo Kid blessed us with the exclusive video. (Full audio here.)
Smell the money!

“I think we have officially concluded on MASS APPEAL that Trump is a goddamn clone! He looks exactly the same as he did 10 years ago.”

Related Articles
DJ Whoo Kid Donald Trump

yo :wtf: this is random as fukk
@50CentStan did you know about this :mindblown:

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I think that we can actually state that the Trump administration is easily the most corrupt administration during the last 50 years. The Trump administration is only 4 months in and they have already blew right by the Nixon, Reagan and the W. Bush administration. It took those other administrations at least 5 or 6 years to get to full fukkery, but Trump didn't even need 5 months.


All Star
Dec 20, 2016
Lawyer: Kushner ‘has no recollection’ of reported undisclosed Russian contacts

05/26/2017 11:08 PM EDT

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Top presidential adviser Jared Kushner’s legal team pushed back Friday night against a report that the White House senior adviser and Trump son-in-law had at least three undisclosed contacts with a Russian ambassador during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, saying he had “no recollection” of the alleged exchanges.

"Mr. Kushner participated in thousands of calls in this time period. He has no recollection of the calls as described,” Kushner’s lawyer Jamie Gorelick told POLITICO in a statement, responding to a Reuters report about Kushner's contacts with Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak.

“We have asked (Reuters) for the dates of such alleged calls so we may look into it and respond, but we have not received such information," Gorelick added.

But Kushner's legal team was silent about other reports that President Donald Trump's son-in-law sought to establish a secret line of communications with the Kremlin. The White House did not respond to requests for comment on the reports.

According to Reuters, Kushner held at least two phone calls between April and November of last year with Kislyak, who’s represented Russian President Vladimir Putin in Washington since 2008.


Trump Muddles Through His Big Trip

The Democratic National Committee called on President Donald Trump to "immediately fire" Kushner.

"Trump has no choice but to immediately fire Kushner, whose failure to report this episode on his security clearance is reason enough for a criminal investigation," the DNC said in a statement.

The committee also questioned to what extent Trump was aware of Kushner's attempts to establish direct channels with Russia.

"The next question is whether the president authorized this, because no one stands between Trump and Kushner in the chain of command," they said.

Hennessey, echoing the DNC, also questioned to what degree the president may have been aware of Kushner’s reported actions.

“The most significant question seems to be whether Trump was aware of and/or directed Jared and Flynn's contacts w/ Kisylak,” she said.

Josh Gerstein contributed to this report.

Lawyer: Kushner ‘has no recollection’ of reported undisclosed Russian contacts


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
WHAT DE BLOODCLATTTTTTT!!!! :shakingdamn::shakingdamn::shakingdamn::shakingdamn::shakingdamn:

Russian bank owners sue BuzzFeed over publishing dossier

Russian bank owners sue BuzzFeed over publishing dossier

Three owners of a Russian bank filed a defamation lawsuit Friday against BuzzFeed News for publishing a dossier with unproven allegations about them that include attempts at bribery and conspiring to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven and German Khan, who together own about three quarters of Alfa Bank, are seeking unspecified damages from the news outlet and the reporters who wrote the January report about the dossier — editor-in-chief Ben Smith, reporter Ken Bensinger and editors Miriam Elder and Mark Schoofs.

Smith acknowledged around the time the report was published that some aspects of the dossier were incorrect or still unproven. The court complaint, according to a version posted by Politico, says this admission shows the news outlet was both aware and still willing to publish a questionable report — thus, meeting the legal standards for libel.

“Even though the Dossier included many harmful allegations about Plaintiffs and Alfa, and even though Buzzfeed expressly acknowledged the unverified and potentially unverifiable nature of the Dossier’s allegations, Buzzfeed published the unredacted Dossier and the Article anyway — without first affording the Plaintiffs an opportunity to address the unverified allegations made against them and against Alfa in the Dossier,” wrote Alan Lewis and John Walsh, lawyers from the law firm Carter Ledyard and Milburn, who are representing the bank owners.

"The false and defamatory statements published by Defendants of and concerning the Plaintiffs and Alfa, and the implications of those defamatory statements, were made with knowledge of their falsity or with reckless disregard of whether they were true or false,” they continued.

The dossier claims Fridman, Aven, and Khan attempted to bribe Russian President Vladimir Putin while he served as the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg and that they participated in a scheme with the Russian government that aimed to influence the presidential election.

BuzzFeed defended publishing the dossier later Friday, arguing it was relevant to the ongoing federal and congressional Russia probes and calling the lawsuit a “shameless attempt to bully and intimidate” their news company.

"The head of a Russian bank sued our news organization for publishing a document that alleges financial ties between Putin, Trump, and Russian entities—including this very bank," BuzzFeed spokesman Matt Mittenthal wrote in a statement.

"Given that the allegations contained in the dossier were presented to successive presidents and remain under active investigation by intelligence agencies and Congress, there is little doubt that their publication was and continues to be in the public interest. That makes it all the more important that this shameless attempt to bully and intimidate BuzzFeed News not have a chilling effect on other journalists who continue to report this important story.”

A Russian internet businessman Aleksej Gubarev sued BuzzFeed in February for publishing the dossiers claims that his businesses utilized "botnets and porn traffic" target Democratic Party leaders through cyber operations.

BuzzFeed apologized and pulled the parts about Gubarev and his firms from the dossier document posted on its site around the time the suit was filed — but it is still ongoing.

The dossier is a complication of memos collected by a former British intelligence agent who was hired to do opposition research and dig up unfavorable information about then-candidate Donald Trump.

@DonKnock @The Black Panther @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @lotuseater80 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @AZBeauty @Hogan in the Wolfpac @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Ss4gogeta0 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Call Me James @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @duckbutta @TheDarceKnight @Ed MOTHERfukkING G

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
It just hit me, we wont have world peace now :to:


But Jared is good at multi-tasking, so he can still bring peace to the Middle East; Build the Wall; restructure the government; fix the VA; fix that nuclear situation in North Korea; negotiate with Boko Haram for the release of those last few girls being held hostage in Nigeria; fix the opiod problem; restructure the government; write up that infrastructure bill; complete criminal justice reform; liaison with Mexico; liaison with China; liaison with the Islamic World; fire another FBI Director; commit treason with the Russians; answer Mueller's and Congresses questions and still bring World Peace. He is a true multi-tasker.