i can't go down the rabbit hole of learning wrestling jargon in order to gain insights into how and why things are happening.
keeping up with events is already impossible as it is without images of the Bushwackers strutting through my mind.
Here are the basics:
Heel = Bad guy
Face (or Babyface) = Good guy
Work = Fake, scripted situation played up as real
Shoot = Un-scripted situation
Sell = Act/react in a convincing way, i.e. "selling" a punch is reacting like you really got hit
No-sell = Refuse to react to opponent's attacks to look strong, i.e. what Hogan would do at the end of his matches
Heat = Negative reception, booing
Cheap heat = Doing things for a negative reception in an unimaginative way, like insulting a sports team
Pop = Positive reception, cheering
Cheap pop = Doing things for a positive reception in an unimaginative way, like praising a sports team
Stable = Group of associated wrestlers. Ex: Four Horsemen
Bump = hit the mat after taking a maneuver
Potato = accidentally land a real punch [sometimes intentionally]
Mark = Wrestling fan
Smart = Have knowledge or insight into how wrestling works behind the scenes
Smart Mark, or smark = Wrestling fan with knowledge or insight into how wrestling works behind the scenes, i.e. most of everyone in TSC
Over = Being accepted by fans/the audience
Put over = To make your opponent look strong in the ring
Buried/Burial = Make a wrestler look weak intentionally
Go home = End the match
Finisher = A wrestler's signature maneuver, usually either ends the match or marks a transition point in the match (i.e. Stone Cold Stunner)
Book = To set up/script a match, one who does booking is called a