
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Thread by @OzKaterji: "In which Glenn Greenwald, a man who vehemently denies being a Putin apologist while defending Vladimir Putin at every given opportunity, pan […]"
12 hours ago, 17 tweets, 4 min read

In which Glenn Greenwald, a man who vehemently denies being a Putin apologist while defending Vladimir Putin at every given opportunity, panders to a literal White supremacist pro-Assad mouthpiece to distance himself from genuine open source investigative journalism.
Greenwald hates Bellingcat because Bellingcat do real journalism that exposes Russian war crimes. The closest thing Greenwald has ever done to journalism was when somebody leaked information to him, he is incapable of doing the kind of work Bellingcat do.

This exchange really exposes Greenwald's agenda for what it is. He will share the work of Russia Today propagandists, but wants to distance himself from the investigators that blew open the MH17 case, the Skripal poisoning and multiple Assad regime chemical weapons attacks.

The only conclusion I can come up with for this is that Greenwald is invested in keeping Russian war crimes hidden. He helped promote pro-Assad conspiracy theories and never once corrected his record once the investigations proved those theories wrong.

The idea that Greenwald has anything to do with journalism should be buried by this exchange. By the way, he has literally blocked Amnesty International staffers on Twitter, but is happily exchanging in a back and forth with an InfoWars contributor who speaks at far-right rallies

Greenwald hates adversarial journalism and supports pro-Kremlin propaganda. Let's drop the pretence once and for all. Thankfully his colleagues at The Intercept can recognise the incredible work Bellingcat have done.

Bellingcat are not only transparent about their funding (unlike Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton, who both lie about being paid by the Russian government to lie about war crimes), they are also transparent about their *method*. As in, you can genuinely peer-review it.

Bellingcat's journalism is *so good* that Russian propagandists have to accuse them of being handed information by MI6 or the CIA. The hours of trawling through footage and geolocating things done by tireless volunteers is totally ignored.

Don't forget for a second, these people are literally paid by Vladimir Putin to lie. The thing is, they are terrible at lying and have made absolutely no attempts to disprove any of the crystal clear evidence presented by Bellingcat.

So instead they have to rely on creating an image of the OSINT group as being stooges of intelligence agencies. The idea that this was remotely possible was put to bed when Bellingcat investigated and exposed US war crimes in Syria, with the al-Jineh mosque bombing.

Take a look through Max and Ben's work. Or even Greenwald's work for that matter. Since 2015 can you find a single example of a Russian or regime crime that they have worked to expose in the manner that Bellingcat did with the al-Jineh mosque? Nope. Not one example.

Bellingcat exposed identities of Mishkin and Chepiga as GRU agents, two men that tried to murder Sergei Skripal using Novichok. Blumenthal et al spent months trying to deny Russian involvement in that crime, they haven't even attempted to discuss the damning Bellingcat evidence

There is a clear difference between journalism & propaganda. Because Max and co are incapable of doing any journalism, they must instead try and reduce every instance of real journalism that exposes Russian war crimes to being the same kind of propaganda they disseminate.

They want you to have a binary choice, real journalism (which they call regime-change propaganda) and what they offer, which is denials and disinformation based on lies put out by the Russian Ministry of Defence. Take your pick folks.

In reality, these people accusing Bellingcat of being fed information by security services is the greatest compliment they could bestow on the group. It shows how utterly daunted they are by the prospect of carrying out a real journalistic investigation.

Max Blumenthal, Ben Norton and Glenn Greenwald look at Bellingcat's investigations in the same manner a dog looks at a quantum physics thesis.


night owl
May 27, 2012
P.G. County
shyt crazy because Mueller knows all this man that report will be one for the ages. I don’t think America will ever see some shyt like this ever again
It's not about what he knows though. He has enough to put him away for several lifetimes I'm sure. It's about "what the fukk is he gonna do about it?". He's been a soft shoeing bytch when it comes to hammering 45, and it pisses me off.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
2020(which is two whole years away) will not be 2016. Kavanaugh getting on the bench has a lot of you shook(I notice it doesn't take much...showing weakness isn't a great trait, fellas). Fact is there was no easy way to keep him off as...Democrats don't have a majority. Democrats put up the best fight they could(which no doubt still won't please folks that seem to have it out for them no matter what they do or don't do) Instead of acting like it's the end of the world(it's not, duh; I can only imagine some of you running a household), get some folks to the booth in November, which could be a game changer. Literally all we need is a majority for the Dems and they can work to dismantle all this crap. How do I know this to be? The republicans did it to Obama. They are doing it now. You put your boys in and give them the numbers and they handle business. If you're the minority party on the Hill you don't or you catch hell doing it. People ask, "What's happening in DC?" shyt that's always happening only we have a basket case as president. The majority get shyt through and the minority do what they can to stop them. They don't always succeed.

But with a little help all things are possible. As screwed up as they are, this is the mentality of the right wingers. It's needed on the left but we always have excuses. That needs to be laid to rest in 2020 and November of this year. This shyt is not in the bag. 45 supporters are more scared than ever. They know they burned bridges with a lot of folks and they are going to go for broke to get 45 back in office. Dude is poison and I really believe alot of them know this(they certainly felt that way before he got the nomination) but hell they are in too deep now.

Expect them to be out and in the booths. Hopefully we won't have a bunch of folks sitting at home crying over some 3rd party candidate who never had a chance or, worse, finding some excuse not to vote. Your life is on the line! It couldn't be more obvious but it will be over the next few years....believe it. He was up when he got that nomination and won. Nowhere to go but down. Folks don't see it. There's a lot of blindness but all will be in the light....

Politics takes time fellas. It takes time. It takes time. It takes time. The least you can do to help this process is to vote and get others to do the same. Vote sensibly! This isn't about your feelings. This is about the future of the nation.

Roy Moore taking that L shows us 100% what we are up against and what can be accomplished. The right came out for this dude. Grown women came out and voted for a dude that no doubt would molest their daughters without a second thought.

They are desperate. They will come out for their worst so we don't get our best. But they can be defeated. Alabama showed us the way. It doesn't get talked about enough......


All Star
May 10, 2012
Been saying this for the longest but the Republicans aren't giving up all this power they've accumulated. It's going to be alot of controversy around these elections. The Republicans are acting out more brazenly like they know something we don't. We are now firmly under a fascist regime.

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
Been saying this for the longest but the Republicans aren't giving up all this power they've accumulated. It's going to be alot of controversy around these elections. The Republicans are acting out more brazenly like they know something we don't. We are now firmly under a fascist regime.

I mean yea they think they got a plan

But their plans are usually pretty trash

So we'll just have to see wont we :manny:

JJ Evans

All Star
Feb 17, 2017
I mean yea they think they got a plan

But their plans are usually pretty trash

So we'll just have to see wont we :manny:
I can’t stand Trump and the racist ass republicans, but how can you say their plans are trash when......

-Donald Trump is President
-Republicans control the Senate
-Republicans control the House
-Republicans control the Supreme Court
-Republicans control most Governor’s mansions
-Republicans control most state Senates
-Republicans control most state Houses
-Republicans control the media (radio and television)
-Republicans even control most school boards
