
Nov 26, 2016
I believe 11% of Britain like the American President. Idk if to give credit to their education, or praise their ability to spot a dumb ass from across a pond.

Despite being the empire that started this shyt, Britain actually tries now.

Not to say racism etc doesn’t exist still, but you get prosecuted for it. No BS waffling.

And the pensioners still got fooled by Brexit and voted to leave, so we can be pretty silly over here.

Having fought against hitler, however, we can see that Trump con from miles away


Nov 26, 2016
Serious question that I don’t think anyone has answered as yet though.

If the GOP is also culpable, can they be prosecuted/removed without a civil war?

If not, what to stop them from allowing Russia to continuously meddle in elections to allow them to keep power?

Is there a greater good? This is a serious question that I need anyone answering to stop and think about before they answer.

Civil war or America moves back to pre-1960s levels of hate, fear and prejudice...


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
Serious question that I don’t think anyone has answered as yet though.

If the GOP is also culpable, can they be prosecuted/removed without a civil war?

If not, what to stop them from allowing Russia to continuously meddle in elections to allow them to keep power?

Is there a greater good? This is a serious question that I need anyone answering to stop and think about before they answer.

Civil war or America moves back to pre-1960s levels of hate, fear and prejudice...
Yeah seems like the more thats uncovered, the deeper we see it all runs. One of the two parties has engaged in massive conspiracy against the rest of America, AND they're the party in control as a result.

Very bad situation. Whatever the outcome, I dont see how we can go back to how things were. And every day that passes closes the window on ever reversing all the damage done and bringing them to justice. I really think if they make it out of these midterms still in full control (with help from Russia again) they're just gonna say fukk it and go all out turning the US into a far right Authoritarian open sham democracy.

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
Serious question that I don’t think anyone has answered as yet though.

If the GOP is also culpable, can they be prosecuted/removed without a civil war?

If not, what to stop them from allowing Russia to continuously meddle in elections to allow them to keep power?

Is there a greater good? This is a serious question that I need anyone answering to stop and think about before they answer.

Civil war or America moves back to pre-1960s levels of hate, fear and prejudice...
I forget exactly who it was, but somebody on the coli, possibly in this very thread, said they were watching the white supremacist websites the night obama got elected and noticed the american and european nazis agreed with the russian nazis that "this would never happen in russia" and that this was perhaps the beginning of the western right wing alliance with the russians

so basically, for cacs, the "greater good" is the unification of western and eastern white people to protect the northern hemisphere from encroaching brown people

i think trump is fukked, and soon, but the cat is out of the bag, the mask has been removed. there's a reason that "all lives matter" slogan completely disappeared when the news came out that we're building camps in the texas desert for brown immigrants.


All Star
Jun 14, 2015
Serious question that I don’t think anyone has answered as yet though.

If the GOP is also culpable, can they be prosecuted/removed without a civil war?

If not, what to stop them from allowing Russia to continuously meddle in elections to allow them to keep power?

Is there a greater good? This is a serious question that I need anyone answering to stop and think about before they answer.

Civil war or America moves back to pre-1960s levels of hate, fear and prejudice...

The GOP is deep in this, I think we can remove any doubt at this point. A popular theory on Twitter predicts RICO against the entire RNC and Obstruction of Justice against a lot of people within the organization. It makes sense given the connect the dots type of relationship between Russia ----> NRA ----> GOP for example. Whether they can be removed without a major conflict is one of the first questions we should be asking on top of "What happens if Trump moves to get rid of Mueller," "What happens if Mueller comes out with this," "What happens if Putin does X, Y, Z," etc and it's a question that's really hard to answer with any certainty... In the event of intelligence agencies as well as the Special Counsel finding proof of guilt among those in our own government, I'd guess congressional Democrats, state Attorneys General, and any untainted legal entities we have would move to prosecute, remove, and go from there. Expect either a HUGE resistance from the GOP ("Witch hunt" court of public opinion type propaganda, blocking anything they can, using Trump as a legislative meat shield, countering with Benghazi-type trials against Dems) or an attempt to redeem themselves by quickly removing Trump and whoever else to keep themselves alive politically, but it should already be too late by then. Even though there *is* a possibility of them getting away with this and allowing Russia to continue to influence our elections, I just can't see it happening bottom line. The GOP has perpetually doubled down and it's the wrong move.

I would expect agencies with major autonomy like the FBI and CIA to get involved with what they presumably know, and a large portion of the American people to act. Ideally every single person that was able to would, but so many conservatives and "independents" are... indoctrinated. I think yeah at absolute best case we are still in a state of semi-chaos, division and hatred, but the best case would also include many Republican voters and moderates seeing their president getting impeached and seeing the reasons why, and understanding that as much as they like being in their own little bubble, treason is something you side with your country over, full stop. I guess this is where the greater good comes in. The outcome of all of this ultimately depends on the character of people. As much as it's up to the Special Counsel and Congress and whoever else, people gotta act if they want to see this through. "We are the change that we seek" is one of the most profound things Barack Obama has ever said. He definitely knew where all this could go at the time of saying that and people need to heed those words, whether you like him or not.

It's hard to imagine what a civil war would even look like considering that geographically, red and blue states and more specifically, red and blue counties are very intertwined throughout the US and war-level violence is something a large majority of citizens can't and won't resort to. I doubt worst comes to worst but who knows man. I think at most some hardcore MAGA people here and there (in reality the ride-or-die base is like 25-30% of voters at best and I doubt that many take real action) try to do some Real Patriot™ shyt and it gets shut down pretty quick, even as emboldened as racists and general angry pricks have become. Probably see some rioting/mass protests too and it'll be interesting to see what kind of resistance protesting will be met with in the event of Trump committing treason being acknowledged as undisputed fact.

I think the outcome also depends on a few other things:

How do our allies react? What do the European powers that have historically been tight with us do? Do they intervene? How do they act vs. Russia?

What does the US military do? Technically Trump and to an extent congress have control of the military, but I can't imagine our military moving on Trump's command nor at the command of Congress. Considering the way the admin has treated highly respected military officials like Mattis, McMaster, Kelly etc. and the way he's spat in the face of our security agencies, and assuming they are privy to the info that the IC has, I can't see them acting on behalf of a treasonous admin/GOP. Hopefully they don't need to do anything.

What do hostile nations/rivals do? Russia, China, NK in particular. I don't really know what Putin would do in the event of Trump being impeached and the GOP being exposed and dealt with accordingly. His long-game strategy doesn't seem to be well thought out. Like he will and already has accomplished his goal of destabilizing the US and to a lesser extent NATO, but all things considered he's gonna get clapped by the rest of the world:francis: sanctions haven't changed, Magnitsky Act isn't going anywhere, so much shyt will be out in the open between now and a year from now (assuming things keep heating up from this point, I'm making a safe estimate on this thing climaxing between now and mid-2019), his best bet might be to start a war. Buckle up friends because we are entering the endgame now

We gotta take a real hard look at ourselves as this is going on and when this is over, if it'll ever be over. Maybe not y'all specifically since it's all real shyt in here but the country. The prevalence of social media can be toxic. The reach of technology in everybody's lives has side effects. There needs to be a reminder of what it means to think critically again and how to be a critical thinker. People have to understand that going against pillars of civilization itself such as education, independence, and awareness rots the core of a country that a lot of people think of as infallible. Some people just aren't capable of introspection like that, but so many more are, which is why this needs to be an inclusive, nationwide thing. It's up to the character of people as much as anything.