
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Prosecutors Looking at Turkey Lobbying by Michael Flynn’s Ex-Firm
Dion Nissenbaum and Aruna Viswanatha
5-6 minutes
WASHINGTON—Federal prosecutors are scrutinizing Turkey’s U.S. lobbying and the companies that backed a pro-Turkey initiative handled by President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, according to people familiar with the matter.

In recent weeks, they say, a grand jury in Virginia has sought more information on efforts overseen by Michael Flynn’s private company to discredit a U.S.-based Turkish cleric.
Turkey has accused the cleric, Fethullah Gulen, of orchestrating a failed 2016 coup attempt and has launched a wide-scale crackdown on his alleged followers in Turkey. Mr. Gulen, who oversees an international network of schools and businesses, has denied playing any role in the coup.

One focus of the grand jury, the people said, is an unfinished video Mr. Flynn’s firm, the Flynn Intel Group, was developing that sought to discredit Mr. Gulen,
a 77-year-old Turkish cleric forced into exile in the U.S. after a bitter falling out with now-President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Prosecutors based in Alexandria, Va., have also asked for specific information on several individuals involved in the project, including Mr. Flynn’s former business partner and a Turkish businessman who financed the project, these people said.

Earlier this week, special counsel Robert Mueller’s office said Mr. Flynn, a retired three-star Army general who was forced to resign after serving 24 days in the White House, had provided “substantial assistance” to investigators on other matters. Mr. Mueller’s office recommended that Mr. Flynn receive no jail time and he doesn’t appear to face any further legal jeopardy.

A lawyer for Mr. Flynn didn’t respond to a request for comment. A spokesman for Mr. Mueller and a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Alexandria declined to comment.

When Mr. Mueller was appointed last year to look into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign and whether there were any links to Mr. Trump or his associates and campaign, he took over several investigations already under way. Those included one by prosecutors in the Eastern District of Virginia into Turkish lobbying efforts involving Mr. Flynn, people said at the time.

In one of the first cases to arise from Mr. Mueller’s inquiry, Mr. Flynn agreed to plead guilty last December and admitted to wrongdoing related to the Turkey project and other matters related to Russia.

In recent months, however, prosecutors in Virginia appear to have resumed their investigation of the Turkey lobbying work, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Flynn has said he and his now-defunct company, the Flynn Intel Group, were paid $530,000 for three months of work directed by the government of Turkey while he was serving as a an adviser to Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Mr. Flynn didn’t reveal his financial links to Turkey until last year, when he filed the belated regulatory filing with the Justice Department outlining his work.

While Mr. Flynn said Turkey backed the project, the Turkish businessman who financed it, Ekim Alptekin, has repeatedly denied the Turkish government played any role in it.
The Turkish Embassy in Washington didn’t respond Thursday to requests for comment.

Federal investigators have sought more information on Mr. Alptekin and Inovo BV, the Dutch consulting firm he set up that paid Mr. Flynn for the work
, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Alptekin declined through a spokeswoman to comment on Thursday. He said in Justice Department filings last year that he was representing an Israeli company looking to export natural gas to Turkey and that he hired Mr. Flynn to advance that project.

The grand jury has been looking into Mr. Alptekin and the company, Ratio Oil Exploration Ltd., one of the people said.
Ratio officials didn’t respond to requests for comment. The Israeli firm’s representatives have in the past told the Journal they had no relationship with Mr. Alptekin or Inovo.

Federal prosecutors have also been looking into the activities of Bijan Kian, Mr. Flynn’s partner at the Flynn Intel Group, according to the people familiar with the matter. Mr. Kian oversaw work on the unfinished video about Mr. Gulen. Mr. Kian didn’t respond Thursday to requests for comment.

Prosecutors have also sought information on Robert Amsterdam, a Canadian attorney who represents the Turkish government
and has spearheaded its efforts to discredit Mr. Gulen around the world, the people said.

Mr. Amsterdam said Thursday that he had properly informed the U.S. government of his work for Turkey and that he never worked with Mr. Flynn.

“We never had any contact with Mr. Flynn,” he said.

—James V. Grimaldi and Byron Tau contributed to this article.

Write to Dion Nissenbaum at and Aruna Viswanatha at
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Hey negro nap, you gonna address @Cole Cash bars?

Seriously, do you have any fukking security clearances?

Are you a journalist?

We need answers
I already did. If you have time to amplify bullshyt, you have time to find my response.

And remember that bullshyt he typed out when you run the numbers.

I don't give a flying fukk if he was humping backpacks in the hindu kush mountains or being some G14 classified analyst beaming encrypted communications at Langley.

Fact is that all i've done in this thread is share information, everything else is a distraction from whiners, complainers, and leeches who don't contribute to the thread.

This thread is about information, if his bytch ass wants a therapist this ain't the place for that.
May 29, 2012
I already did. If you have time to amplify bullshyt, you have time to find my response.

And remember that bullshyt he typed out when you run the numbers.

I don't give a flying fukk if he was humping backpacks in the hindu kush mountains or being some G14 classified analyst beaming encrypted communications at Langley.

Fact is that all i've done in this thread is share information, everything else is a distraction from whiners, complainers, and leeches who don't contribute to the thread.

This thread is about information, if his bytch ass wants a therapist this ain't the place for that.
I'm sorry nowhere in that word salad do I see a yes or no answer to the question.

Do you have a security clearance?

Are you a journalist?