
Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
He already has that power and needs a distraction. Iran is about to get it while nk is smart enough to play nice with sk for the time being

He can't unilaterally declare war on Iran it won't fly. If it were that simple Bush II would have and there were real justifications at the time. The military isn't ready to tackle Iran and it would be an extremely difficult air campaign at best and a ground war is flat out impossible. Europe won't stand for it either. I'll admit Trump and the neocons would love to, it just isn't feasible on so many levels. I'd discuss it more but I'm tired and it's pointless.

NK again they would love to but so many people would die it's unimaginable.

The biggest threat I can imagine arising is China seizing Taiwan or other disputed territories and that's why we're so built up in the Pacific. I can see them loving pulling Trump's card too. That's the only all cards are off situation that will arise over the next few decades currently.

The US could try to pull Iran's card in Syria but Trump is in Russia's pocket so I can't see that happening unless Russia allows it.
Last edited:
Aug 16, 2017
Anonymous (ID: 1H3oT6+i)
03/23/18(Fri)19:11:36 No.165144904 [Reply]
The Omnibus is the final nail in the coffin for me, as of today, I can no longer support this traitor, and to those fukking retards is destroying the right wing movement by still blindly support this fukking traitor, fukk you!
15 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous (ID: BKBrvZFc) 03/23/18(Fri)19:29:09 No.165147061
Not a magapede fakkit, and I’m mad as hell at Trump right now, however shareblue is obviously trolling the fukk out of pol right now to gaslight the situation.

No more Trump support on /pol/ Anonymous (ID: Z3RHPQDz) 03/23/18(Fri)18:46:23 No.165141798 [Reply]
>>165147805 >>165147903
Trump showed his true colors today, shat all over his supporters, proved he was a liar on the campaign trail, tried appeasing the unappeasable Democrats, sold out, Made America Suck Again, made a Bush-era and architect of the Iraq War the national security advisor, and the wall, the "big beautiful wall," will not be built.
58 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous (ID: DsfH9E5T) 03/23/18(Fri)19:35:09 No.165147805
>>165141798 (OP)
WTF you don't want to fund walls for Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia? That's what I pay taxes for. Ours can wait. America First! wait

T_D is the enemy right now /pol/ Anonymous (ID: xGNLg4GY) 03/23/18(Fri)16:55:58 No.165128492 [Reply]
If you haven't noticed T_D is on damage control mode now that trump has revealed his true colours. They are trying desperately to defend him because they also work with the jews. Remember this valuable lesson the jews use subversion tactics and this happened to /pol/ however we can reclaim our board. If you see awoo or pepe then they are a T_D shill. We must fight /pol/ they are losing the war now that the tables have turned.
232 replies and 117 images omitted. Click here to view.




Laughing at you n*ggaz like “ha ha ha”
May 1, 2012
Of course the ATL
How Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Is Outfoxing Trump — POLITICO

How Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Is Outfoxing Trump
Michael Avenatti drives racecars and taunts the president’s attorneys on TV and Twitter. He wants you to know he’s single, too.

LOS ANGELES—On the day this week that he released a photograph of Stormy Daniels, his porn-star client, taking a polygraph, Michael Avenatti was pressed on CNN to explain the significance of a test that typically is inadmissible in court. “Does it help your legal case, actually?” Anderson Cooper asked.

Avenatti, a racecar-driving lawyer from California, met the question with a shrug. While it was unclear to Cooper, the audience in Stormy Daniels v. Donald J. Trump is sometimes not a judge or jury, but viewers at home.

“Well, I don’t know that it helps our legal case,” Avenatti said, appearing on a split screen beside the grainy, years-old image of Daniels. “But we want the public to have as many facts as possible at their disposal.”

Ever since Daniels sued President Donald Trump this month—claiming she had an intimate affair with him in 2006 and 2007 and that a nondisclosure agreement created before the 2016 election is invalid—Avenatti has tormented the administration with a steady drip of half-revelations about Daniels’ relationship with the president, usually with an appeal to tune in for his client’s 60 Minutes interview on Sunday to hear more. Late Thursday night, he tweeted an image of a DVD and hinted that it contained information damaging to the president. He wrote, “If ‘a picture is worth a thousand words,’ how many words is this worth?????” The first hashtag: #60minutes.

Elaborating on CNN the next day, Avenatti called the tweet a "warning shot," telling Wolf Blitzer the disc contained "evidence substantiating the relationship." He added, "If people think I'm bluffing, they should ask the opponents in countless cases I've had over the last 15 years if I'm generally a guy that bluffs."

Avenatti is as much as Daniels’ pitchman as her lawyer. And in the public relations war that he is waging, he has, in many ways, already won. In less than three weeks, Avenatti has transformed Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, from a tabloid curiosity into a sympathetic figure and cause célèbre. Her interview on 60 Minutes is so highly anticipated that a movie theater in Oakland proposed charging admission to a screening.

“He’s played a pretty good hand in terms of cat-and-mouse,” says John Burris, the civil rights attorney. “He’s put his client in a high-visibility position, and himself as well.”
Avenatti says Daniels came to him for representation, though he won’t say how. And he won’t say how he is being paid. In a telephone call, he rejected mundane questions about his personal life before volunteering, spontaneously, that he’s single.
“It seems to be a common question I’m getting these days,” he said. “It’s been very flattering.”

Lawyers who have opposed Avenatti describe him as a talented litigator who is aggressive, prickly and confrontational. In 2014, he reached an $80.5 million settlement with a Los Angeles cemetery over claims the company dumped human remains, including those of a baby, to make room for new burials. Last year, he capitalized on the Ebola scare to win a $454 million jury verdict against Kimberly-Clark Corp. — maker of Huggies diapers and Scott toilet paper — after raising questions about the safety of the company’s surgical gowns. It was the largest verdict in California last year.
Those cases were turned into 60 Minutes features, too. But it took Daniels to catapult him into stardom. On the day in March when he filed her lawsuit, Avenatti had about 500 Twitter followers, he says. Now he’s pushing 100,000.

Earlier this week, Sports Illustrated took a special interest in his racing career. Avenatti has competed at Le Mans, a 24-hour endurance event in France where his teammates included Saudi Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Saud. :ohhh:
But he’s a better lawyer than driver. “The last person you want to pick a fight with in court is an adrenaline junkie,” says George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, who knew Avenatti as a student and keeps in touch. “He does his best work under pressure. That’s always a dangerous type of opponent to have.”

Now 47, Avenatti attended high school in St. Louis and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, the first person in his family to earn a college degree. During college and at George Washington Law School, where he graduated at the top of his class in 2003, Avenatti worked at an opposition research group run by Rahm Emanuel, who would later become President Barack Obama’s chief of staff and is now mayor of Chicago. In recent days, Republicans have seized on the affiliation to suggest a political motive.
“We ended up doing work not just for Democrats but also for Republicans” at the firm, Avenatti says, adding that the last time he saw Emanuel was January 3, 2007.
He says he’s sure of the date because he checked his passport. They ran into each other at a Buenos Aires airport.
Avenatti said he is registered to vote as an independent. He last donated to a political candidate in 2007, when he gave $1,000 to former Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat.
“I’m not a Trump hater,” Avenatti says. “Some of the things he’s done, such as rolling back some regulations, have been helpful to the economy and job creation. I agree with some of his tax policies.”

On the Daniels case, Avenatti has proved unrelenting. He accused Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, of “thuggish behavior” on CNN this week, then pulled out an enormous picture of Cohen and appeared to challenge him to a Crossfire-style TV debate. “Where is this guy?” Avenatti said. :mjlol:

David Schwartz, a friend and representative of Cohen, scolded Avenatti, saying, “You’re gonna go down in flames.” Avenatti wagged his finger at Schwartz and asked, about Daniels, “Why not just let her talk? … Why is it so important to your friend and the president of the United States to keep this woman under wraps, to keep her under the thumb, to shut her up?”

Baiting the Trump administration to engage publicly in the controversy, Avenatti said on MSNBC this week, “To the extent that Mr. Cohen or the president have a counter-narrative or a different version of the facts, they should go on a show, have a press conference, they could have a White House briefing, they could do any number of things, and explain their version of events.”
“This is all about Mr. Avenatti. It’s not about his client. It’s about him and getting himself out there,” Schwartz says. “His court is not the court of law. It’s the court of public opinion. This is all about trying to use this against the president.”

Until last week, Avenatti’s main opposition in the Daniels case was Cohen, the president’s personal fix-it man who might have made Avenatti’s job easier by talking about the $130,000 payment he has said he made to Daniels from his personal funds as part of the nondisclosure agreement. But on March 16, Trump brought in a more formidable lawyer, Charles Harder, whose clients include Melania Trump and Hulk Hogan. Harder won a $140 million judgment that forced Gawker Media into bankruptcy for publishing a story that included a clip from a sex tape starring the professional wrestler.
“A face-off between Avenatti and Harder may be an example of the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object,” Turley says. “These are two very good attorneys who are known to be very aggressive.”
Harder and Cohen did not respond to requests for comment. Avenatti appeared unflappable.

“It is very rare that I draw an opponent who is not at the very top of the legal profession,” he said. “I would prefer to litigate against high-quality lawyers as opposed to low-quality lawyers.”
Asked if Cohen is a low-quality lawyer, the line fell silent. Ten seconds ticked by. Fifteen.
“I’m thinking,” he said. Then, finally: “No comment.”

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Cole Cash

They took a hammer and sickle to my back
May 1, 2012
Baltimore Maryland
From that Politico article on Michael Gawdvenatti taking on the lawyer who won the Hulkkk Hogan gawker case

"“It is very rare that I draw an opponent who is not at the very top of the legal profession,” he said. “I would prefer to litigate against high-quality lawyers as opposed to low-quality lawyers.”

Translation "Blades sharpen blades, anybody could get it, I prefer you send your best muthafukka because my shooters got shooters nikka"

He one of the top 3 individuals whom Trump dont wanna see. Actually top 4, the others being Auntie Maxine and her monthly Ethers of the president.

Adam Piff and his weekly booth freestyles

Ted Leiu and his daily mixtapes keepin his foot on the entire family's neck.

One thing unrelated to trump i remember maxine going hard on was The Black caucus not going hard enough on Obama and maxine saying something like "Yall dont wanna get at him cuz yall love the president" in other words "Yall love that nikka and on his dikk so much you forgetting he supposed to be going hard for our people". I fukks with Obama heavy but Maxine was not scared to get at that nikka and Obama, who unlike Camron respects his elders, knew better than to say shyt about it