
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

He's really going to burn

The fact he had to to plead the fifth

Bruh, they got proof he's out here just stashing cash:


Last edited:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State



Trump close to choosing outside counsel for Russia investigation

President Trump is moving rapidly toward hiring outside counsel to help him navigate the investigations into his campaign and Russian interference in last year’s election, and in recent days he and his advisers have privately courted several prominent attorneys to join the effort.

By Monday, a list of finalists for the legal team had emerged, according to four people briefed on the discussions.

That search process, in which Trump has been personally involved, is expected to yield a formal legal unit in the coming days, comprised of lawyers from several law firms who would work together to guide Trump as he responds both to the ongoing federal probe and the congressional investigations, the people said.

While the list of finalists remains somewhat fluid and names could be added, two people close to the search said the president has concluded that he would like a team of attorneys, rather than a single lawyer, to represent him. The team is likely to have lead counselors, those people said.

The four people briefed on the discussions requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

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Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians

During a May 10 meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, Trump began describing details about an Islamic State terror threat, according to current and former U.S. officials. (Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry/The Washington Post)

The attorneys who have spoken to the White House and are widely seen as the finalists are Marc E. Kasowitz; Robert J. Guiffra Jr.; Reid H. Weingarten; and Theodore B. Olson, the people said.

Two other attorneys who were originally viewed as contenders but have since drifted away from the mix, at least momentarily, because of various legal or professional obstacles are Brendan V. Sullivan Jr. of Williams & Connolly and A.B. Culvahouse Jr., a partner at O’Melveny & Myers who is known for vetting political candidates.

Kasowitz, who has known Trump for decades, is expected to take a leading role. A partner at Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman in New York, Kasowitz has represented Trump in numerous cases, including on his divorce records, real estate transactions and allegations of fraud at Trump University.

Guiffra, Olson and Weingarten have already spoken with senior administration officials about the team, said a person familiar with the process.

Guiffra, a partner at Sullivan & Cromwell in New York, is currently the coordinating counsel for Volkswagen, which has admitted to cheating on emissions tests in the United States.

Olson, a former U.S. Solicitor General, rose to prominence in 2000 when he argued the Supreme Court election case that delivered electoral victory to George W. Bush. He later teamed up with his former Democratic adversary on the Bush v. Gore case, David Boies, to successfully overturn the 2008 California ballot measure outlawing same-sex marriage.

Olson’s late wife, Barbara, was killed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks when the plane she was on crashed into the Pentagon. Olson, a partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher’s Washington, D.C., office, is now married to Lady Booth Olson, a self-proclaimed lifelong Democrat.

Weingarten, a high-powered attorney at Steptoe & Johnson in Washington known for his folksy style, is a somewhat unlikely choice because he has represented a series of Democratic clients, and is close friends with Eric H. Holder, who served as attorney general under former president Barack Obama. Holder and Weingarten met during their early years at the Department of Justice.

The four finalists did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The White House also did not respond to requests for comment.

Michael D. Cohen, a longtime attorney for Trump and executive at the Trump Organization, remains the president’s personal lawyer and confidant, and also is involved in the discussions, the people said.

The outside legal team would be separate from the White House Counsel’s Office, which is led by Donald F. McGahn, who served as the Trump campaign’s lawyer. In past administrations, presidents such as Bill Clinton have named outside counsel to help them navigate thorny legal problems.

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Trump’s push to put together an outside legal team comes as Robert S. Mueller III, a respected former federal prosecutor and FBI director, begins his work as a Justice Department-appointed special counsel on the possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

Controversy and political drama swirling around the alleged Russia ties have engulfed Trump’s presidency from the start, fueling anger within a White House that feels under siege and unfairly scrutinized. That feeling, in part, drove the president to fire James B. Comey, the FBI director, and fallout from that decision led Justice officials to tap Mueller as special counsel.

Comey, who has agreed to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee in an open session, has told friends that he took contemporaneous notes of his exchanges this year with Trump. Democrats have seized on those news reports as evidence of potential obstruction of justice, with some Trump critics suggesting that impeachment could eventually be a possibility.

Karen Tumulty contributed to this story.

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Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
He should lawyer up because he's incriminating himself left and right. However, Trump thinks he has things all figured out, he's the smartest man, he has a brain and is really smart. I can't wait till he comes back and they say, hey lets interview about your trip and they start throwing haymakers as his ass. He will respond with arrogance and incriminate himself more. He might blame Comey more which will result in more leaks. I need him to get his fat ass back here.