
Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il

You know what pissed me off about this interview with her? They were posing questions to her like, how can the Dems stoop low and not want to work with them and this is the same thing the Republicans did to Obama. Uh, BINGO dude. Maxine is doing exactly what the Republicans were doing to Barack and unfortunately for Dems they have no control. I'm tired of them being weak, she needs to keep her foot on Cheetos neck.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
You know what pissed me off about this interview with her? They were posing questions to her like, how can the Dems stoop low and not want to work with them and this is the same thing the Republicans did to Obama. Uh, BINGO dude. Maxine is doing exactly what the Republicans were doing to Barack and unfortunately for Dems they have no control. I'm tired of them being weak, she needs to keep her foot on Cheetos neck.
I'm mad that she and none of the other Black members of Congress or the Senate have brought up the fact that dude tweeted incorrect and racist statistics sourced from a White Nationalist message board.

A lot of people seem to have forgotten about that but I haven't, even though the twitpic is gone, the story happend and it's out there for all time.

It's almost as if the media is scared to revisit it because they're afraid that he'll say "Well where is the picture? What picture? FAKE NEWS" and devalue them.

But aside from that they've also seemed to sweep under the rug, all those things that Waters was talking about. The p*ssy grabbing shyt, the making fun of the disabled reporter, the insulting of the Gold Star family, the mockery of the fukking Purple Heart, mocking McCain, who while I might not agree with politically, WAS a fukking POW and served his country honorably (as far as I know) in a war that this country STILL doesn't like to talk about, just like the War in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Everything about this man is shyt that you would tell your lil mans or your lil nephew or cousin NOT to be and yet this ass backwards shythead of a country continues to give him a pass on shyt in hopes that he's going to become "Presidential" when the rest of us know that not only is that NOT going to happen but its likely going to get worse as this asshat continues to flip flop on shyt that he said the week or two prior, makes wild allegations and statements, and rambles on when he talks about fukking ANYTHING

Seriously within the first 20 seconds of him talking about anyone good they're always "terrific, amazing, good people" and anything bad is a "disaster, terrible, sad"

Every single time. I wish there was a psycho out there who would take one for the team but then we'd be stuck with Pence and Ryan as Potus and Veep.

If there's something there, the FBI and CIA need to hurry it the fukk up and get this man out of my fukking White House before he does irreparable damage to this fukking country.
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Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
I'm mad that she and none of the other Black members of Congress or the Senate have brought up the fact that dude tweeted incorrect and racist statistics sourced from a White Nationalist message board.

A lot of people seem to have forgotten about that but I haven't, even though the twitpic is gone, the story happend and it's out there for all time.

It's almost as if the media is scared to revisit it because they're afraid that he'll say "Well where is the picture? What picture? FAKE NEWS" and devalue them.

But aside from that they've also seemed to sweep under the rug, all those things that Waters was talking about. The p*ssy grabbing shyt, the making fun of the disabled reporter, the insulting of the Gold Star family, the mockery of the fukking Purple Heart, mocking McCain, who while I might not agree with politically, WAS a fukking POW and served his country honorably (as far as I know) in a war that this country STILL doesn't like to talk about, just like the War in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Everything about this man is shyt that you would tell your lil mans or your lil nephew or cousin NOT to be and yet this ass backwards shythead of a country continues to give him a pass on shyt in hopes that he's going to become "Presidential" when the rest of us know that not only is that NOT going to happen but its likely going to get worse as this asshat continues to flip flop on shyt that he said the week or two prior, makes wild allegations and statements, and rambles on when he talks about fukking ANYTHING

Seriously within the first 20 seconds of him talking about anyone good they're always "terrific, amazing, good people" and anything bad is a "disaster, terrible, sad"

Every single time. I wish there was a psycho out there who would take one for the team but then we'd be stuck with Pence and Ryan as Potus and Veep.

If there's something there, the FBI and CIA need to hurry it the fukk up and get this man out of my fukking White House before he does irreparable damage to this fukking country.
fukk that I want Trump taken out. I equate him to a rabid dog or a Gorilla that escaped a zoo. Put that dude to sleep for the betterment of the American people


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
I'm mad that she and none of the other Black members of Congress or the Senate have brought up the fact that dude tweeted incorrect and racist statistics sourced from a White Nationalist message board.

A lot of people seem to have forgotten about that but I haven't, even though the twitpic is gone, the story happend and it's out there for all time.

It's almost as if the media is scared to revisit it because they're afraid that he'll say "Well where is the picture? What picture? FAKE NEWS" and devalue them.

But aside from that they've also seemed to sweep under the rug, all those things that Waters was talking about. The p*ssy grabbing shyt, the making fun of the disabled reporter, the insulting of the Gold Star family, the mockery of the fukking Purple Heart, mocking McCain, who while I might not agree with politically, WAS a fukking POW and served his country honorably (as far as I know) in a war that this country STILL doesn't like to talk about, just like the War in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Everything about this man is shyt that you would tell your lil mans or your lil nephew or cousin NOT to be and yet this ass backwards shythead of a country continues to give him a pass on shyt in hopes that he's going to become "Presidential" when the rest of us know that not only is that NOT going to happen but its likely going to get worse as this asshat continues to flip flop on shyt that he said the week or two prior, makes wild allegations and statements, and rambles on when he talks about fukking ANYTHING

Seriously within the first 20 seconds of him talking about anyone good they're always "terrific, amazing, good people" and anything bad is a "disaster, terrible, sad"

Every single time. I wish there was a psycho out there who would take one for the team but then we'd be stuck with Pence and Ryan as Potus and Veep.

If there's something there, the FBI and CIA need to hurry it the fukk up and get this man out of my fukking White House before he does irreparable damage to this fukking country.

He's white.



Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY

I respect the bait, and excuse my ignorance but what else does the gay community want that it would become a centerpiece issue?

What I mean is, what is something that they can bait the GOP into wanting to deny them so that it would put Trump at odds with them and force him to either go with what's right or stay firmly entrenched with his party?