May 21, 2012
If everything go like the feds want, Trump will be outta there by Memorial Day weekend. I know Sessions will be fired very shortly, and Trump Jr gonna do serious time, but Trump Sr literally has no one left to defend him.

Yeah my family friend, who just retired from the DC political scene, said they're going to get Trump out of the paint before year-end 2018


Adeptus Brehstartes
Aug 6, 2017



I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
I'm here to tell nikkas it ain't all swell
There's heaven, then there's hell, nikkas
One day you're cruisin' in your 7:takedat:
Next day you're sweatin', forgettin' your lies:mjcry:
Alibis ain't matchin' up, bullshyt catchin' up:shakingdamn:
Hit with the RICO, they repo your veh-i-cle:robertmuelllerumad:
Everything was all good just a week ago :wow:
'Bout to start bytchin', ain't you?:PaulieWalnutsManafort:
Ready to start snitchin', ain't you? :upsettrump:

I'll forgive your weak-ass: hustlin' just ain't you
Aside from the fast cars, honeys that shake they ass at bars
You know you wouldn't be involved
With the underworld dealers, carriers of MAC-millers
East Coast bodiers, West Coast cap-peelers
Little monkey nikkas turn gorillas
Stopped in the station, filled up on octane
And now they not sane and not playin', that goes without sayin'
Slayin' day in and day out
When money play in, then they play you out
Tryin' to escape my own mind, lurkin' the enemy
Representin' infinity with presidencies, you know?



I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Im not even playing when I say this, all of this should be a lesson to ANYONE running a crime/drug operation. The extent to which they can move on you was always known, but the way they are going about this is incredible. Anyone who has ever worked for the federal government, or in my case the department of defense as a military knows, NO SECRETS ever get fukking kept. Example, i served with 2 guys who did SF for area 51 and those guys are sworn to secrecy and one time this nikka broke down in anger during a game of madden 2003 and yelled "nikka ITS NOTHING BUT AIRPLANES AND BLACK DARPA PROJECT BRUH NO fukkING ALIENS" keep in mind, its a violation of clearence for him to even say that, but generally people dont really care unless its some real shyt you spilled. These guys havent leaked ANYTHING, i mean NOTHING, they dont leak unless they want to. I know Mueller gets all the credit, but hes got as someone put it, the Justice League/Avengers all at once with him as Judge Dredd leading the team. When i parodied the scene where Dredd shyts on MAMA in that movie by busting her down as a common criminal, i was sort of serious, the famous line "I AM THE LAW" is actually the truth, the feds move however they want. Usuaully its against our people, blacks..latinos, but this time, but the thing is, these feds arent the type that take on little street nikkas etc, these guys put rich CACs in prison, Mafia nikkas in prison, this is not a game for these dudes.

1. The feds move silently, once your case moves into their hands, unless you wanna be that standup nikka (big meech) cut the fukking deal, your entire family can have your assets taken, everything you built can be crushed. Look at OG Manafort, he moved sloppy but he also amassed millions and that shyt is gone and hes in so fukking deep, he may have fukked his entire kids, wife, cousins etc. For those saying hes a dead man walking if he talks, this nikka a dead man walking either way. As manafort found out, someone is gonna cut that deal if you dont, its not just you facing football numbers, its your family, your wife who is accused of conspiracy, your brother who hid some money at the house but didint do anything else.

2. They have your texts, they have your facebook messages, they have warrants in 20 places and they are waiting to move when they are ready. Yall think Donald Jr and Donald Sr dont already likely have warrants ready to go? Dont be shocked if trump tower gets that wolf of wallstreet treatment. Alot of nikkas in the dope game dont know or understand, the police usually got an eye on what youre doing they just choose not to touch you. Everyone knows where the spots are, where the trap houses are. For the president, i have no doubt new york feds knew what they knew, but they probably felt it wasnt the right time to move, but when the country and our democracy started to become at was time to move.

3. When I was 16 years old I had a girlfriend out in San Jose, her aunt was apparently moving dope, i was literally playing dreamcast when the feds busted the door open, guns pointed, they put me on the ground, my girl, my nikka eric, justin (we were playing power stone) and they just held us. The feds after about 10 minutes actually uncuffed us, her aunt wasnt there, but SHE WAS there a few minutes before and went to the store. I asked if i could please just go home and the agent basically told me to call my mom, i called her, and she took me and my girl to my house for the night, but on the way home, the feds had about a 5 block radius completely cordoned off, they also caught her, but at the house, they started taking EVERYTHING, notebooks, books, ANYTHING. And all she was was a middlewoman. My point in all this was that, she had no idea she was being watched, she wasnt even making that much money, but it didint matter, they wanted who she was moving for. She cut that deal and truthfully, nobody ever saw her again, she went into witness protection and literally dissapeared. My point in sharing this is, if the leader wont talk they will systematically take you down, your friends, your loyal "soldiers" that bytch you fukked etc.

4 its about time rich white men got their fukking due. The GOP been fukking people of color over for years, not that the democrats are much better but they at least pretend, but the GOP is a festival of a$$holes, to see them retiring, falling back, ho ass nikkas like paul ryan realizing they are fukked, seeing trump arms folded, no longer talking that tough shyt is glorious. fukk these people, fukk their families, they never gave a fukk when our people suffered, they dont care when the ICE raids broke up families who did nothing but work hard and try to make the american dream happen for their families. They didint care when drug laws, redlining, blockbusting, discrimination crushed our efforts to move up. For all their bullshyt dog whistling, segregation, southern strategy, this is their payback. They thought they could turn this into a GOP dictatorship, they thought they could use foreign help as long as they could maintain power. But what is power when someone else is pulling the strings? All of the sudden, they are the ones with power over you and your power is an illusion.

Trump honestly thought he was a godlike figure, but the problem is, anyone can be god in a universe no bigger than their own mind. Youre always going to have your loyalists, but are they willing to do that life sentence? that 6 count, 20 years a count sentence? No. These a$$holes are close to being finished.

Yall know i love politics since i call the majority report and troll them hilariously, but i take this shyt serious, im more of a commentary and insight person as opposed to anyone who can provide inside info im not a lawyer or a professor or anthitng, but i decided sometimes ill chime in with my thoughts, im a better talker and typer.

Camron promise a hot summer and 50 once said on "Im on some shyt" nikka ITS ALMOST AUGUST

Mueller is promising a hot summer, and is making winter and spring hotter than global warming. Just like he pursued the Viet Cong relentlessly, Trump is getting that Rico, its over for him.

5 Star post my G :Playedyourself:


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
@OfTheCross here go ya boy rick breh :what:

He's a dumbass fukkboy and most likely some new-money who thinks he's rich. Those are the types to fake like Rick Scott is a decent human being. Scott did so many things to screw the people of Florida that it's actually laughable that he believes he will win a Senate seat, but hey this FL after all.

I want Trump Jr and Kushner to get the heat now. Then, get to that cocky robot Ivanka

NY's #1 Draft Pick

Apr 30, 2012
He's a dumbass fukkboy and most likely some new-money who thinks he's rich. Those are the types to fake like Rick Scott is a decent human being. Scott did so many things to screw the people of Florida that it's actually laughable that he believes he will win a Senate seat, but hey this FL after all.

I want Trump Jr and Kushner to get the heat now. Then, get to that cocky robot Ivanka
:whoa: Na breh he’s the Miami homie. Just putting him on game about how much of a shythead Rick Scott is.