
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Cohen seeks ‘time served’ prison sentence, says again his crimes were meant to protect Trump
Matt Zapotosky

Lawyers for former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen argued Friday that their client should not go to prison for the criminal charges to which he has pleaded guilty, and unequivocally linked much of his wrongdoing to his desire to protect and support President Trump.

In a late-night court filing, lawyers for the onetime Trump loyalist wrote that their client was a changed man who was eager to share his knowledge with law enforcement and mindful that he would have to “begin his life virtually anew.”
Their filing detailed what they said was Cohen’s already extensive cooperation, including seven voluntary interviews with the team of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, as well as meetings with federal prosecutors in New York, representatives of the New York State Attorney General’s office and officials with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, which are conducting wide ranging probes into Trump’s campaign and his family foundation.

Friday’s filing in no uncertain terms connected Cohen’s wrongdoing to Trump.
Cohen’s lawyers asserted, for example, that Cohen paid off women to keep quiet about alleged affairs with the president to stop them from “disseminating narratives that would adversely affect the Campaign and cause personal embarrassment.” And they said Cohen lied about efforts to finalize a Trump business project in Moscow during the heart of the campaign because he knew it was Trump’s “strongly voiced mantra” to minimize the investigation into connections between his campaign and the Kremlin. In fact, lawyers for Cohen alleged that he and Trump discussed the possibility of Trump traveling to Russia in the summer of 2016.

A lawyer for Trump and a White House spokesman did not immediately return messages seeking comment early Saturday morning. Trump this week accused Cohen of lying to spare himself time in prison — an allegation that is sure to be fueled by Cohen’s request for a punishment that includes no time behind bars.

Cohen had pleaded guilty in August to five counts of tax evasion, one count of making a false statement to a bank and two campaign finance violations, admitting at that time he and the chief executive of a media company worked in the summer of 2016 to keep an individual from publicly disclosing information that could hurt Trump’s campaign. Two women had alleged extramarital affairs with Trump, which the president denies. On Thursday, Cohen added an additional guilty plea, admitting that he lied to Congress about an ultimately unsuccessful effort to build a Trump building in Russia. He is expected to be sentenced on December 12, and prosecutors have yet to submit their own recommendation.

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress about Moscow project

President Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty on Nov. 29 to lying to Congress about a Trump Organization real estate project in Russia. (JM Rieger/The Washington Post)

According to Cohen’s sentencing submission, federal sentencing guidelines in just the first case call for him to spend as many as five years and three months in jail. His lawyers, though, disputed those calculations and argued his remarkable, if out-of-the-ordinary, cooperation warranted a sentence of “time-served.”

Cohen, unlike most defendants, did not enter into a traditional cooperation agreement so his sentencing would not be delayed, though he nonetheless met — and expected he would continue to meet — with law enforcement agencies that wanted to talk to him, his lawyers wrote. And he did so mindful of “regular public reports referring to the President’s consideration of pardons” and as Trump launched a “raw, full-bore attack” on the investigations which Cohen was aiding, they wrote.

“He could have fought the government and continued to hold to the party line, positioning himself perhaps for a pardon or clemency, but, instead — for himself, his family, and his country — he took personal responsibility for his own wrongdoing and contributed, and is prepared to continue to contribute, to an investigation that he views as thoroughly legitimate and vital,” Cohen's lawyers wrote.

The sentencing submission traced Cohen’s background and sought to downplay the non-Trump related charges to which Cohen pleaded guilty. But more notable than that were the allegations it leveled against the president.

Cohen’s lawyers argued both the campaign finance violations and the lies to Congress were a product of his “fierce loyalty” to Trump, whom they at times referred to as “Client-1,” adding that, “In each case, the conduct was intended to benefit Client-1, in accordance with Client-1’s directives.”

Trump calls Cohen 'weak,' dismisses scrutiny of Moscow project

President Trump on Nov. 29 said his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen is lying to federal prosecutors about a Trump real estate project in Moscow. (Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

“Michael regrets that his vigor in promoting Client-1’s interests in the heat of political battle led him to abandon good judgment and cross legal lines,” Cohen’s lawyers wrote.

They alleged Cohen was assured by Trump he would be reimbursed for paying the lawyer of one of the women accusing him of an affair, and that Cohen “kept his client contemporaneously informed and acted on his client’s instructions.”

Similarly, Cohen’s lawyers wrote that when Cohen lied to Congress about the Trump Tower project, he did so essentially because he knew what the president wanted. The lawyers alleged that as Cohen’s own lawyer prepared his responses to congressional committees, Cohen “remained in close and regular contact with White House-based staff and legal counsel to Client-1.”

“As such, he was (a) fully aware of Client-1’s repeated disavowals of commercial and political ties between himself and Russia, as well as the strongly voiced mantra of Client-1 that investigations of such ties were politically motivated and without evidentiary support,” Cohen's lawyers wrote. They added that Cohen knew Trump wanted to “dismiss and minimize the merit” of Muelller III's probe into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, and that Trump’s public spokespeople were trying to say that any contact with Russian representatives had ceased by February 2016. Cohen admitted as part of his plea he knew discussions continued into that summer, though he told Congress otherwise.

Cohen’s lawyers wrote that he kept Trump “apprised of these communications,” and he and Trump “discussed possible travel to Russia in the summer of 2016, and Michael took steps to clear dates for such travel.”
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Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
I don't think anything will happen to Pence. If Mueller looked in that direction, Republicans in the Senate may encourage Trump to end the investigation with zero consequence. Trump is expendable. Pence isn't. Republicans would make sure come hell or high water that Pelosi doesn't become President.

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
I don't think anything will happen to Pence. If Mueller looked in that direction, Republicans in the Senate may encourage Trump to end the investigation with zero consequence. Trump is expendable. Pence isn't. Republicans would make sure come hell or high water that Pelosi doesn't become President.
They absolutely don't want Pelosi to be president but Pence is going to get put under the microscope one way or another. If he manages to become president by default, he will be hamstrung by the fact that he was selected by the guy who is about to catch 20+ years in DC and VA for conspiring against the United States among other things.

He can't save them now or later.