
Oct 30, 2017


Jun 7, 2012
Interesting post on reddit (probably lies though):

I really don’t even know how to start this out or what to even write. I guess, long story short, I’m an intern. I’m a college student currently. I’m in Washington, D.C. this summer interning in the White House. It’s a lucrative internship and I’m surrounded by literal thousands of other college students from across the country (world) who are doing the same thing as me.

I’ve recently decided that politics isn’t my life goal anymore, and I plan to change my major to Biology once school resumes this fall—but who am I to turn down an opportunity like this? I thought I could grin and bear it. Nope. Nope. Nope. Ab-so-fukking-lute-ly not.

I know things. Horrible, awful, incredibly horrific things about our government. About politics. About people. I know that if you read the news, you’re hardly surprised. I get that—but when you see it up close and right in your face every day, it’s disturbing. This is a throwaway account because I am legitimately afraid for my life. I’m not being dramatic. It’s currently 1:34 AM and I can’t sleep because I’m constantly anxious. In no way am I trying to be a whistleblower, but I am afraid. I just want to go home. I want to cry.

I live with five other White House interns. We all work for different congressmen. One of my intern friends works for a member of Congress that is connected with a foreign diplomat. She literally writes and creates his schedule with others. She found out some “classified” information by mistake, and she literally received an ominous threat from multiple figures. She said that she was followed by people for days. She’s losing her hair from stress. She doesn’t eat anymore. She’s dropped about 20 lbs in the last month alone.

I thought this was all horseshyt. But now it’s happening to me. I’m pretty introverted, so I just sit and do my job. I soak up information and don’t talk to a lot of people. The interns like me are called “horses,” stemming from the “workhorse” trope. Many senior congressmen will literally call out, “Hey, horsey!” as I walk through their quarters. It’s like a locker room. These men create—and sustain—our government.

Last week, I was copying some files for a secretary to another secretary that works with a congressman I’ve never met (but intern with). Some guy came up to me and started talking. I was nodding and tuning him out. I had my headphones in but no music was on. He told me that he’s being harassed (his word was “bothered”) by some guy that shared his office cubicle. He then proceeded to tell me that he heard some rumor about someone else having their computer hacked by the NSA or something. I laughed and he left. I didn’t think anything of it.

Two days later, that guy is gone. Office cubicle cleared out. His roommates said he never came home. His stuff is there. No one knows who his family is or where he even came from. His social media (according to others) has been wiped out. It’s like he never even existed. His cubicle mate—a horse like me—said he didn’t even remember the guy.

Fast forward to last Friday. A day after I find out about the mysterious vanishing guy, some guy in a suit (that’s what we call every old white man here) pulled me into an office as I was walking to my lunch break. He gripped me by the arm so tight that it’s still sore when I touch it. He very sternly asked me if I had been “talking to others.” I asked him what he meant. I naively asked if he meant had I sent out the secretary’s staff meeting agenda to community members. His face got blood red and he put his face in mine and said, “You know what I mean.” I felt like I was going to throw up from nerves. He told me to keep my mouth shut and to “watch out.” On Sunday, I was doing homework at a coffee shop and my laptop froze up and a screen appeared that I have never seen before. Then my pointer started moving by itself and it clicked on Google. I panicked and turned my computer off. I’m using my roommate’s computer for things. I lied and said mine is messed up.

The thing about all of this: I’m not sure if I’m being cyber-stalked or if I’m devolving into paranoia from the sheer stress of this experience. There are so many awful things I have witnessed. I don’t want to share them here, because I don’t know who sees this. Several interns I know have just straight up left and are replaced within a day. Everyone wants to be where I am. But no one really knows. And you know what? I feed into it. I run an account for future interns and constantly post about how great it is. When I FaceTime my friends back home, I gush about how amazing this is. But I want to die. I’m scared. I’m truly, truly scared about everything. I feel like I’m watched everywhere I go. No place feels safe and private to me.

I’m not the only one that feels this way, but none of us feel comfortable saying it out loud. Last night, one of my roommate’s jokingly said, “What if they’re spying on us right now?” We all laughed but for a split second there was a somber and sincere silence. What if they actually are? “They” who?

I just… don’t know. I don’t know. I want to go home.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
Rep. Jamie Raskin slams House GOPers for probing social media bias instead of Russia

:picard: Everything he said is EXACTLY what we need to focus on, but they have and will use the majority to distract and obstruct. We need an indisputable ACTION right now, the voters in this country fukkING SUCK. whatever anybody with real power can do, needs to do.


Oct 30, 2017

"I think Brennan is a very bad guy and if you look at it, a lot of things happened under his watch. I think he's a very bad person. I also think when you watch Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, when you watch all the things that have happened — Comey, you take a look at that and McCabe who has got some pretty big problems I assume, you look at the deception, the lies — these are people that in my opinion are truly bad people, and they're being exposed for what they are."
— President Donald Trump

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
Interesting post on reddit (probably lies though):

I really don’t even know how to start this out or what to even write. I guess, long story short, I’m an intern. I’m a college student currently. I’m in Washington, D.C. this summer interning in the White House. It’s a lucrative internship and I’m surrounded by literal thousands of other college students from across the country (world) who are doing the same thing as me.

I’ve recently decided that politics isn’t my life goal anymore, and I plan to change my major to Biology once school resumes this fall—but who am I to turn down an opportunity like this? I thought I could grin and bear it. Nope. Nope. Nope. Ab-so-fukking-lute-ly not.

I know things. Horrible, awful, incredibly horrific things about our government. About politics. About people. I know that if you read the news, you’re hardly surprised. I get that—but when you see it up close and right in your face every day, it’s disturbing. This is a throwaway account because I am legitimately afraid for my life. I’m not being dramatic. It’s currently 1:34 AM and I can’t sleep because I’m constantly anxious. In no way am I trying to be a whistleblower, but I am afraid. I just want to go home. I want to cry.

I live with five other White House interns. We all work for different congressmen. One of my intern friends works for a member of Congress that is connected with a foreign diplomat. She literally writes and creates his schedule with others. She found out some “classified” information by mistake, and she literally received an ominous threat from multiple figures. She said that she was followed by people for days. She’s losing her hair from stress. She doesn’t eat anymore. She’s dropped about 20 lbs in the last month alone.

I thought this was all horseshyt. But now it’s happening to me. I’m pretty introverted, so I just sit and do my job. I soak up information and don’t talk to a lot of people. The interns like me are called “horses,” stemming from the “workhorse” trope. Many senior congressmen will literally call out, “Hey, horsey!” as I walk through their quarters. It’s like a locker room. These men create—and sustain—our government.

Last week, I was copying some files for a secretary to another secretary that works with a congressman I’ve never met (but intern with). Some guy came up to me and started talking. I was nodding and tuning him out. I had my headphones in but no music was on. He told me that he’s being harassed (his word was “bothered”) by some guy that shared his office cubicle. He then proceeded to tell me that he heard some rumor about someone else having their computer hacked by the NSA or something. I laughed and he left. I didn’t think anything of it.

Two days later, that guy is gone. Office cubicle cleared out. His roommates said he never came home. His stuff is there. No one knows who his family is or where he even came from. His social media (according to others) has been wiped out. It’s like he never even existed. His cubicle mate—a horse like me—said he didn’t even remember the guy.

Fast forward to last Friday. A day after I find out about the mysterious vanishing guy, some guy in a suit (that’s what we call every old white man here) pulled me into an office as I was walking to my lunch break. He gripped me by the arm so tight that it’s still sore when I touch it. He very sternly asked me if I had been “talking to others.” I asked him what he meant. I naively asked if he meant had I sent out the secretary’s staff meeting agenda to community members. His face got blood red and he put his face in mine and said, “You know what I mean.” I felt like I was going to throw up from nerves. He told me to keep my mouth shut and to “watch out.” On Sunday, I was doing homework at a coffee shop and my laptop froze up and a screen appeared that I have never seen before. Then my pointer started moving by itself and it clicked on Google. I panicked and turned my computer off. I’m using my roommate’s computer for things. I lied and said mine is messed up.

The thing about all of this: I’m not sure if I’m being cyber-stalked or if I’m devolving into paranoia from the sheer stress of this experience. There are so many awful things I have witnessed. I don’t want to share them here, because I don’t know who sees this. Several interns I know have just straight up left and are replaced within a day. Everyone wants to be where I am. But no one really knows. And you know what? I feed into it. I run an account for future interns and constantly post about how great it is. When I FaceTime my friends back home, I gush about how amazing this is. But I want to die. I’m scared. I’m truly, truly scared about everything. I feel like I’m watched everywhere I go. No place feels safe and private to me.

I’m not the only one that feels this way, but none of us feel comfortable saying it out loud. Last night, one of my roommate’s jokingly said, “What if they’re spying on us right now?” We all laughed but for a split second there was a somber and sincere silence. What if they actually are? “They” who?

I just… don’t know. I don’t know. I want to go home.

shyt sounds like something straight out of an X-Files episode


Talk No Jutsu
Sep 30, 2014


As for latest developments in this fukked up saga, I'm somewhere in between shock and fear.