
Aug 29, 2014

The reactions :dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead:

That was so fukking childish and unnecessary. :mindblown:

And he just stood there like a 5 year old cutting the line. "I'm the line leader!"

How is Kid President more mature than you? :dahell:

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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Here we go!!!


How Alleged Russian Hacker Teamed Up With Florida GOP Operative
Political consultant Aaron Nevins received documents from hacker ‘Guccifer 2.0’ and posted some on his blog; Guccifer called the blog to the attention of Trump adviser Roger Stone
Rob Barry
Updated May 25, 2017 2:59 p.m. ET

The hacking spree that upended the presidential election wasn’t limited to Democratic National Committee memos and Clinton-aide emails posted on websites. The hacker also privately sent Democratic voter-turnout analyses to a Republican political operative in Florida named Aaron Nevins.

Learning that hacker “Guccifer 2.0” had tapped into a Democratic committee that helps House candidates, Mr. Nevins wrote to the hacker to say: “Feel free to send any Florida based information.”

Ten days later, Mr. Nevins received 2.5 gigabytes of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee documents, some of which he posted on a blog called that he ran using a pseudonym.

Soon after, the hacker sent a link to the blog article to Roger Stone, a longtime informal adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump, along with Mr. Nevins’ analysis of the hacked data.

Mr. Nevins confirmed his exchanges after The Wall Street Journal identified him first as the operator of the HelloFLA blog and then as the recipient of the stolen DCCC data. The Journal also reviewed copies of exchanges between the hacker and Mr. Nevins. That the obscure blog had received hacked Democratic documents was previously known, but not the extent of the trove or the blogger’s identity.

“I just threw an arrow in the dark,” Mr. Nevins said in an interview, adding he set up a Dropbox account so whoever was using the Guccifer 2.0 name could send large amounts of material. Later, going through what the hacker sent as someone who “actually knows what some of these documents mean,” the GOP consultant said he “realized it was a lot more than even Guccifer knew that he had.”

The episode shows how the hacker’s activities extended to exposing Democrats’ get-out-the vote strategies in swing states and informing a Trump ally of hacked data during the national campaign.


Roger Stone, a longtime informal adviser to President Donald Trump Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

U.S. officials believe Guccifer 2.0 is linked to Russian military intelligence. Guccifer 2.0 denies that. The moniker appeared in hacks last year and isn’t the same as a Romanian hacker who earlier used the “Guccifer” name.

A Federal Bureau of Investigation counterintelligence inquiry and congressional committees are looking into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. The Kremlin denies any election meddling, including any link to Guccifer 2.0. Mr. Stone has come under scrutiny in the counterintelligence inquiry, people familiar with the matter said.

In an interview, Mr. Stone denied any involvement with the Russians related to elections and said he hadn’t been contacted by the FBI. He confirmed that Guccifer 2.0 sent him a link to the HelloFLA blog article last year but said he didn’t share any hacked material from it with anyone. On his own website, Mr. Stone has posted screen shots of text messages he exchanged with Guccifer 2.0 last summer.

DCCC documents sent to Mr. Nevins analyzed specific Florida districts, showing how many people were dependable Democratic voters, how many were likely Democratic voters but needed a nudge, how many were frequent voters but not committed and how many were core Republican voters—the kind of data strategists use in planning ad buys and other tactics.

The Journal reviewed these documents as well as Democratic voter analyses also sent to Mr. Nevins about congressional districts in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky and Texas.

The DCCC last summer confirmed a cyber-intrusion but hasn’t been specific about what was taken. Asked for comment, DCCC Communications Director Meredith Kelly said federal law enforcement, the intelligence community and members of both parties agree Russia intervened in the presidential and House contests, a reason for “a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate.”

Besides posting some of the hacked material on his blog, Mr. Nevins said he passed some on to Florida journalists. He said he didn’t use any in his consulting business, which includes running grass-roots-style campaigns for corporations and wealthy landowners seeking to influence local politics.

Mr. Nevins said the HelloFLA blog, which focuses on Tallahassee political gossip, gets at best 100 readers a day, and he runs it as a hobby.

Twitter direct message exchanges between Florida political consultant Aaron Nevins and hacker Guccifer 2.0 last September
Nevins texts are in blue at the right and Guccifer 2.0 texts are on the left.




In hopes of a scoop, he said, he reached out to Guccifer 2.0 last Aug. 12 after seeing a newspaper article about a hack of the DCCC. The hacker using the Guccifer 2.0 name had invited journalists to send questions via Twitter direct messages, which Mr. Nevins did.

Seeing that some of what Guccifer 2.0 had was months old, Mr. Nevins advised the hacker that releasing fresher documents would have a lot more impact.

More impressed after studying the voter-turnout models, Mr. Nevins told the hacker, “Basically if this was a war, this is the map to where all the troops are deployed.”

At another point, he told the hacker, “This is probably worth millions of dollars."

“Hmmm,” Guccifer 2.0 responded. “ok u owe me a million :smile:

Democrats, Mr. Nevins wrote, “spent millions probably to figure out who these people are that are conducive to their message and now it’s exposed for the other side.”

Mr. Stone, to whom Guccifer sent that analysis along with the link to the blog article with DCCC data, wrote to the hacker that the file was “pretty standard,” screen shots of Mr. Stone’s messages show.

It is impossible to know whether the hack affected the outcome of any elections.

“I did adjust some voting targets based on some data I saw from the leaks,” said Anthony Bustamante, a campaign consultant to Republican congressional candidate Brian Mast. Mr. Bustamante said the Democratic voter analyses led him to amp up some of his TV ad buys and reduce some mailed material ahead of the November election. Mr. Mast won a House seat, previously Democrat-held, in Florida’s 18th district near Palm Beach.

Representatives of the Florida Republican Party and the National Republican Congressional Committee didn’t respond to requests for comment.


GOP political consultant Aaron NevinsPhoto: Scott McIntyre for The Wall Street Journal

Mr. Nevins said he hasn’t been contacted by any investigators about last year’s political hacking.

He isn’t convinced the Russians were behind it, Mr. Nevins said, but even if they were, it doesn’t matter to him because the agenda of the hackers seemed to match his own.

“If your interests align,” he said, “never shut any doors in politics.”

—Shane Harris and Christopher S. Stewart contributed to this article.

@DonKnock @The Black Panther @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @lotuseater80 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @AZBeauty @Hogan in the Wolfpac @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Ss4gogeta0 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Call Me James @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @duckbutta @TheDarceKnight @Ed MOTHERfukkING G
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Mensch out chea' :wow:

she shyts on Milo :wow:

Milo Yiannopoulus Has An Account With a FISA-Targeted Russian Bank
Impeachment, Mike Flynn, Trump Russia May 25, 2017

On October 15th the FISC, or secret intelligence court, granted a FISA warrant against two Russian banks – Silicon Valley Bank and Alfa Bank. (That is, as I have reported subsequently, two warrants, one per bank, granted on the same day.)

Milo Yiannopoulos has an account at one of these banks. He told me this himself. I reproduce the string of our email correspondence below.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the provocateur journalist, and I, were once friendly. And then, due to the alt-right and his support for it, we were not. We were, however, still civil.

Before the recent revelations of Yiannopoulos position on child abuse, he had both a book deal, of some consequence, and was doing a tour of colleges. At Heat Street, we often covered the early stages of that tour, where liberal students would try to deny the conservative provocateur a platform by shouting him down. I was and am in favor of free speech.

However, in the period just before and after the election, those normal “student” protests suddenly became violent. And yet nobody could find the so-called “students” who were causing violent trouble. I started to suspect that Russian ‘active measures’ were involved in funding these riots. The independent journalist Caroline @RVAwonk has a number of good threads on twitter about how Russian-Trump linked provocateurs like Baked Alaska will travel to places like Berkeley, looking to cause trouble.

However, I did not pursue this line of thought as I had other, bigger, fish to fry.

There was one thing on Twitter that caught my notice, however. A woman was complaining to me that she had done work for Milo and not been paid. He had a bad record in the UK of not paying women journalists and then threatening them. I asked him on her behalf whether her claims were true. This was on background, so I am not reporting it. Rather I am excerpting here the separate parts of our email conversation where I asked him why he had an account with Silicon Valley Bank – a name familiar to me from my own FISA exclusive of Nov 7th.

I asked:

why svb bank that is the Russian bank at the heart of the FBI counter espionage probe

On that matter, he replied:

I used to bank with SVB. No idea about any Russian connections. I’m with Chase now.

We then exchanged further emails on the topic that was on background. But I returned to the issue of the bank account, which stuck out for me:

I still want to know in all honesty how you came to be with SVB. They are not a high street bank. you can’t just open an account. <Redacted> for Russian intelligence and the FSB. what has <redacted> to do with them and how did you get connected?

He said:

I had a Private Bank account with Silicon Valley Bank, whose executives I met when I was a technology reporter. SVB Private Bank is a boutique bank for high net worth individuals. I can’t comment on your allegation <redacted> “Russian intelligence,” save to say it sounds rather far-fetched.

He then gave me an “on the record” quote that was a smear against the complainant. But as far as I am concerned, everything not relating to the matter he emailed me on was and is on the record.

I did not write a story of any kind about his feud with the complainant. He sent me an on-record smear against her, including a swipe at her disability, but the rest was on background.

Milo had previously boasted to me of his friendship with Peter Thiel (which may, I must point out, be complete rubbish – he is an unreliable witness who lies) and with Robert Mercer.

Sources did not say why SVB Bank was under a FISA warrant. They were more forthcoming about Alfa Bank. They did however describe SVB as ‘a Russian Bank’. Most posts on the matter are from Russian sites that track readers, so I link to this Daily Kos description of the agreement between SVB and Sberbank in 2012:

June 21, 2012, St. Petersburg – During the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Sberbank of Russia and SVB Financial Group (SVB), parent company of Silicon Valley Bank, of the United States have signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing a formal relationship between Sberbank and SVB to promote venture financing in Russia and help support an emerging and vibrant entrepreneurial economy.

There will be more on SVB’s role with Jared Kushner shortly.

@DonKnock @The Black Panther @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @lotuseater80 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @AZBeauty @Hogan in the Wolfpac @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Ss4gogeta0 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Call Me James @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @duckbutta @TheDarceKnight @Ed MOTHERfukkING G