
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Trump to Hire Lawyer Who Has Pushed Theory That Justice Dept. Framed the President
March 19, 2018

Joseph E. diGenova during a television interview in March 2016.C-Span
MANCHESTER, N.H. — President Trump has decided to hire the longtime Washington lawyer Joseph E. diGenova, who has pushed the theory on television that Mr. Trump was framed by F.B.I. and Justice Department officials, to bolster his legal team, according to three people told of the decision.

Mr. diGenova is not expected to take a lead role but will instead serve as a more aggressive player on the president’s legal team. Mr. Trump broke over the weekendfrom the longstanding advice of some of his lawyers that he refrain from directly attacking the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, a sign of his growing unease with the investigation.

The hire has not been announced, and Mr. Trump frequently changes his mind and sometimes adjusts his plans based on media coverage. It was not clear whether Mr. Trump planned to hire other lawyers.

Mr. diGenova has endorsed the notion that a secretive group of F.B.I. agents concocted the Russia investigation as a way to keep Mr. Trump from becoming president. “There was a brazen plot to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton and, if she didn’t win the election, to then frame Donald Trump with a falsely created crime,” he said on Fox News in January. He added, “Make no mistake about it: A group of F.B.I. and D.O.J. people were trying to frame Donald Trump of a falsely created crime.”

Little evidence has emerged to support that theory.

Mr. Trump’s legal team has been in tumult in recent weeks. On Saturday, Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, John Dowd, called on the Justice Department to end the special counsel investigation. Mr. Dowd said at the time that he was speaking for the president but later backtracked. According to two people briefed on the matter, he was in fact acting at the president’s urging to call for an end to the inquiry.

Earlier this month, Mr. Trump did not tell his lawyers that he was in discussions with another Washington lawyer, Emmet T. Flood, about representing him. Mr. Flood represented former President Bill Clinton during his impeachment proceedings.

Mr. diGenova did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Mr. diGenova is law partners with his wife, Victoria Toensing. Ms. Toensing has also represented Sam Clovis, the former Trump campaign co-chairman, and Erik Prince, the founder of the security contractor Blackwater and an informal adviser to Mr. Trump. Mr. Prince attended a meeting in January 2017 with a Russian investor in the Seychelles that the special counsel is investigating.

Mr. diGenova has worked in Washington legal circles for decades. He is a former Republican-appointed United States attorney for the District of Columbia. And he has served as an independent counsel in government waste, fraud and abuse investigations, notably a three-year criminal inquiry into whether officials in the George H.W. Bush administration broke any laws in their search for damaging information about then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton.

In 1995, Mr. diGenova declared the investigation he led was “unnecessary.” And, he said, “a Kafkaesque journey for a group of innocent Americans comes to an end.”

Maggie Haberman reported from Manchester, N.H., and Michael S. Schmidt from Washington. Matt Apuzzo and Eileen Sullivan contributed reporting from Washington.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Donald Trump Will Fire Robert Mueller, Pundits Predict After Monday Tweets

Get ready, they are preparing yall for the inevitable :francis:

You suppose to be the FEDS you know damn well Trump is pump fakin.. Fire Mueller now and watch his kids and son in law get indicted for money laundering and Fraud in New York State... can’t pardon those state crimes breh

Watch Trump hoe card get pulled,, these pundits putting the battery in his back.. I’m sure his dumb ass lawyers telling him if he fire Mueller his kids are dog food


I am not a cop, I promise
Aug 2, 2015
The police station, Stolen Elections
You suppose to be the FEDS you know damn well Trump is pump fakin.. Fire Mueller now and watch his kids and son in law get indicted for money laundering and Fraud in New York State... can’t pardon those state crimes breh

Watch Trump hoe card get pulled,, these pundits putting the battery in his back.. I’m sure his dumb ass lawyers telling him if he fire Mueller his kids are dog food
No doubt its gonna get messy, state charges will drag into the elections in Nov, dems flip congress and probably reinstate Muller...and then round 2

trouble is not going to go away for old Donny, no matter which way we slice it


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

This Time, Facebook Really Might Be fukked
Rhett Jones26 minutes ago

Photo: Getty
It’s becoming increasingly clear that Facebook has never faced a scandal like the one it’s currently fighting through. Revelations over the weekend about its reckless sharing of user data sent its stock price plunging on Monday, and fresh calls for regulations on the social media network are looking more real than ever.

In the last few days, multiple outlets broke various facets of the story: Facebook has known since 2015 that Cambridge Analytica, a data-mining company hired by President Trump’s election campaign, improperly obtained the personal data of 50 million of the network’s users—and the social giant failed to do much of anything about it. In a blog post on Friday, Facebook said it has suspended the accounts of Cambridge Analytica and its parent company, SCL, while it investigates their alleged failure to comply with an agreement to delete the ill-gotten data.

The particulars of this case are relatively complex, but the most important thing to understand is that Facebook collects an enormous amount of data about its users, and it lost control of that data. When it found out, it asked the bad actors responsible to promise they would delete the data. Now Facebook claims that Cambridge Analytica and SCL may have failed to fulfill that promise. And whatever you do, Facebook execs say, don’t call this a “breach.”

So after years of Facebook big shots telling us to just trust them when it comes to the ways it handles our data and targets us with advertising, a third-party allegedly violated Facebook’s trust. In the past, the company has met such scandals with a mixture of outright denials and promises to change, while mostly maintaining the status quo—and its bottom line just kept growing. On Monday, early market signs showed the dam could be breaking.

This morning, Reuters reported that Facebook’s stock fell more than 4 percent in premarket trading. That trend has continued thoughout the day, with the stock down about 6.42 percent at the time of writing. Ripple effects spread to the Dow and Nasdaq as well. And analysts are warning investors to stay away from buying the dip right now. According to Reuters:

One Wall Street analyst said the reports raised ‘systemic problems’ with Facebook’s business model and a number said it could spur far deeper regulatory scrutiny of the platform...

‘We think this episode is another indication of systemic problems at Facebook,’ said Brian Wieser, analyst at New York-based brokerage Pivotal Research Group, which already has a ‘sell’ rating on a stock that rose 60 percent last year.

Wieser argued that regulatory risks for the company would intensify and enhanced use of data in advertising would be at greater risk than before.

He added, however, that it was unlikely to have a meaningful impact on the company’s business for now, with advertisers unlikely to ‘suddenly change the trajectory of their spending growth on the platform.’

It’s true that Facebook has previously weathered similar storms by either outright denying any issues exist or promising to just keep tweaking that algorithm and rolling out new terms of service. But this time feels a bit different.

Lawmakers around the world have vocally called for regulations, hearings, and investigations into this incident over the last few days and more continue to chime in. New Jersey Rep. Frank Pallone insistedon Monday that “the Energy and Commerce Committee must hold hearings soon.” That follows Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobucher’s demand that Mark Zuckerberg appear to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden grilling him with questions.

On top of that, experts say that this case could easily be determined as a violation of the FTC’s consent decree that resolved a previous privacy the case in 2011. If FTC investigators decided to throw the book at Facebook, they could potentially levy “trillions of dollars” worth of fines against the company.

British Prime Minister Theresa May released a statement on Monday expressing her concerns about the story, and British Parliament member Damian Collins went further, saying, “Someone has to take responsibility for this. It’s time for Mark Zuckerberg to stop hiding behind his Facebook page.”

In the past, Zuckerberg has typically addressed controversies with long essays on his personal Facebook page and promises to do better. But so far, the CEO has been quiet about this particular controversy. We’ve reached out to Facebook to ask if it has a timeframe for when Zuckerberg plans to address this incident personally and we’ll update this post when we receive a reply.

Facebook’s growth and revenue have consistently gone up over the years, but in late January the company reported that people were spending less time on the platform and it experienced its first-ever decline in daily users. As awareness grows about this incident, public wariness of Facebook is certain to increase. After all, how many other “non-breaches” have occurred just like this one?

But its lawmakers, above all, that Facebook and its investors need to fear. Protracted investigations and hearings could have a chilling effect on the company’s stock as uncertainty grows. It will likely be alone in any fights against Washington as the tech industry looks for a sacrificial lamb to offer up in penance for its sins. And politicians around the globe are dealing with populist uprisings fueled by outside actors agitating through Facebook—in other words, they have an ax to grind.

All of the mega-corporations of tech have misdeeds to account for, but Facebook is relatively unique in the ways that its platform has been used, and the extremely personal information it collects.

Christopher Wylie, the Cambridge Analytics employee who blew the whistle on this case, claimed in an interview with The Guardian that he “made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool.” While Wylie may have made the tool, it seems more and more clear that Mark Zuckerberg provided the steel, the forge, and the target.

[Reuters, Bloomberg]