Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016

@The Black Panther Da'Emails strike again

Whats crazy about this, is that this is about Hillary's emails :laff:


FBI disciplinary office recommends firing former deputy director Andrew McCabe

FBI disciplinary office recommends firing former deputy director Andrew McCabe

E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E M A I L S :shaqyes:
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Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
Who is recommending he be fired?
They claim an internal IG review but that doesn't make a lot of sense. On top of that, we have an internal review that concludes McCabe essentially improperly leaked information to a reporter while, wait for it, this situation itself is being leaked.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Interesting read. The article examines Mueller's rationale of indicting the 13 Russian operatives in the investigation.

Long story short, the statute he used to indict them could be like a RICO charge on steroids (my observation).
Anyone who conspired to help further the goals of these Russians--say, by passing around stolen emails and voter data, or intentionally obscuring the Russian origin of IRA actions, could be affected :mjgrin:

About That Russia Indictment: Robert Mueller's Legal Theory and Where It Takes Him Next


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Trump is going to deliver on the f*ckery front


“Trump Wants Them Out”: After Axing Tillerson, Trump Eyes Sessions
“Trump Wants Them Out of There”: After Swinging the Axe at Tillerson, Trump Mulls What to Do with McMaster, Sessions, Jared, and Ivanka
With tariffs done, Trump’s sights are now on the Iran deal—and, possibly, the Russia investigation. “The president is finally realizing he is the president,” a former White House official told me. “He’s just making these decisions on his own.”:shakingdamn:
Gabriel ShermanMarch 14, 2018 2:33 pm
White House

Next on the chopping block: John Kelly, H.R. McMaster, and Jeff Sessions.

From left, by Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg/Getty Images, by Zach Gibson/Bloomberg/Getty Images, by Alex Wong/Getty Images.

From the moment Donald Trump appointed Chief of Staff John Kelly last summer, he vented to friends and advisers that Kelly was too overbearing, preventing him from acting on his instincts and impulses, the things that got him elected president. To truly be himself, Trump turned to Twitter and Fox & Friends. But over the past week, even though Kelly is still nominally on the scene, his presidency has entered a new phase—one in which Trump feels emboldened to throw off the shackles that have thus far constrained him.

In the span of a few days, Trump launched a global trade war by imposing new steel and aluminum tariffs; stunned the world by making a snap decision to sit down with Kim Jong Un at a nuclear summit this spring; fired his long-suffering secretary of state, Rex Tillerson; and appointed notorious supply-sider Larry Kudlow. “The president is finally realizing he is the president,” a former White House official told me. “He’s just making these decisions on his own.”:shakingdamn:

Speaking to reporters shortly after tweeting that he had replaced Tillerson at Foggy Bottom with hardline C.I.A. Director Mike Pompeo, Trump indicatedhe would soon move against his remaining antagonists, many of whom he appointed with glee, in the executive branch. “I’m really at a point where we’re getting very close to having the Cabinet and other things that I want,” he said.

Some of what’s driving Trump is a desire to surround himself with loyalists. But there are also high-stakes policy implications to Trump’s uninhibited management style. Sources said Trump fired Tillerson partly because Tillerson opposed Trump’s oft-stated desire to scuttle the Iran nuclear deal—Trump even mentioned their disagreement when speaking to the press. And three sources told me that the next official likely to go is National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, who, like Tillerson, had advocated for remaining in the deal.

Last Tuesday, Trump met with ultra-hawkish former U.N. ambassador John Bolton in the Oval Office to discuss a potential job offer. Bolton has for years argued that the United States should pre-emptively attack Tehran. In 2015, he wrote a New York Times op-ed headlined, “To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran,” and last month, he wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed outlining the legal case for a pre-emptive strike against North Korea.

According to a person who spoke with Bolton after the meeting, Bolton recalled that Trump said he wanted him to join the administration: “We need you in here, John.” Bolton responded that there were only two jobs he’d consider: secretary of state and national security adviser. Trump said, “O.K, I’ll call you really soon.” Sources added that Trump spent much of the time with Bolton fuming that McMaster was speaking privately with Barack Obama’s former national security adviser Susan Rice. “Trump kept saying, ‘Can you believe it? To Susan Rice? Can you believe it?’”

Perhaps most consequential for Robert Mueller’s investigation, sources said Trump has discussed a plan to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions. According to two Republicans in regular contact with the White House, there have been talks that Trump could replace Sessions with E.P.A. Administrator Scott Pruitt, who would not be recused from overseeing the Russia probe. Also, as an agency head and former state attorney general, Pruitt would presumably have a good shot at passing a Senate confirmation hearing.

Then there is the question of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s futures. Trump has told people for months that he wants them to go back to New York. “Trump wants them out of there. He thinks they’ve been getting hit too hard,” a friend of the president said. But Javanka are digging in, sources said. “They’ve damaged us so much already. What else can they say about us?” Kushner recently said, according to a person who spoke with him. “And if we go back to New York, they’ll keep attacking. So what do we have to lose?” In recent days, the couple have argued for their continued relevance by cooperating with pieces in The New York Times and The Washington Post.Sources said that if Kelly is forced out, Jared and Ivanka will fight to stay on.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

Note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that Pruitt would not have to undergo a Senate confirmation hearing.

Gabriel ShermanGabriel Sherman is a special correspondent for Vanity Fair.Most recently, Sherman served as national-affairs editor at New York magazine, and he is a regular contributor to NBC News and MSNBC.

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