
All Star
May 10, 2012


Whole fukking thing stinks to high heaven. The house needs to immediately rehire Mueller to finish his work, subpoena EVERYONE president included and release the full report. These p*ssy ass Democrats need to go nuclear. Republicans are in survival mode and will never do anything in good faith so the whole party must be tore down.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Thread by @gregolear: "I’m not gonna lie: with the possible exception of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, yesterday was the worst I’ve felt since Election Day 2016. I bar […]" #CamAnal

Thread by @gregolear: "I’m not gonna lie: with the possible exception of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, yesterday was the worst I’ve felt since Election Day 2016. I bar […]" #CamAnal
I’m not gonna lie: with the possible exception of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, yesterday was the worst I’ve felt since Election Day 2016. I barely slept, tossing & turning & doubting my own sanity. Which is EXACTLY what these traitors want.

Some thoughts:

1/ Obvious: Barr’s summary is NOT the full report. People much smarter than me pointed out all the strange things about it:
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2/ The likeliest explanation is that Barr is a bad actor. I mean, he DID write that asinine attack on the OSC, which prompted Trump to hire him. Maybe he really does feel that way.

At best, Barr was a very conservative establishment Republican. At worst? He's a traitor.

3/ Barr’s absolution does not change the facts on the ground. Trump & his minions REALLY DID meet with Russians—many, many, many times—during 2016. If those meetings don’t constitute coordination/conspiracy/collusion, then what do those words even mean?

4/ At the time, Steve Bannon said they couldn’t collude with the GOP in Pennsylvania, let alone the Kremlin. So: Trump’s excuse for all the Russia meetings is that he's a stupid, disorganized, ineffectual dipshyt.

If that’s the case, this is almost worse than him colluding.

5/ But let’s look at what Barr asks us to believe…and Mueller, too, if Barr’s summary winds up being delivered in good faith.

[Note: there were reports last week of a squabble between Barr & we can guess why].

6/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Trump hired Paul Manafort, well known to him as a Russian mob actor, to run his campaign.

7/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Dimitri Simes, a top FSB agent, recruited Jared Kushner and organized the Mayflower Hotel event of 27 April 2016, so Candidate Trump could meet Sergei Kislyak in person.
8/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Maria Butina, a Russian spy, infiltrated the NRA’s leadership and slept her way through lower-rung GOP.

9/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Junior, Jared & Manafort met at Trump Tower with two Russian agents and a money laundering expert to discuss “adoptions.” (Bonus: IT WASN’T OBSTRUCTION when Junior and Trump both lied about it).

10/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Carter Page, one of Trump’s foreign policy advisers, spoke at the New Economic School in Moscow, meeting with the Russian Deputy Prime Minister (!) and the CEO of Rosneft (!!).

11/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chair, shared US polling data with a Russian spy.

12/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Kislyak met with Jeff Sessions, JD Gordon, and Carter Page at the RNC in Cleveland—or when they changed the language in the Republican platform, at Trump’s request, to align the GOP position on Ukraine w/Putin’s own position.

13/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Michael Cohen went to "Prague" (or someplace near there) to pay off Russian hackers.

14/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Jeff Sessions, the first Senator to endorse Trump, met with Kislyak in his Senate offices. IT WASN’T OBSTRUCTION when Sessions lied about this meeting to Congress.

15/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Kushner and Mike Flynn snuck Kislyak into Trump Tower for a secret meeting, and IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Kush suggested having a backchannel through the Russian embassy, so Trump & Putin could communicate privately.

16/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when a big-wig at a Qatari shell company met with Trump, Flynn, and Cohen at Trump Tower, in the wake of the Rosneft deal mentioned in the Steele dossier. (Qatar helped facilitate the deal w/the Russian company).

17/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Kushner met Sergei Gorkov, VEB president, at Newark Airport in December 2016, even though VEB was on the sanctions list. IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Gorkov left the meeting and flew directly to Putin to report back.

18/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Erik Prince and Elliott Broidy, shadow reps of Trump, met with a Russian wealth fund manager in the Seychelles.

19/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Cohen and Felix Sater met with a Putin agent at the Loews Regency in NYC in January 2017 to negotiate the lifting of sanctions.

20/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION OR OBSTRUCTION when Trump met with Kislyak and Sergei Lavrov, the chief FSB spy in the US, in the Oval Office the day after he fired James Comey for Russia-related reasons—and at Kushner’s urging.

21/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Roger Stone coordinated with WikiLeaks, a Russian intelligence cut-out, to help Trump in the election. Junior and Senior Trump extolling WikiLeaks was also not coordination.

22/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when the Trump campaign worked with Cambridge Analytica (#CamAnal) to sabotage the election. Or when Trump ordered Bannon to bring Brittany Kaiser from Cambridge Analytica to the US immediately (h/t @TomJChicago).
23/ IT WASN’T COORDINATION when Trump went on TV and begged Russia to hack HRC’s emails.

24/ The obstruction examples are even MORE egregious, and I won’t bother with them here.

25/ Any document, whether authored by Barr, Mueller, or the reincarnated spirit of Otto von Bismarck, can’t JUST tell us there wasn’t coordination. It MUST explain why ALL of these examples listed here ARE NOT coordination. If it can’t, it’s just Vichy PR.

26/ The bad guys are going to gloat today. It's going to be awful. It's going to make you want to vomit.

Try not to take it in. Try to ignore it.

This is NOT over, no way, no how. The traitors WILL pay for their crimes. SDNY, EDVA and the NY AG are ready to roll. OSC still has Stone, Gates, Flynn to handle.

Justice deferred is still justice.

